Straight Up

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"Payton have you seen my phone?" Daniel asks. "You mean this?" Payton pulls out Daniels phone. "'s Wednesday already???" Daniel looks around. "Yes silly! Meaning our songs are up and we are performing them tonight." Payton says putting Daniels phone away. "Ugh!!!!!!!!!" Daniel whines. "Don't worry Danny! You'll get back, after I perform." Payton says. "By the way, I like your song choice." Payton smiles and kisses Daniel. "You did amazing!" Payton looks at Daniel. "Thanks." Daniel smiles. "Just out of curiosity...who's it's about?" Payton cheekily asks. "I don't know, some random girl who never will love me." Daniel jokes. Payton rolls her eyes and throws a pillow at Daniel. "I'm kidding! It's about my one and only!" Daniel stands up and hugs Payton. "You ready for tonight?" Payton asks. "Yep! Because I wanna see what you are singing!!!" Daniel whines. Payton laughs and kisses Daniel and they head to the stage.
Maddie and Payton and Adanna were in their dressing rooms getting ready. "Hey Twizzler!" Daniel walks in. "Hey Danny!" Payton smiles at him. "Aww Danny! You look so cute!" Payton smiles. "Thanks! You look great too! Just came in to tell you guys good luck and that we go on 10 minutes." Daniel says. "Cool thanks Daniel!!" Maddie smiles and Daniel leaves. "Wow Maddie you look so pretty! And Adanna you look like a rock star." Payton says. "Thank you!" They both say. "You look so 80's with your hair and your outfit, I just love it!" Maddie says. "Thank you!" Payton smiles. "Guys! You reddy?" Jax and Joey walk in. "Yep sure are!" Payton looks at them. "Woah!!! You guys look...woah!" Payton says staring at their outfits. "What?" Joey asks. "Your styles." Payton says frozen. "Why? What's wrong with it?" Jax asks. "Nothing at all!!! You two look.....oh my gosh I'm jealous." Payton laughs. "Thank you!" Jax smiles. "But dude, have you seen Quentin?" Joey asks. "No..why?" Adanna asks. "You'll see, now come on! We are about to go on!" Jax says. Payton stands up and grabs her phone and Daniels phone and heads to stage. She says hi to everyone and finds her seat next to Daniel. "Hey Payton..." Payton hears. She turns around and all she sees are just black pants. "Hey....?" Payton asks confused and looks up about an inch and a half. "Quentin?' Payton asks. "Is it just me..or have I actually shrunk?" Payton laughs. "Nope! I have these cool shoes." Quentin shows Payton his shoes. " neck is cramping ." Payton looks up back at Quentin and laughs. "Well, anyway good luck!" Quentin smiles. "You too Tree." Payton nervously laughs and sits next to Daniel. The show show started and Ryan came out introducing David Hasselhoff and he started singing a medley. Everyone cheers and claps and it was time to announce the contestants making it through. "Alright, tonight we will see you makes it through from your votes. But because of a save from last week, two of our contestants will be leaving tonight." Ryan starts. "The first contestant to make it through is....." Ryan says with the dramatic pause. Daniel's chair was the first chair to turn green and everyone cheers. He smiles and gets up and hugs everyone and heads to stage. His intro started with him checking out toys from the 80's.
"What is this?" Daniel says confused looking at a Simon says toy (or at least that's what I think it is.)
How does this work?" Daniele laughs.
"I give up." Daniel leaves.
The music starts and he's he starts singing "You Make My Dreams" by Hall and Oates. He finishes and everyone cheers and claps. He smiles and walks up to the judges. "Hey Daniel!!!" Keith laughs. "I love that song man!" Keith smiles. " what's interesting is, one of the uh... You look so good on camera so that's huge plus for you and it's really really easy and enjoyable watching you." Keith explains and Daniel smiles. "The one thing that happens is when you're 15 or 16 and you've been performing a little bit, the experience isn't there yet." Keith says. "But what's interesting to is towards the ending of the song. You start coming into the song and it's like you can do three songs. The second or third would have been better." Keith smiles. "So I'm glad you're still here, but I think you gotta get more comfortable quicker." Keith smiles and finishes. "Thank you. Yea." Daniel says. "Obviously the audience at home loves you cause they're voting you in every week.." JLo starts to say. "I actually really loved this for you. ,JLo says and Daniel smiles. "I felt like its sat in the right place but your voice, you did really really well, I felt like you sang better than you did last week." JLo smiles. "It was much much better. And I think as we go along and you keep having the opportunity, it's just about losing yourself up there it's about finding yourself. Cause once you start having fun, everyone else starts having fun with you." JLo finishes and Daniel smiles. "Daniel, what do you love to do man?" Harry asks. "Make people happy." Daniel answers with a smile and everyone awww's. Ok. That's such a great thing to say, I think you just won over a lot of votes." Harry laughs. "That's exactly why you should be up there, you're an entertainer." Harry says. "My word of advice to you, I thought that the vocal was pretty good, it was better than last week." Harry starts to say. "Have fun! Just go out and have a good time." Harry says and Daniel smiles and laughs. "Let's hear it for Daniel!" Ryan comes out and everyone cheers and Daniel heads back to the lounge.
