Please don't leave me 

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Authors note, this one shot is based off of season four episode 17 it's episode where Erin in the whole fandom found out that she was married like come on Chicago PD how rude of you to do that I put a little twist to the episode, so I hope you like it

Erin pov; the past couple days have been crazy for a couple different reasons one being the case we were working on, and then the other two things happened in my personal life which both were unexpected to me. The main shocker to me was that I found out that the man I love has been married this whole time I feel so betrayed by him the case was finally solved so now it's time to face some truth. Now I go to the district to get my paperwork done then I head home when I walk in the door I see that Jay's keys are there so that means he's home so now it's time to talk to Jay about everything that's going on in the past couple days, but when I walked into our bedroom, I see Jay packing.

J= hey
E= hey
J= umm i'm gonna go stay at Will's  for a little bit
E= you don't have to do that
J= I love you and I want to stay um who I was back then I'm not proud of and I know you think that everything's behind but it's not and I'm still married and I gotta sort that out and if and  I just don't think I should be here right now
E= whatever it is, I can handle it
J= I don't know I guess that's what I gotta go. Figure out now. ( grabs her face. ) I'm sorry. ( he leaves )

I feel a little shocked by what just happened, but then within two seconds, I gather myself up and I chased after him

E= wait a minute Jay
J= why Erin I messed up and I don't know how to fix this, so I gotta leave
E= no you can't Jay we need to figure this out together
J= how are we supposed to figure this out if I can't figure it out on my own
E= I don't know Jay but I will figure it out with you only if you let me
J= I feel so bad I lied about being married and that I went until now to tell you I wish I told you a long time ago
E=  so thanking about it now, if you went back in time, would you have told me that you were married or was married?
J= yes 100% yes Erin I want to tell you the truth I just hated how it all came out
E= OK I can forgive you for that
J= why thanks but I think I still will go and stay at Will's place
E= why are you running away from me jay ? Did I do something wrong?
J= ( cups, her face) of course not you could never do anything wrong
E= then why are you trying to run away for me?
J= Erin I'm not trying to run away from you
E= well it feels like a J so please just tell me why you want to walk out that door right now and not want to talk about it
J= because it's too hard for you to handle if I told you why
E= so you think you know what is best for me and what I can or can't handle
J= of course not Erin I know you are a woman who speaks for herself, and take care of yourself, and can handle anything but Erin this stuff I'm going through. It's so much harder than you think. I want to deal with this on my own first before I let you in to help me deal with it.
E= oh my God, Jay, why are you being such a hypocrite?
J= what do you mean?
E= you always want me to be open to you and share my pass but you haven't did the same so please just tell me what is going on Jay
J= because my past it's so much harder to handle Erin I want to protect you the best I can because the last thing I want to do is hurt you
E= well you walk out that door it will hurt me, so please don't leave me now especially since I'm pregnant
J= ( drop his bag) wait, what did you just say Erin
E= I said I'm pregnant J so please don't leave me alone especially now
J= ( closes the door) wow
E= please say something else besides wow
J= I'm sorry I'm just a little shocked right now
E= oh, believe me, I am to
J= so when did you find out?
E= I found out a couple hours ago
J= so how did you find out?
E= well a couple days ago. When I made myself some coffee, the smell of it made me super sick. I couldn't eat anything that day.
J= oh boy, that's a strong sign right there since you love coffee so much for it to make you feel sick that's a big sign
E= oh yes, it was so I started to think when I had my period last
J= let me guess it was late
E= oh yes, it was and it was almost 2 months late
J= oh wow, super late
E= oh yeah, I went to the drugstore and bought a couple of the cheapie drugstore test and they all came back positive and to make sure it was right. When I was at med  earlier I had my blood drawn and it was confirmed that I was pregnant.
J= so how do you feel?
E= I don't know confused at first and then I'm scared
J= why are you scared Erin
E= because I'm not ready to be a mom and I'm scared. I might just be like my mom and I don't want my child. He weighs like how I was raised.
J= oh Erin you could never be like bunny you'll be a way better mother than she ever was so this child would be so damn lucky to be raised by you
E= no this baby would be so lucky to be raised by you not me
J= it doesn't matter that kid is going to be so lucky. I do have one question.
E= you do what is it?
J=  do you want to keep this baby? I won't judge if you don't.
E= Honestly yes this pregnancy is so unexpected and I know I'd be a horrible mother and the timing is not right but when is the right time to have a child?
J= there really isn't
E= why but this kid deserves to have you as a father and I can't take your chances to be a father away from me like that so I'll be keeping this baby
J= OK and we will figure it out
E= 08J but first can you please just tell me something and stay and don't wanna way to go stay at wills house
J= I can do that Erin i owe you  the truth now, so I hope you're ready to hear it all
E= as ready as I Canby go ahead when you are ready

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