Back to chicago

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Erin's pov; it's been a little over four years since I left Chicago so I could protect my mom I'm going to jail, which looking back I kind of regret because after three or four months of being in New York she went back to her old ways, put I current turn back after I left Chicago and the man I loved but the thing that made me really regret returning to Chicago was two or three weeks after coming to New York I found out I was pregnant, once the test showed me that I was pregnant I was scared I wasn't sure I could be an amazing mother but once I moved to New York I knew what I had to do and just do it and not look back like Hank said. Eight wonderful months later I gave birth to Emery Grace Lindsey halstead  meaning that she is jay daughter although no one really knows but me and Hank and Platt because she is goes by the last name Lindsay she has been my world for the last 3 1/2 years right now I am at work finishing my paperwork for a big case we just solved after three weeks all sudden my phone starts to ring

E= agent Lindsay
CMN= hello this is nurse Kelly at Chicago men
E= hello nurse Kelly
CMN= The reason on calling is because someone was bought in to the hospital and your name is their emergency contact
E= all right then so I have a couple questions may I ask them first before you continue
CMN= of course you can go ahead
E= first of all why was he brought in to Med for
CMN= he was bought in because he got shot in the shoulder
E= oh my god so my last question is what is the person's name because I am on two people's paperwork as their  emergency contact
CMN= oh yeah of course hold on one second let me look ( she does) so the patients name is Jay halstead
E= oh my god Jay is he okay
CMN= at the moment he is in surgery
E= OK well I am in New York so it's gonna take me about at least a day to get back to Chicago
CMN= all right that should be totally fine
E=  but if anything changes please call me back immediately
CMN= Will do Miss Lindsay

Once the nurse hangs up I hurry up and finish my paperwork and then I head home so I can pack a bag for me and my daughter, on the way home I call and book us a ride to Chicago which will be in a couple hours I get home within 20 minutes when I walk in the door I hear my daughter and the nanny laughing about something

E= hey guys I'm home
NC= look who is home
EG= mommy is home
E= hey there is my girl were you good for Miss Chloe
EG= yes I was
NC= she is always an angel
E= that's good so Chloe do you have anything planned for the next week or so
NC= no I don't why do you ask
E= well something came up in Chicago with my family and I need to  come along with me to Chicago to keep an eye on this little cutie, if you don't mind
NC= of course not I love hanging out with this little cutie so when do we leave
E= here in the next couple hours so maybe go home pack a bag and meet us at the airport
NC= all right that works for me see you guys later ( she leaves)
E= you want to go on an airplane and go see grandpa Hank
EG= yes I do mommy
E= all right let's go and pack a bag and head off
EG= okay mommy

We go get things packed within 20 minutes and then we head off to the airport to meet Chloe we make it to the airport within 45 minutes and we all board our plane within a half an hour. We all live in Chicago in about three hours side decide to get a hotel for the night so we can get some sleep. The next morning

E= I hate to leave you this early but I want to go check on my family
NC= it's no problem she will be asleep for a little bit then probably want some food
E= why thank you I'll even take it Uber to the hospital so you can have the rental in case you guys want to go anywhere like to the park today
NC= all right hopefully everything is  fine with your family
E= same here call me if you need anything
NC= will do

I wait on my Uber to come once it comes I'm off to the hospital once I arrive at med  I look for someone who can help me find Jay room

CMN= how may I help you
E= well I was wondering if there was a nurse Kelly around
CMN= well you're in luck a nurse Kelly how may I help you
E= oh good well I am Erin  Lindsay we spoke on the phone yesterday night
CMN= oh yeah it's nice to put a voice to a face
E= same here so first of all how is Jay doing
CMN= well as of right now that I know of he is stable and is in recovery
E= that's good to hear next question where is his room at
CMN= he is on the fourth floor room 474
E= all right thank you so much Kelly
CMN= it's no problem your welcome

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