Dan Phantom vs Goku Black

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In the futuristic Amity Park, Dan Phantom was scaring away a bunch of civilians as he was attacking them and he said, "You all will never be safe, you will all fall to the hands of- huh?" Suddenly, a flash interrupted the former Ghost hero, as a green vortex appeared in the street and a figure appeared in it while it was in the air and a pair of red eyes appeared on the figure's face, as a sign of something sinister was coming, and the vortex cleared up and appearing from where it was while flying was what looked like a Saiyan in dark clothing with a sinister smile, and the feared civilians all cheered in joy, thinking it to be the hero Saiyan savior Goku, not knowing it was something more dangerous, Zamasu, going with the alias he was given, Goku Black. Goku Black smiled as he looked at the civilians and he said, "Mortals, sinners, prepare for Divine Justice." Goku Black then charged Ki in his hand as he opened fire onto the defense coward while laughing, and the civilians tried to run away, only for them to be killed, and Dan looked in anger and fired a ecto beam at Goku Black, which hit him but didn't knock him down, and he looked at his assailant and Dan smiled as he said, "Maybe it'll tell you not to interfere with my destruction." Goku Black was furious from this spirit daring to defy him, and he started firing Ki at him, and Dan dodged the shots and fired another ecto shot at Goku Black, only for him to counter it with a Ki shot and Goku Black teleported away, which confused Dan and his oppenton appeared behind him and struck him in the back of his head and he went flying until he saved himself with his flight ability and Goku Black looked at him with a smirk as he said, "So, you've chosen a far greater death." Dan fired another Ecto beam, but Goku Black dodged it and he flew to the ghost and tried to strike him again, but Dan became intangible from the attack and he struck him and fired another Ecto shot at him and made him go flying and he appeared in front of him and slammed him to the ground and made a crash trail in the road, and Goku Black flew into the air and fired more Ki at Dan, who became intangible again and flew towards him and said, "Let's see if you can let me use you for a bit." Goku Black teleported away from Dan and he appeared next to one of the remaining civilians and grabbed him and threw him towards Dan, who was flying towards him in attempt to overshadow the genocidal god but overshadowed the civilian and Goku Black flew to strike him while he was in a mortal's body, but Dan phased out of the mortal before Goku Black killed the human, and he flew to Dan and he threw punch to Dan, but the ghost grabbed his fist and grabbed his other hand and said, "Hope you mind if I have your body for a minute." Dan then entered Goku Black with his overshadow powers, and inside Goku's body in a black void, Dan smiled as he said, "Now, let's use this body to make him end his own life like he was-" Dan was stucked in his face and was grabbed by the assailant, which was Zamasu's true appearance and he was in shock as he said, "Wait, this body is already being controlled by a ghost?" "I'm no ghost, you are face to face with a Supreme Kai." Zamasu said and he rail his arm back and said, "Now, get out of the body I chose for my dream." Zamasu then punched Dan, and he phased out from Goku's body and Goku Black looked at him with anger and said, "Coward move to use me to kill myself, fool." Goku Black then proceeded to punch him but Dan became intangible and he grabbed his enemy and threw him into the park in the city and fired big Ecto shot at the park, which made a big crater and marveled at it as he said, "Now that's a work of a beautiful art." Goku Black flew into the air and was in enrage as he said, "You call that beauty?" Dan proceeded to attack, but Goku Black teleported away and kicked him really hard and he screamed as he powered up, and he activated his Super Saiyan Rose form and said, "This is what's truly beautiful." "I wouldn't say so, that color isn't really you because it makes you look like a woman." Dan said with a smirk, and Goku Black teleported away and slammed him away and he flew to him and threw a series of punches and he slammed him into the air and he teleported higher then Dan and proceeded to dive kick Dan, only for the ghost to become intangible once again, and Goku Black looked mad and he summoned his energy blade and launches a barrage of pink crystals at Dan, who turned Intangible again and laughed until he was hit by another barrage, but Dan felt no pain as he laughed, but the crystals exploded and he went flying away and Goku Black appeared in front of Dan and proceeded to slice the ghost, only for him to disappear, and he reappeared behind Goku Black and tried to strike him, only for the genocidal God to dodge him and said, "Can't fool me again, you fool." Dan then opened a portal to the Ghost Zone and flew into it, and Dan smirked as he was flying through the portal and said, "I'll reside in the Ghost Zone where he won't get to me, and I'll wait until he comes looking for me then I'll return to Amity Park an finish what I started." However, Dan's joy was interrupted when Goku Black appeared in the portal behind him as he laughed and he chased him as he said, "Magnificent. The world spirits dwell will be your very grave." Goku Black then formed his Sickle of Sorrow and flew to slice Dan, only for the ghost to enter the Ghost Realm and he smirked as he said, "Now, I don't see that-" Dan was attacked and was thrown to a boulder in the void of where ghost live in, and saw most of the villains in his past in front of him and he said, "Just what I needed, more to deal with." Suddenly, the ghosts besides Dan were sliced to pieces and they were gone, revealing Goku Black behind where the ghosts were and he said, "You're dealing with me and no one else." Dan the recovered and he multiplied, which shocked Goku Black as Dan smiled and said, "We'll let's see if you can handle my army." Goku Black then got enraged and swung his scythe and launched an arching projectile at Dan, but it missed Dan and he smirked as his enemy missed him, but the wave formed a portal in void, which summoned a large group of Goku Black clones and the real Goku Black said, "I have an army myself." Goku Black then kicked the real Dan and a few of Goku Black clones attacked him and one of them slammed Dan towards the real Goku Black who was getting ready to slice Dan with his scythe, and Dan and one of his clones swapped places and Dan sliced the clone instead of the real one to his annoyance, and a Dan clone was about to strike him from behind, but a Goku Black clone counter him and he threw a few blows and destroyed him with a Ki wave, and the clones of both Dan and Goku Black were fighting each other and the real ones were also fight each other. The two then landed on a desert land in one of the realms of the Ghost Zone and they fired shots at each other, which didn't hit each other but did the shots and Dan kneed Goku Black in the waist and made him go into the air and he inhaled his breathe and unleashed his Ghostly Wail to Goku Black, and Goku Black teleported before the wail could hit him, and he was above Dan, who looked with a smirk as he said, "This time, you won't get away and you will be the one who dies." Dan unleashed another Ghostly Wail, and Goku Black flew farther upward as he charged up his Black Kamehameha Wave as he said, "KAMEHAMEHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA." The beam went straight towards Dan, and it overpowered his Ghostly Wail, and Dan tried to put more power into the wail but with no avail and the beam hit him as the beam erupted into an explosion as Dan was being vaporized as he screamed in agony while he was faded away while the explosion destroyed the land, leaving it more of a wasteland then it was and Dan was nowhere to be found as he was killed by the attack and Goku Black smiled as he felt victorious.

