Tetsuo vs Accelerator

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In the city of Academy City, the city was in flames as it became part of the Great Tokyo Empire, and Academy City's Level 5 Rank 1 Esper, Accelerator walked through the streets as he looked at all the damage in the buildings that were in flames and he said, "Looks like an Esper has caused some kind of damage around the city for the fun of it. Must be really bored if he did this." Not far from Accelerator, the Esper Minister of the Empire, Tetsuo Shima, landed on the ground as he stood proud and said, "Wrong City, punk. You're in Akira Turf now." Tetsuo then teleported to Accelerator and aimed a hand at him, which caught him off guard and he was launched by a powerful blast and Tetsuo flew towards him while he was still flying, and he recovered and formed tornado's from his back and was flying away while Tetsuo chased him and he said, "You're dead meat." Tetsuo pulled several signs with his telekinesis and threw them at Accelerator, who used his aerokinesis to throw the signs at Tetsuo, who dodged the signs and he continued to chase the Level 5 Esper, who was still farther away and said, "Darn little punk." "The hell are you calling punk?" Tetsuo said as he levitated a group of objects around him and said, "Your city is part of my empire now, and I'm the one who makes the rules around here." Tetsuo threw the objects at Accelerator, who turned around and was protected from the objects thrown at him with his barrier and he fired an air blast at Tetsuo, who blocked it with is own barrier and he fired another psychic blast at Accelerator, but was blocked by the blast from his barrier and it went back towards Tetsuo and it knocked him over, and Accelerator laughed as his opponent was knocked over but his humor was short lived as Tetsuo returned towards him, but Accelerator flew to the nearest building and slammed his hand onto the way, which caused it to explode and the materials flew towards Tetsuo, who grabbed the remnants of the building with his telekinesis and threw them back at Accelerator, who was knocked to the ground and Tetsuo laughed as he felt ambushed and Accelerator recovered and he said, "You're wasting my time." Accelerator the touched a car that was right next to him and he caused the materials to be thrown at Tetsuo, who dodged some of the thrown material until a sharp material cut off his right arm and he screamed in pain and fell to the ground, and Accelerator looked at the spot Tetsuo landed and said, "Not so tough now, are ya?" In the smoke from Tetsuo's landing, the 41st Esper of Neo Tokyo stood up and he levitated nearby objects which flew towards him and Accelerator jumped towards a building as he stood next to it and he placed his hand into the building and he was lifting the building and he threw it at Tetsuo, who used his telekinesis to grab the building, and he is shown to have an artificial arm from the materials he levitated towards him and he said, "I'll kill you. I'LL KILL YOU." A gravity well forced Accelerator to hold still and Tetsuo dashed towards him and he left the building to fall over and it fell apart from the impact to the ground as he said, "YOU'RE HISTORY, SCUMBAG." Tetsuo then uppercutted Accelerator and delivered a series of punches to the white hair psycho genius and he grabbed him and flew him into buildings, and Accelerator managed to recover and threw a hard left punch to Tetsuo in the head and knocked him back as he landed in a building's room and said, "You got me off guard and you got me in many blows. I'm kinda impressed." Accelerator then flew outside the building and grabbed it and threw it forward and he flew behind Tetsuo and he pushed him towards the building that was heading towards them, but he headbutted the building which caused it explode into pieces, and Accelerator looked in shock and Tetsuo broke free from his hold and started punching him and knocked him into the sky, and Accelerator recovered and flew towards him in the attention to punch Tetsuo, who punched his fist and a shockwave formed from their impact and the whole city shock from the shockwave, as well as most of Japan. Tetsuo held Accelerator by the neck and he glared at him as his organs were getting effected Tetsuo's telekinesis and before more could happen to him, Accelerator grabbed Tetsuo's mechanic right arm and caused it to turn it's grabbed direction onto himself and he tried to get his arm to let go with his only remaining biological arm and Accelerator said, "I think I've had enough time wasted on some Esper wannabe like you." Tetsuo kept struggling to get free until his right mechanic arm was mutated with flesh from his body and he attacked Accelerator with a swarm of flesh in the form of tentacles and wrapped around him and he proceeded to crush his captured oppenton, but was stopped when the powerful Esper in Academy City blasted part of the mess away and Tetsuo formed it back into an arm and he glared at the white hair teenager, who formed a pair of black wings in his back from black matter and he dashed to Tetsuo and uppercutted him into the air and Tetsuo recovered as he was flying in the air and spammed his mess at Accelerator, but he flew upwards and laughed as he fired aero shots at Tetsuo, who dodged the shots and spammed his mess again, and Accelerator destroyed the mass with his black wings, and Tetsuo landed on the ground in pain, and Accelerator landed on the ground and approached the form Capsule as he smirked and said, "Looks like your time is up, punk." Tetsuo spammed his mass at Accelerator once again and he was engulfed by the mass as he was screaming in pain while his voice changed into a voice of a screaming giant as his powers grew out of control, and Accelerator was launched away from a telekinetic wave and he was knocked into a building and was recovering and he looked in front of him and was in shock of what he was witnessing, Tetsuo's entire body has mutated into a monstrosity blob of flesh and had multiple organs and limbs, and his giant eyes looked at Accelerator from a distance and he screamed in agony. Through telepathy, Accelerator gained telekinetic messages while feeling pressure in his mind from his over mutated opponent as the messages were hard to understand. 'LISTEN.' 'WELCOME-' 'I CAN HANDLE THIS ON MY OWN.' 'CAN'T-' '-TO-' '-CONTROL IT!' 'NOT WEAK.' '-DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!' Accelerator felt pain from the last part of the messages, until he got deep into the messages, which was a cry for help from Tetsuo as he pleaded to Accelerator saying, 'It hurts. Help me please.' Accelerator was confused from his opponent's request, and his thoughts were interrupted when a giant limb from the mutated blob extended towards him and grabbed him and pulled him towards Tetsuo, and Accelerator wanting to still alive, he reached his hand out and made tornados come from his hands from messing with the air and they gathered up sharp metal objects into them and he used them to slice the arm that held him and he brought out the black wings again and he flew into the air and brought out a blue beam from his crutch that was analyzed from a beam that Accelerator blocked before the fight and he sliced many arms from Tetsuo that were trying to grab him with his beam and the metal scraps with his tornado and he disintegrated multiple arms that were behind him but he didn't noticed an arm in front of him and grabbed him and his powers were turned off from the grab and Tetsuo held him as he roared and he caused a big bang explosion, which was going to engulfed the entirety of Academy City and Tetsuo prepared to "ascend", and Accelerator screamed as his screams echoes as the explosion took him into it. Within the explosion, Accelerator reached his left free arm out as he unleashed his Platinum Wings and the energy within the explosion was redirected into a small sphere in his hand and he expresses sorrow for his foe's suffering as he said, "I take pity on you. So don't worry, I'll end your misery." Accelerator then unleashed the energy in the sphere into a laser that cuts Tetsuo's blob form in half and most of the street and buildings behind him, and he flew in the air with his Platinum Wings intact and in the remains of the blob, a human arm emerges from it and coming out was Tetsuo in his normal form and he was in a weaker state and missing an arm, but he charges towards Accelerator with psychic energy to attack him, and Accelerator raises his arm right arm into the arm and gathered energy from the galaxy and he aimed at Tetsuo, who was just about to attack him and he fired a beam at the out of control Esper, which destroyed the vectors in his body which quickly and mercifully ended the former gangster's suffering. Tetsuo then falls as he closes his eyes and he delivers a final telekinetic message to Accelerator saying, 'Thank you.' As Tetsuo's human corpse lands in the street, Accelerator turns away as Tetsuo's mutated body dissolves into nothing and he looks back as he says, "You're welcome." Accelerator then flies away into the distance as he has won the battle.

