I don't trust you

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Authors note: I typically don't do anything related to the show now with Haley but somebody request I do an episode one shot about the promo 9x07 so I hope you enjoy my take on it I also took some things from the episode

Jays pov; it's been a couple weeks since I started to notice how strange Haley has been acting especially around Hank., so I decided to ask Hank himself about what was going on and he told me about what him and Haley did on the night that we found Kim after her kidnapping. Are you course to believe him because that is who Hank is he does the job and drags whoever is nearby with him, I am the punching him in the face because I was just angry about everything including what happened back then with Erin, so it felt nice to puncheon after so many years when I got home I talk to Haley about it and got her side of the story. Since that night me and Hank have been having some tension and I bet the whole team has notice. Right now I am going to talk to Hank about the case and other things which is our tension that we've been having

J= hey you got a second
HV= I guess come in and shut the door
J= ( he does) we need to figure this thing out between us I think the whole unit has notice that something is up
J= I don't see why not when you punch me in the face and left a mark
J= well my bad to be honest I kind of wanted to do that for a long time but I did it when I was with Erin just out of respect for her
HV= well that is nice of you
J= so are we good
HV= I don't know Jay are we good you have this look on your face every time I walk by you so Jay tell me what's up
J= i'm still pissed about what we talked about a couple weeks
HV= what about Haley, I said I don't think you know the girl that you're sleeping next to
J= yes that I know Haley pretty well we just get each other that's for sure
HV= I bet you said the same thing about Erin when you were dating her
J= okay so when I was with Erin it was totally different
HV= I hope so
J= why does it matter to you anyways
HV= it matters to me because I thought when I gave you And Erin permission to date that you wouldn't date your next partner which to me is kind of disrespectful toward Erin
J= I will admit it it does look kind of wrong on my part
HV= yes it does suck J why are you acting like I'm the bad guy when your girlfriend did the thing
J= well it's because you made her do it
HV= I didn't make her stay, or even come she followed me she made that choice by herself so go be mad at her
J= since I've started working here years ago I have never fully trusted you I just dealt with you for Erin's sake
HV= well that's good to know so do you trust Haley then
J= I trust her with my whole life unlike you
HV= oh really did she tell you everything she did
J= yes I know what happen with you and Roy so what
HV= I guess she never told you what else she did in the last few years
J= what how are you talk
HV= have a seat
J= no I'm fine standing
HV= Well I'm starting off with Darius
J= what about
HV= haley is the reason that he was found dead and especially the way he was found
J= no she wasn't
HV= if you don't believe me that's fine but ask her
J= I will
HV= The next thing that she did was remember when Vanessa had a connection with someone we were going after about a year ago
J= yes I remember
HV= Well Vanessa did something stupid so Haley help cover up the things that she did and she also planning some trucks on the main person in the organization so that they can get caught finally
J= you got to be kidding me
HV= no I am not and that is why she went to the FBI for those couple weeks last year
J= no that isn't true at all
HV= why do you think Haley went to the FBI for a couple weeks last year Jay
J= because she's a damn good cop
HV= No it's because she push my limits too far so I sent her to work with FBI to learn a few things about doing the right thing
J= well doing the right thing that's crazy coming from you
HV= if you don't believe me then ask her but I bet she won't tell you the whole truth anyways
J= whatever Hank I'll ask her ( starts to leave)
HV= hey jay
J= what Hank
HV= do you trust Haley with your whole life
J= of course I do
HV= well I want you to think about this when you were partnered up with Erin did you ever want to get shot or kidnapped because she always had your back. And look at you now in the last for few years yo got shot a couple times and kidnapped once , so really think about who ever had your back in the first place
J= whatever Hank ( slams the door)
HU= ( in the break room) is everything Okay I heard you and Voight be very loud I think the whole unit did too
J= yeah I'm fine
HU= do you want to talk about it
J= not really but I am just tired of it all
HU= what does that mean
J= I am just tired of all the lying that's all
HU= I told you everything
J= how are you
HU= okay you need to talk to
J= haley I don't want to do this right now
HU= no we're not doing that anymore it's not working you're angry Jay I get that you should be but you're annoying me you're sniping at voight it's it's the wrong way to handle
J= is that what you think, can I not have a real argument against him I have to back him all the time because that's what you do
HU= no I don't and just because I don't pack you when you're challenging him doesn't mean I'm taking his side I make my own choices Jay no one controls me not him and not you, I made my own choices that night I showed up there but I'm still me you acting like I'm not, you barely talk to me I don't know what to do anymore
J= I don't know either but I'm doing the best that I can with Haley find out this is the best I
HU= you just seem so angry right now
J= well Hank also told me some things about you that I don't know if I believe him or not
HU= what did he say
J= first of all you got Darius Walker killed
HU= wait what
J= please just tell me
HU= can we talk about this at home
J= ( raise his voice) no we can't Haley I want to know the truth right now so please just tell me the truth
HU= lower your voice and I'll answer your question
J= all right go ahead
HU= so yes I was the reason Darius walker was killed and found the way he was, I told some gang members about what he is and what he did and then next time i know we found him dead
J= are you freaking kidding me did anyone tell you to do it
HU= I did that on my own
J= unbelievable Haley
HU= what else did Hank tell you I did that has made you more angry
J= is that you cover up for Vanessa last year and that's why you got sent to the FBI I thought it was because you were a hell of a good cop and they wanted you to come down and work with them
HU= well Hank was right I got sit down to FBI in New York for a punishment because I pushed Hanks limits
J= this is beyond stupid at this point is that everything for real this time
HU= yes it is do you believe me now
J= yeah I believe you umm i'll take the rest of the day off ( starts to leave )
HU= wait Jay are we okay
J= I don't know Haley

I walked out of the break room and everybody is staring at me

KA= how do you good jay
J= yeah I'm good Hank I will be taking a personal day
HV= all right

I leave work and head home and just start thinking about everything that has been said to me in the last couple hours. Later that night I decided I need to grab some things and just go stay at Wells for a while just to give myself some space and clear my head and also just have time away from Haley

HU= hey Jay are you home ( finds him)
J= how did the case go
HU= we solved it
J= that's good
HU= so what are you doing
J= well I am going to go stay at will's for a little bit right now I think we just need space
HU= are we okay
J= I don't know I just need some space from you right now
HU= all right
J= I wasn't going to mention this earlier but I thought why not since I've been thinking about it but I really don't trust you either
HU= what do you mean
J= when I was with Erin I never got shot or kidnapped but since I have been paired up with you I have gotten shot three times and kidnapped once I rather not get shot anymore so I need to be with somebody else in the workplace so I'm gonna asked to switch partners ( starts to leave) Haley you are a good cop but don't let Hank track you down he did that Erin and it didn't go well for her hence why she's in New York now she could've been still in Chicago if it hadn't been for him goodbye Haley we will talk later

I leave the house and head to Will and tell him about what everything has happened and he agrees with everything that I have been thinking about for the last couple hours.
Right now I need to figure out if I need to move on from Haley or stay with her

Authors note; I hope you like my episode one shot I didn't think I would get it done it took me a while to get it started but I hope you like it

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