Battle end.

Dan's spot was still remaining as Clockwork examined it.

Goku Black was in Amity Park as he was attacking more civilians.


Nick: Well, looks like ghosts can't really survive the wrath of a god.

Alex: This was a pretty crazy match up here, least of all for their insane levels of power.

Nick: Dan was definitely a strong ghost and was able to hold his ground against Goku Black for a time, and I will say these fighters are very threatening, Dan was certainly a being that managed to destroy most of the world for his own amusement and not exact goal in mind, while Black managed to kill mortals in the universe for being that he believes they're sinners.

Alex: Yes, but however, there was more to cover then just what planets and universe they can terrorize, they are both very strong villains who overpower their heroic counterparts, making them very powerful enemies to them.

Nick: Man, what thought processes.

Alex: It's hard to see which one would be the survivor of this match as Dan is a ghost and Goku Black is a god in a living body, but it'll mostly rely on a combination between power, technique, and ability.

Nick: As we can tell, it's no wonder Goku Black had the edge in most of them.

Alex: Dragon Ball characters are shown to fight spiritual beings on a regular basis, which is what Dan is, and Goku Black is Kai in control of Goku's body.

Nick: Yeah, and Black had expert martial arts training and skills while Dan had none of that.

Alex: And Goku Black also had a great level of power with Goku's body and his own powers as he can counter most of Dan's ecto powers with Ki, and he is far stronger then Dan as his attacks can travel at speeds faster than light and can even attack a universe about hundreds of times over.

Nick: Plus he's even more experienced in just about anything then Dan ever is.

Alex: And it is important to know that Dan does not have any access to time travel until he even met his past self and used a time medallion to go back in time, while Goku Black possessed that ability via Time Ring, and he could use it in a way to go back in time and kill Danny or even Vlad in the past which could prevent Dan coming to be, and even if Dan had a time medallion to go back in time and kill Black, the Time Ring will protect him from that kind of altering affect. Yes the Time Medallion could work the same way, but the ring is more reliable since the ring is harder for Dan to even get to while the Time Medallion can be grabbed.

Nick: And it could be helped if Dan overshadowed Goku's body, but since it was being controlled by Zamasu, it's a zero chance for him to take control and be able to end the fight quickly.

Alex: And if we were to have Dan push Black to his peak, the winner wouldn't change. Dan will lose, and Fused Zamasu and even Infinite Zamasu would easily destroy Dan in a meter of seconds.

Nick: Yeah, and plus, the Ghost Wail is pretty impressive and very powerful kind of shockwave, but it certainly wouldn't match or even overpower Black's Black Kamehameha wave, even if he was against Goku himself, it wouldn't make a difference either, and when can't go into too much detail of Goku against Danny as it could be the same as what happens here, and the Saiyan possessed Kai has the powers he needed to put this ghost into double Hell.

Alex: Dark Danny was a tricky opponent and held his own, but the murderous mind and Kai powers of Zamasu, the body and powers of Goku with the powers of the Time Ring, and experience in battle were the methods and ways that made Goku Black the true Nightmare of this battle and for him to claim his victory.

Nick: You can say that Dan went Black before he phantomed out.

Alex: (Creepy tone) The winner is Goku Black.

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