Cockaroni Pizza

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Frank was notorious for this, it was just something he did. He'd come back to the the pizza parlor and tell hero stories of what happened at the sorority house and why it took him so long. By now, whenever one of the sororities call up and ordered a pizza Bob(the manager) knew to send Frank. Not only was it good for business, but good for tips.

Frank wasn't all that surprised when he had come back from a run to find one of the sororities had (once again) ordered pizza. What surprised him most, was that this time it was only for one simple cheese pizza. Usually there were boxes and boxes, enough to feed the eighty girls in there. But Frank took the pizza to his car anyways, smirking slightly to himself.

Frank sat himself in his old car and set the pizza in his lap, grabbing a pocket knife he kept in his glovebox for occasions like this. He pulled open to the pizza and the smell of greasy cheese filled his nose and immediately hit his stomach, causing a growl to erupt. Now was not the time to be hungry. When he pulled the knife out he looked down to see that there was already a hole in the middle.

Frank smirked.

Bob knew him so well.

Frank quickly closed the pizza and set it aside, starting up his car and heading toward the sorority.


Gerard huffed and flipped through the channels after setting his beer on the couch beside him and beside a few more that he stored up for the night. There was nothing good on tv this hour. He had hoped that there would at least be a horror movie marathon but all he found was stupid romantic comedies from the early nineties... Not that he was complaining though.

Gerard had taken his weekend off to drive up and visit Michele, his sister, who had left him for a stupid frat party. She had invited Gerard along with the promise of boose and lots of 'hot guys' but Gerard knew better. It would be filled with plenty of heterosexual people twerking to new age pop music. That just wasn't what he wanted. So Michele had left him there even after he wined and begged her not to leave him alone in the big empty house. She just shrugged and popped her gum saying 'order pizza or something'.

So Gerard had, after huffing to himself and drawing a rather amusing picture of his sister picking her nose. He knew it was childish, but his sister was being quite teen-ish. So there.

The doorbell rang and Gerard forced himself off the couch with a thrust. It was probably just a girl that had forgotten her key or something. He paddled to the door and unlocked it, pulling the rather large door open. He was shocked when he say the pizza guy already standing there with a goofy smirk on his face. The guy was short and kinda punky. He had a red work shirt with the name Frank across the name tag.

Frank's face faltered for a second, unsure why a man had opened the door. Maybe... maybe he was at the wrong place? When he looked at the house numbers he knew this was the right house. Behind the boy the house seemed calm, not at all like how it usually was.

"Oh! I didn't expect you here so fast." Gerard giggles and pats his pockets. He hadn't gotten the money ready. He checked his pockets again and decided he had left his wallet upstairs with his sisters things.

"Shit- uh. Hold on. God. I have to go find my wallet" Gerard almost closed the door before it snapped in his brain- it was fucking cold. Like middle of fucking December cold. Gerard quickly reopened the door all the way. "Do you wanna come in while I get the money, I know it's cold out."

Frank was taken aback. This guy had really called for what Frank was known for. Frank stood still- nearly frozen in time. He- he had never. He had never done this with a guy before. Several girls at a time, yes. But never a guy. He thought for a second. The guy was awfully pretty. He seamed womanly, a few curves. They didn't have to do much. Plus, Frank was already hard.

Frank and Gerard one shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now