Benefitial Blackmail

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It was fucking hot and I was too fucking short for this. The sun was beaming down at nearly ninety three degrees and not a single cloud could be seen in the sky. I was currently missing winter, that way I wasn't sweating too hard. Summer was always too hot, but that meant I didn't have to attend college. I had drove home for the summer and gotten a job at Pizza Hut during nights.

The drive from college to home had been a long one. A dirty one too. My once white car had now acquired a musty brown glow to it. Not that I minded too much, but my mother had said otherwise on her way to work this morning. That's what had me ended up here. Standing out front with a power hose, a bowl of soapy water, and a dirty wash rag in my hand.

I looked over from my truck toward the man who was walking closer to me. I sent a friendly smile right off the bat, it was out of habit.

My neighbor, Mr. Way, was a divorcee with a daughter a few years older than me. If I had to guess, he was probably around 45 years old. His hair had started showing a hint of grey in recent years while his eyes gathered a few more lines. Even so, he wasn't an ugly man by far. There were plenty of ugly forty-something-year-olds who looked like their life had gone to hell. Mr. Way wasn't there yet, or maybe he never would get there. He had lived beside me ever since I could remember while him and my father had gone to the same college back in the day. I guess he must have been a hit with the ladies, because I was always seeing women coming and going from his house. The window to my bedroom faced his house so I could hear him and his guests coming in late at night on the weekends.

"Hey Frankie", Mr. Way says. "Giving the ride a bath huh?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Way" I reply.

We make small talk for a few minutes. I continue to wash the truck talking back. I was a small boy, standing 5'7. So when I get to the roof of the truck I have to get on my tip toes or a bucket to make sure it gets clean. With my bucket not near me, I struggled to reach the middle of the roof. Seeing my struggling, Mr. Way gets up. "Let me help you with that".

Before I can say anything he is right behind me taking the sponge. It's kind of a weird position we are in. I'm somewhat pinned between him and my truck. Not to mention I'm completely shirtless, which adds to the awkwardness. He leaned forward to get the center of the roof, putting a little pressure against the back of my body, and that's the first time I felt it. Right away, I knew what it was pressing up against my right cheek. It felt big, bigger than mine. I wasn't the only one wearing thin shorts that day, so I was able to feel it rub back and forth as he worked the roof of the truck.

At first I was somewhat confused, never having experienced anything like this before. I had always liked women, and they me. But something about feeling Mr. Way's dick up against me struck some sort of curiosity switch in my brain. As he reached for the far end, he put his hand on the small of my back to get better leverage. When I saw him make his final reach for the far side of the roof, I had no idea what happened. My body acted before I had a chance to think anything. I 'discretely' pushed my body back into the crouch at the same time as he was pushing forward, pushing his dick up against me in a less discrete manor.

Mr. Way backed away and handed me the sponge, smiling. "There ya go, Frank."

Grinning back, I mustered out a thank you. My face turns a little red with the thought of the act I just committed. That or I sincerely hopped it was due to the heat of the dry sun.

"I saw your parents head out this morning. Another shopping trip at the beach today?" Mr. Way asked me.

"Yes sir. Said they'd be gone until tonight at least."

"Your parents, I tell ya." He replied, still grinning. "Well, if there is anything else you need help with, give me a shout" he says as he begins to talk back home.

Frank and Gerard one shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now