Im the only life support you need

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"What are you saying, Gerard? That we need to take a break?" I stood looking at the man I had loved, the man I had trusted for forty years. I couldn't even believe I was suggesting a break, we had been married for thirty six years for gods sake. We had grown old together and lived life together. We had been glued to each other's side since we met on my thirtieth birthday.

"I- I don't know. Maybe? Maybe we've just been together too long, Frankie" Too long? Too long? I had never thought I would hear that from him. Lately we had been fighting so much, snapping at each other's necks every chance we got. This was just the tip of the iceberg, though. Gerard had gone out to a casino with a few old work buddies and not come back for two days. The thing was, was I couldn't get a hold of him for the entire thing. He just told me he needed a break from me. And it was true. But he didn't need me to worry about him over it.

"So that's it? After all this time? Your just gonna give up? Nothing. I'm not worth it? Gods sake, Gerard. We're too old to be doing this to each other..."

"I know Frank but, maybe I want to live the rest of my days happy." That stung. That hurt a lot. Having the once thought to be love of your life tell you you made them unhappy. Honestly, it should've hurt more but lately I had been feeling the same way.

"Get your things. Go to visit Mikey in the hospital, go stay with Bee, I don't care. Just get out." I said harshly.

"Fine." he started up his power scooter and made his way toward the bedroom. He had a hard time walking, ever since he had to get knee surgery. It was tough on him, so he went everywhere in a scooter that reached up to ten miles an hour. The grand kids called him Professor X, especially after he lost the last of his hair.

I held back the tears and I turned and sat at the table. Bones cracked and I sat, causing an unnecessary amount of grunts come out.

Was this all my fault? Had I just gotten too old, too needy, too dependent on Gerard? Had we become too dependent on each other? Was this the end? Was he going to leave me for a young piece of ass that could ride him in his chair like I couldn't? So many thoughts raced in my mind. I'm pretty sure I had blacked out before hearing the front door close, I'm sure he had tried to slam it but it was kinda difficult for him.

That was it. That's the end of Gerard and I.


"Dad, you have to get back together with Daddy." I was talking to Bee over the phone, her trying to convince me to take back her father again. It had been three months for gods sake, he obviously wasn't coming back. I had heard he had lived with Bee for a while before going to stay at Steve's. I didn't understand why he was at Steve's anyhow, the fat bastard couldn't even get up.

"No, Bandit. Not until your father apologizes. Plus, I don't even know if I want him back."

"So that's it? Your just getting a divorce after thirty six years? Your a seventy year old man dad, you don't need this kind of stress. Plus, you know my kids are asking what's going on, why grandpas are splitting up."

"Tell them what they need to hear. And the decisions isn't fully on me, ya know. It's also Gerard's."

"Yes, Dad. But it's also yours. It's just as much as his as it is yours. Try. Try to get him back. I don't know, declare your love of something. Buy him a new life alert system I don't know. Just... don't let it go so easily." I sat there for a long moment. She was right, she usually was.

"Fine. I'll try. But don't blame it on me if he doesn't take me back."

"Well if you do a good enough job I won't need to blame anyone."

Frank and Gerard one shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now