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I promise this to be the last authors note for a while!!!

I just wanted to ask you to please go check out my new stories that I'm working on.

The first one is a frerard fic. It's called Erase. Basically, Gerard is a transwomen and Frank is a mysterious weirdo. It's better than it sounds (I hope). Please go check it out! If you do,you'll get a prize!

Before you blackmail me, the prize is my love. And that's pretty great.

The second story is basically just my ramblings and I talk about whatever the hell I want to talk about. Idk, I saw a lot of people were doing it and I thought it would be a good way to get out some steam and see if I'm a complete weirdo or see if there are others that have the same thoughts as I do. It's called the ramblings of a stereotypical depressed teenager. you don't have to read that shit if you don't want, but it would mean a lot.

Anyways, I sincerely hope you guys are having a good summer and I hope your falling in love and being crazy and I hope you are having a good day cause you deserve it!

Thanks so much,


Frank and Gerard one shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now