Next best thing

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Dan sat scrolling through tumblr, sighing in boredom. He was tired of seeing posts about Beyoncé, it just made him angry that he couldn't be as fabulous as her. He was about to shut down his computer when he saw a picture of a familiar patch of night red hair on the screen. Gerard Way, some could say he was Dan's first love. He had been a fan of MCR since the beginning, jamming out to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge as a preteen. He had first seen Gerard on MTV, pimped out in emo gear. Ever since then he had an undying love for Gerard, trying to be just as cool and just as emo.

He sighed and stared at the picture. He had been waiting for this phase to blow over, but it never had. He was full on 10,000% in love with Gerard Way. Reading never ending fanfictions, adding pictures to his shrine, and stalking his twitter account.

"Hey Dan?" He heard Phil call. Quickly, Dan shit the laptop and looked over at Phil standing in the doorway.

"Woah man, chill. What were you doing there?" Phil chuckled, hands placed on his hips.

"Nothing!" Dan defended. Phil just looked at him blankly for a moment before responding.

"Were you looking at Gerard Way's picture again?" He accused. There had been countless times he had seen Dan staring off into space, just looking at the emo star. He had even found a pillow with his face attached to his under Dan's bed. He shuttered at the thought and looked over at Dan again.


Phil rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He changed his mood to perky again, excited for the news he had originally wanted to tell Dan. "Guess who we are interviewing at Reading festival next weekend?"


"You're never gonna know cause I'm not gonna tell you!" Phil laughed and ran out of Dans room, leaving Dan to roll his eyes. It was probably just Pete Wentz again, god he hated that asshole. Yet, he loved him.

Dan just shrugged and and continued to scroll on tumblr.


Gerard sat in his bunk, on his phone. Everyone by now was sleeping but he couldn't bring himself to close his eyes, he had discovered an internet icon fans kept sending him links to. Finally, he had watched one and found it pretty hilarious. He had seen so many Danisnotonfire videos now. At hour three of watching, he had started to feel giddy. This internet icon had mentioned Gerard Way himself several times, making him feel special.

It's wasn't unlikely that this Dan was a MCR fan, but the fact that he was famous, hot, and British gave Gerard butterfly's. He had heard that him and his (assumed to be) gay partner Phil Lester were going to be at Reading and Leads, doing interviews. Gerard thought about meeting Dan, how it would go down. He imagined the scenario so many times, each time with Dan getting excited and falling for Gerard right away.

Gerard had a plan. He was going to seduce Dan Howell.


"Are you ready to meet him!" Phil bounced. They were sitting under a tent, trying to get the sun not to touch their skin. God they weren't whores looking for some attention from that D. That vitamin D. Dan had asked millions of times by now who it was they were interviewing, but Phil refused to answer. Dan had just got done setting up the camera and chairs, now they were just waiting for this mystery guest to arrive.

"I guess" Dan sighed.

Right at that moment, Dan looked up. And he couldn't belive what he saw.

"Is that Gerard way? Why is he bald!!" Dan started to freak out. Not only had he seen his idol right before his very eyes, but he had shaved his hair off. ".... And why is he taller?"

Frank and Gerard one shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now