I fell into a burning ring of authors notes

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Hey, sorry for the amount of authors notes but I just feel like I need to post this on this story as well. I posted this note on Erase, but I wanted to post it here as well because this means a lot to me.

In a chapter I just posted for that, Gerard gets pressured into sex and if you read the last update on my one shots, Frank got pressured into sex as well. I just enacted to take a moment to talk about this.

This chapter basically reflects how a lot my friends ended up having sex for the first time. Do not let a man do this to you. Or a women. Or anyone. Do not let anyone pressure you into situations like this that you are not comfortable of!

Personal point: considering I'm pretty anonymous right now and none of you know me personally, I want to just say something about that chapter cause it was very personal for me. My first time having sex was not by choice. My first time that I ever did anything was not because I wanted to, and I think that's why I enjoy writing smut so much. I can make it whatever I want and I can control things. I have the ability to show people what certain situations are like. In that chapter Gerard gets persuaded into sex, and I want you guys to never let anyone persuade you into anything. No matter how small the action.

My first time, I was forced into it and afterward the guy fell asleep on top of me. I still have terrible nightmares and have had a lot of trouble in dealing with it.

My second time, was with a boyfriend I had been dating for a year and I still wasn't ready for anything yet cause I was terrified. Basically, I was put in a situation a bit harsher than Gerard's and broke up with the guy cause it was so terrible.

NEVER pressure anyone into anything and NEVER let anyone pressure you into anything. You have THE RIGHT as a HUMAN to decide when(if) you ever want to do anything sexual. And make it beautiful and make it count cause no matter what, you deserve that.

I was thinking about writing out my problems in dealing with this sort of thing on here. Would anyone read that? I feel like I have a lot of helpful advise for others who have had been put in the same situations I have (being sexual harassment and child abuse). I don't like to talk about it and a lot of the time people think I'm trying for attention. If so, I'm sorry you feel that way but this is serious. But I would love to talk about it if you guys would like to hear my story.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need anyone to talk to. I know more than you may think.

Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day.


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