-writer #92

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Frank and Gerard had a thing for kinks. It all started when they had to go see a couples therapist cause their sex life was kind of on the lacking side. She had suggested trying new stuff and one thing led to another and... well now they had a sex swing.

They had tried everything from daddy to Star Trek roll playing, even forniphobia once, but they don't really like to talk about that incident. Soon, they were running out of fetishes and their continuous spark to try new things was still violently sparking. They were fucking like rabbits lately and well... They wanted something new. Don't get them wrong, the sex was amazing especially after they went and talked to the therapist.

One night Gerard was online, somewhere he didn't really want to be at an hour like this. He should have been in bed but it was difficult having to sleep on wednesdays, the days Frank had the night shift. He started out on tumblr he swears by it, but one thing led to another and now he was looking for new kinks to try out. He was mindlessly reading off a list of recommendations.

"Spock and Kirk, done that. Oculolinctus, ehhhh never again. Schoolgirl and teacher, can't do that my skirt got ripped. Public sex, yeah okay that never gets old. Klismaphilia.. gross. Tried that with milk... nope. Not happening again."

At the bottom of the list was a word Gerard had never heard of. Urolagnia. Gerard clicked on the link, interested.

Sexual stimulation gained from acts involving urine, such as watching people urinate or being urinated on.

Gerard thought about it for a second than immediately decided that peeing on Frank (or getting peed on by Frank) was definitely not something that turned him on. Pee belonged in the toilet or on trees. Gerard quickly shut down the computer and went to bed, not at all clearing his history.

When Frank got home it was three in the morning. He was tired and ready to go to bed and honestly just crawl up beside to Gerard for hours apon hours, but Gerard had to go to work in the morning while Frank got a day off. So unfair. When Frank got to the bedroom he saw Gerard curled up in a ball tugging both Sweat Pea and a blanket close to himself. The laptop was on Franks side if the bed, closed but no shut down. Frank huffed and reached for it. If it wasn't shut down than the red light would beep all night and annoy the shit out of him.

When he opened it he saw that Gerard had a few tabs open. Mostly consisting of new kinks and Facebook. Frank grinned to himself knowing Gerard was planning something new. Something told him to wait, to let Gerard pull out the new enjoyment at any givin time. It was fun being surprised with new kinks, but Frank was too eager. They hadn't had a new one in a while and he had to know. He opened up the last tab and quickly read the description, making his face pale and body stop moving.

Gerard had wanted to be peed on. Frank couldn't believe it. He was actually into that. It just seamed sticky and unnecessary to him.

That night he couldn't sleep. He just kept looking over at Gerard and imagined himself pissing on the poor guy. He didn't like it. He didn't want to release urine on another human being, let alone Gerard. They had done some pretty weird stuff, but they both knew there was a hand full of things they wouldn't even think about. Frank just had thought that this would've been in that handful. Apparently not to Gerard.

When Gerard woke in the morning he kissed a sleeping Frank on the forehead and left for work, not thinking much about last night. The day went smoothly for him except for every single time he went to the bathroom he kept I turning the urinal as Frank, and it basically gave him the chills.

Frank, however, was not so calm. It was true that he also pictured the toilet as Gerard. At first it was terrible and Frank would have to quickly try and change his mind. But at the end of the day he slowly got occurs toned to the thought. Maybe he could do this, maybe he could pee on Gerard without it being weird. He did his research and watched an unhealthy amount of videos. By the end if the session, he was ready.

Frank and Gerard one shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now