T.K.O and Shadowy Venomous vs Doomsday

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T.K.O and Shadowy Venomous were causing destruction in a town near a mountain, and when one of T.K.O's fireballs fell over the mountain, the two heard a roar from the other side of the mountain in the distance, and something jumped from the other side of the mountain into the air and fell towards T.K.O, which then hit him as he went to the ground, making a crater, and he looked up and saw what hit him, and it turned out to be "the Ultimate", Doomsday. Doomsday roared at T.K.O, who smiled and said, "Well, looks like some rock monster wants to fight." T.K.O got back up with a cocky smile and cracked his knuckles and said, "You're so gonna be sorry, you weird thing." T.K.O threw a punch to Doomsday, who grabbed his hand and punched him back, sending him flying into a wall and jumping over to him and slamming him through the wall with a punch. T.K.O was dizzy after the punch, and he recovered in time before Doomsday could punch again, which he then threw a punch to him and kicked him away, which Doomsday then was sent back towards a building. "Just where did this thing come from?" T.K.O said as he approached the monster and was about to throw a punch to him, only for Doomsday to grab T.K.O's hand and swing him around and throw him into a building, and Shadowy Venomous went towards Doomsday and said, "Just what are you and who made you?" Shadowy's only response was Doomsday throwing a punch towards him, and he managed to hit him and make him go flying to a building which he crashed into the wall but didn't go through the walls, and Doomsday gwent and grabbed him and pushed him on the road, and grabbed T.K.O, who was flying towards him and he held him and kicked him hard as he shouted, "DIE." T.K.O went flying back and hit his father and they both went flying into a building. "Man old man, where did that thing come from?" T.K.O asked as he was trying to shake off his injuryings. "I don't know, but it's nothing Boxman would make." Shadowy Venomous said. Doomsday then landed in front of T.K.O and Shadowy Venomous, and threw a strong punch to them, making them go flying through the building and fall on the ground, feeling hurt from the punch and hitting many walls and Doomsday ran through the building as he roared. Doomsday then picked up a bus and swung it at the two, hitting them and making them go flying away and threw the bus at them, and T.K.O managed to recover and catched the bus, and Doomsday came falling towards him and Shadowy Venomous and dive kicks the bus, and he threw more hard blows to T.K.O and Shadowy Venomous as he said, "DOOM." Doomsday then threw another strong punch to the two, sending them flying away, and Doomsday running towards them. The turbos were flying in the air now and T.K.O threw a Turbo Fist at Doomsday, knocking him back. "Ha, using projectiles will be a better choice against a big guy like that." T.K.O said. Doomsday got back up and ran towards T.K.O and Shadowy Venomous, and T.K.O started throwing more Turbo Fists and him, but he adapted to the first one that hit him as he was now taking each hit from the Turbo Fists, and he grabbed a car and jumped into the air and threw it at T.K.O, who got hit by the car and Doomsday fell towards Shadowy Venomous and punched him as he fell towards the ground, and Doomsday punched Shadowy Venomous two more times and grabbed him and started slamming him into ground multiple times and threw him away, and he was flying again and said, "A creature that can adapted to anything that hurts him? What is he?" Doomsday then jumped again and punched Shadowy Venomous to the ground, and T.K.O wrapped his arms around Doomsday's neck to struggle him, only for the monster to grab him and throw him again, and Doomsday grabbed Shadowy Venomous and slammed him into the ground and started punching him repeatedly as the crate was getting deeper into the ground and they were going through the Earth's core as Doomsday kept punching, until they were now under a sea on the other side, and Doomsday threw Shadowy Venomous to the seabed and started punching him again and they were going through the Earth's core again, back to the city where they lift and Doomsday slammed Shadowy Venomous to the ground, who was complete injured as he bleeding from cuts all over him from the punches and he was coughing up blood. T.K.O went to his father and said, "Old man, are you alright?" "No, he beat me with so much force that my body is now failing." Shadowy Venomous said in pain as he held himself. Doomsday then roared as he was getting ready to finish the job, and Shadowy held a button and said, "Take the power and kill him, it might be the only choice." T.K.O nodded and flew up into the air, confusing Doomsday, and Shadowy Venomous pushed his button and a green beam hit T.K.O, and Doomsday just looked in confusion, and after Shadowy Venomous lied on the ground dead as he succumbs to his wounds, T.K.O then flew towards Doomsday and started punching the monster, which were stronger then before, and he was succeeding on hurting the monster and he sent him flying into the ground, and T.K.O stood on the ground and said, "Let's see if you like being without powers, you weird attack adapting rock thing." T.K.O then slammed his fists into the ground and his disempowering dome came out and engulfed Doomsday in it, who roared as he felt the dome's effects, and T.K.O smiled as he saw Doomsday was now getting weak. However, Doomsday adapted to the Disempowering dome's effects and he was walking towards T.K.O, who looked in shock that his oppenton was still up for a fight, and Doomsday stood in front of him and threw a hard strong punch to T.K.O who said, "Oh s-" The punch made T.K.O go flying away as he dome was shattered to pieces and the shockwave from the punch caused buildings around them to fall apart to the ground, and T.K.O looked at his enemy and said, "Okay, I can accept you can walk through my Disempower dome, but how about this?" T.K.O then aimed his palm to Doomsday and fired a Disempower beam at him, but Doomsday was still standing and unaffected by the beam as he ran towards T.K.O and grabbed him and threw him into the air, and jumped towards him and grabbed him and they were falling to the ground as Doomsday was punching T.K.O, who was trying to fight back. The two landed in the ground and Doomsday grabbed the edgy lord by the head and held him up, and T.K.O threw a Turbo Fist to Doomsday and hit him as he threw another one at him and threw three more, and Doomsday crashed into a building that was still standing. T.K.O felt satisfied as he thinks his opponent is finally dead, until a spike rock was shot at T.K.O and it implied him in the left arm, making him scream in pain, and another was shot to his right side of his torso, and he looked as he was in pain, and saw Doomsday was still alive with his left arm and right leg broken from T.K.O successfully damaging him, but his limbs healed up to where they won't broken, and Doomsday looked mad as he granted a made grant with the intention of attacking again, and T.K.O pulled out his spikes from his spots and dashed to Doomsday, only for the "Ultimate" to grab him and slam into the ground and pick him up and punch him, making him spit blood, and Doomsday threw him and ran to where he was going and punched him before he got too far and beat him around like a punching bag as he shouted, "DIIIIIIEEEEEE." Doomsday then grabbed T.K.O, who was covered in cuts and brushes and his wounds from where Doomsday shot him with his bones were bleeding hard after the beat down, and he threw him far away. In Lakewood Plaza, everyone was looking at the Glorb Tree that was on a tower in the Plaza, and they heard a scream and saw T.K.O land on the ground, making a small crater, and were shocked to see him in a injured state, and before anything could happen, Doomsday landed in the crater and threw two punches to T.K.O and raised both of his hands as he held them together and slammed them down on him, causing the crater to deepen. T.K.O climbed out as he was completely injured with blood all over him and he looked at the Plaza and said, "I should've accepted my punishment for what I did to K.O's house." T.K.O then went on his knees and fell on the ground lifeless after getting beaten to death by Doomsday, who came out of the crater and grabbed his dead oppenton by the neck and held him up and looked at him and saw he was indeed dead and held him into the air and road in victory as the edge lord and the manipulative rival of K.O were both dead.

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