Just Another Teen Love Story

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Darek Zanetti was like a lap dog that Frank Iero dragged round. He was practically an arm attachment, basically just another tattoo that he had sorted on his bicep. Well, that's how Gerard Way saw it.

There's a lot of events that lead up to the night of October twenty-ninth. Some could say it all started on a hot July night twenty three years ago when Gerard was consumed or that it all started when he entered kindergarten a mere six years later. This was the year that Gerard had met Frank, an energetic and rowdy child full of life and mischief. Frank took special interest in the chubby kid that didn't really know how to make friends. That's when the special friendship started. It grew with age as the boys did and soon Frank had calmed down while Gerard had learned to stand up for himself.

The two were inseparable. They did everything together. While they both found of their rising homosexual activity they would chain smoke and talk about it, though it was difficult to talk about for both of them. This had sparked the hope in Gerard that one day that rowdy kid he had met in kindergarten would grow to love Gerard as more than simply his terribly awkward best friend. But as Gerard watched, he saw that Frank took no special interest in him but instead the new kid that moved from Pensilvania.

Derek was adorable. Just plain irresistible. Frank started hanging out with Derek, going to parties, having movie nights, and playing music at local bars. Frank tried to invite Gerard once or twice, but him and Derek just had nothing common. It was all too weird. So eventually when Frank would invite Gerard along he would reject and finally Frank just stopped inviting him altogether. The best friends were slipping apart and Frank barely noticed due to his distraction while Gerard slowly began to crumple.

That's when Frank fell from Gerard's grasp. Every time they hung out Frank was off in his own world texting Derek or rambling off about some party they had gone to that Gerard hadn't been invited too. It was toucher for Gerard, watching the man he loved talk about someone else that way and having Frank complete disregard Gerard's feelings. The entire time Frank stared off in a love sick daze while Gerard just looked at him with puppy eyes, begging Frank to notice him and understand. But of corse Frank hadn't.

It was the last dot of school party before they officially got ready and headed off for college. Friends would see each other through the summer, text less and less and eventually fall apart. Gerard knew that. He lived Frank and didn't want to see that happen. He had already let Derek take Frankie's heart, he wasn't going to let him destroy their friendship.

The party was a costume party -of corse- due to it being at Pete Wentz's house and c'mon, he wasn't gonna pass up a costume party.

Gerard stood in front of the mirror, pressing the headband into his hair. His black hair was pulled back and hairsprayed perfectly up. The costume was tight around his waist and the shoes digging into heel. It really should of hurt more, but Gerard found himself walking in high heels a lot. It was weird, but it made he in feel pretty. He sighed and leaned close into the mirror closely, studying his face for any mishaps on his make up.

"Oh, honey. You look so pretty" Gerard looked to see his mother standing there grinning and holding a camera. "I can't believe it. First you graduate and now your off to show the world that you look better with makeup on than your own mother. My little boys all grown up!"

"Mooom" Gerard rolled his eyes and tried to surpass a blush.

"Oh hush. Franks gonna love it." she smiled and brought the camera up to her face. "Now smile god dammit!"

Gerard rolled his eyes before grinning wide in a fake smile. He hated getting his picture taken and was pretty sure Mikey would use this against him at the worst times possible. But if his mom didn't get a picture than she would get all huffy about it and make him get all redressed another day.

Frank and Gerard one shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now