Battle End

Accelerator helps the town's citizens rebuild the city as he stays close to Last Order and Touma and Misaka as the help the other people.

Tetsuo lies on the ground as Kaneda pulls over in front of him with Kei with him while members of the Great Tokyo Empire gather around him.

Nick: Now that's what I call a fight, having two esper kids who are considered the greatest of them in their cities or even worlds and one of them prevails in the end.

Alex: Tetsuo's telekinesis, esperterrorty and other bizarro abilities certainly give Accelerator trouble and a hard time, but the Rank 1 Level 5 Esper of Academy City has a lot more control over his foe.

Nick: The numbers don't lie. Tetsuo created the moon which is incredule but Accelerator shook the entire galaxy to attack Coronzon and while Tetsuo jumped all the way to the moon, Accelerator could strike catch while with his galaxy shaking ability.

Alex: Against Tetsuo and his human form, Accelerator had a large advantage in power and speed and ability.

Nick: But Stats aren't all that matters. With his precise Telekinesis, Tetsuo could just target Accelerator's inner organs, easy win, right?

Alex: Yes but Accelerator has similar abilities. There are not many substances that leak any vectors or directions in movement and energy and Accelerator is very creative with his powers and he has very knowledge towards espers and magical beings.

Nick: Which he can use to redirect attacks from Tetsuo's fists or telekinesis with his vector shield, and can figure out where Tetsuo will go with his teleportation and can redirect his insides.

Alex: And while Tetsuo could kill Accelerator with a lucky telekinetic hit, he would need to have all of his powers preoccupied on something for him to be left wide open, and while Tetsuo had healing options, Accelerator makes up to it by redirecting his bleeding and can hold to his bleeding process for a long time until his wounds heal up or to get medical attention to fix his wounds. And against experience, Accelerator is more experience from having his powers his whole life before he got involved with the Level 6 project, and Tetsuo got his powers since he was in the government's hands for their ESP project.

Nick: The biggest challenge for Accelerator however was when Tetsuo's mutated powers came into play, especially since the blasts from this form are compared to a Big Bang, a universal scale event.

Alex: However it's questionable if this is universal as Tetsuo's blasts are more akin to nuclear explosions, but let's say Tetsuo did cause a big bang capable of destroying or creating a universe, alternate or otherwise.

Nick: And it turns out, Accelerator can counter that. White hair boy can cover the entire universe with the tree of kabbalah.

Alex: And which means he could match a similar level of power to universal attacks. And Context is everything. The unstable mess of neutrons and electrons contained vectors in much of the the proton collapse and Accelerator could control vectors around him and he could possibly redirect them all. In this way, Accelerator had the means to take control of this big bang.

Nick: Dang, and I thought he could just mess with vectors and redirect stuff. It's like one of the hardest scientific studies for people. Freaking Vectors. How do they even work?

Alex: Tetsuo surly gave a very hard fight and made it difficult and he was surely never gonna go down easy, but Accelerator's experience with his own power, combined power with the Misaka Network, superior intellect, and control any kind of vector granted him victory in the end.

Nick: You can say "a certain" power wasn't going to "Esper" this fight away. Huh?

Alex: The winner is Accelerator.

Faster, Smarter, and more Experienced
Force Field always active sub consciously and far greater
Could counter most of Tetsuo's attacks with his Accelerator ability
Can detect Vectors of Tetuos's mobility
Lack of Healing Options
Tetsuo can grow stronger

Could Kill Accelerator if the barrier wasn't active
Could target Accelerator's insides
But couldn't pierce through his shield
Has no counters to his Vectors being redirected
Leaked experience to his own powers

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