After a couple more people, Ryan was about to introduce the next contestant to make it through. "The next contes at through to perform for your votes is...." Ryan says with the pause. Cameras point to Payton and her chair turns green. Everyone screams and cheers and Payton smiles. She stands up and hugs Daniel. "Do I get my phone back?" Daniel asks over the cheering. "After!" Payton tells Daniel and heads up stage. Payton's into had that same Simon says toy that Daniel had.
"Oh my gosh! My dad had one of these!" Payton says. "Hold on." Payton tries to turn it on. "Does it work?" Payton laughs. "Oh gosh...I think I broke it." Payton laughs and smiles. Payton then got an old thigh workout equipment. "What is this?" Payton asks. "It's a thigh workout?" The camera man says. "Workout?" Payton says in shock. "We already and enough of that in football no thank you." Payton laughs and puts the equipment down and her Intro finishes.
The music starts and Payton starts singing one of Daniel's songs from his audition Straight Up. She starts singing and the cameras point to Daniel in the lounge laughing and dancing to the song.
Payton finishes and the crowd cheers. "Payton!!!" Keith smiles. "Straight up now huh?" Keith asks. "Yup." Payton says. "Why that song?" Keith asks. "Well because I really enjoy that song and I started singing it a lot." Payton answers. "Well I liked it. I know that Daniel sang that song a couple weeks ago but I like how you kinda made it your own and changed it a little and I liked that." Keith says. "Thank you!" Payton smiles. "Yea Payton I loved the way you sang that and it really opened up your vocals. I like how you did that song on the guitar, it's just beautiful." JLo smiles. "Thank you!" Payton smiles. "And also you seemed pretty confident being up there and singing a song that someone has already sang.." Harry starts. "I mean like, did Daniel know you were gonna sing this song?" Harry asks. "No I wanted to surprise him." Payton smiles. " how did you make him not take a peek at what you were singing today?" Harry asks. "I legitimately took his phone." Payton laughs and everyone cheers. "Great girlfriend." Harry says and Payton laughs. "Anyway, yea I liked it a lot and you did very well on it." Harry finishes. "Thank you." Payton smiles and everyone cheers as Ryan comes out on stage. "So Payton...." Ryan walks next to Payton. "Ryan..." Payton says. "So on Friday, you and Daniel went to go see your favorite band right?" Ryan asks. "You're right." Payton smiles. "And we got some footage of you meeting fans and everything and you also gave this fan your ring." Ryan says and it shows some footage from the Emblem3 show. "Yep I remember that!" Payton smiles. "Why did you give her your ring?" Ryan asks. "I gave it to her because it was the ring that I wore at my first ever performance in front on a live audience and I've been wearing it ever since for good luck." Payton starts to say. "And this fan told me that she always wanted to accomplish her dream and do what she loves so I gave it to her for good luck." Payton explains. "That's great! You are so sweet!" Ryan smiles and everyone claps. Payton went back to the lounge and hugged Daniel and everyone else. The show ended leaving Maddie and Adanna behind. They were the two to leave but they we happy.
At the American Idol after party, everyone did interviews. Daniel and Payton did and interview with Chelsea Briggs from HollyWire.
"I am here with American Idol contestants Daniel Seavey and Payton Vaughns. Aka, Dayton!" Chelsea says into the camera. "Hello!" Payton smiles. "First of all, congratulations on you both for making it through." Chelsea tells them. "Thank you." Daniel smiles. "So of course, you guys are a couple but you guys are competing. How does it feel knowing you are competing with a close friend?" Chelsea asks. "Well honestly, we don't see it that way, as a competition. I mean, yea we lost two very close friends but they are happy and so are we. We like to think of the positivity around us." Payton explains. "That's great! Also, Daniel, Payton sang one of your favorite songs that you actually performed." Chelsea starts to say. "Yea." Daniel nods and Payton smiles. "What was your reacting when she started singing it?" Chelsea asks. "I was happy and shocked. All week last week she wouldn't tell me." Daniel laughs. "How did she keep it from you for so long?" Chelsea asks. "She told everyone not to tell me. She even took my phone this morning so I wouldn't look because we have those songs on iTunes." Daniel smiles and Payton and Chelsea laugh. "By the way, I still need it." Daniel looks at Payton. Payton smiles and takes Daniel's phone out of her pocket and gives it to him. "Was it worth it?" Chelsea asks Daniel. "Oh yea of course!" Daniel smiles. "Last thing, who would you guys like to collab with in the future?" Chelsea asks. "I definitely would like to collab with the StromBros. Emblem3." Payton answers. "For me, probably.... Ed Sheeran." Daniel answers. "Both good choices. Well thank you guys and congrats again." Chelsea smiles. "Thank you!" Payton hugs Chelsea and her and Daniel leave.
Everyone goes back the hotel and says goodbye to Adanna and Maddie. Daniel and Payton were in their room watching a movie and then fells asleep. Their week has been the best.

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