Invincible vs Tighten

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In Metro City, Tighten held the Metro City tower as he was talking to Roxanne and said to her, "This is the real world, and you need to wake up." "Well you should be the one who needs to wake up, a@#hole." Said a voice and Tighten looked to see who called out to him like that, and was knocked away and the person who did that hovered in front of Roxanne and he was the young Vilturmite human hybrid superhero, Invincible. "Don't worry madame, I'm here to help. I got a call that this city is in danger so I came as soon as I could." Invincible said as he showed his heroic and nobleness, and the tower was falling but then Invincible managed to get Roxanne off the phone tower and flew down to the ground and placed her in a safe place as he said, "You should be safe here, miss." After saving Roxanne and getting her to safety, Mark then flew to the falling tower and managed to stop the building falling and he signed in relief from that, and Tighten flew to Mark as he looked at him angrily and said, "You should let that fall kid." "What?! No way, there are people down there." Invincible said as he was shocked from Tighten's suggestion and the abandoned hero villain lasered the actual hero, which caused him to release the tower and he let it fall to the street, in which everyone single person managed to get away and not get crushed by the building piece, and Invincible looked shocked as he said, "You almost killed those people." Tighten just smirked as he said, "What'll be the point kid? They're below us, so I say it doesn't matter what happens to them, unless you have someone you really want not to be hurt." Mark was enraged from Tighten's selfish statement and he threw a strong left hook to his face, which knocked him into a building and Invincible flew towards him and punched him in the face a few times and punches him in the stomach and grabbed him by the hair and threw him to the fallen tower as he slammed through it to the ground as Mark said, "Hopefully that drives the point to you, d@#$head." Hal Stewart got back up and glared at his opponent an tickled him through some buildings and he knocked him to the ground and he scraped him across the street as he went a little faster in the scrapping and he threw Mark into a building and said, "Well maybe that'll teach you, brat." Invincible flew out of the hole in the building and he hovered as Tighten said, "And for the record, since you're still in school, maybe you should try using your powers for what you really want, not this hero crap." "This "hero crap" is what I really want." Invincible then punched Hal to the ground and he picked him up and uppercutted him into the air and punched him again into the air, and Tighten got mad and he flew to Mark in an attempt to attack him, only for Mark to dodge an grab him by the hair and punch him in the face two times and kicked him away and he flew to Tighten to punch him, only for the dumb villain to laser him which made him fly back and Tighten grabbed Mark by the face and threw him to the fountain in the city and he landed in front of Invincible and lasered him again as he screamed and the actual hero managed to use his hand to block the heat vision and he managed to punch Tighten in the face and he pushed him back as he said, "Never been punched by a kid before? You must suck at fighting." Tighten proceeded to punch Mark again, but the hero punched him away and flew after him in the city, but was knocked away by a light pole as Tighten held a light pole and said, "You still have a chance to rethink your life choices, kid." Invincible then grabbed a light pole and the two had a sword like fight with their light poles and they parried each other well and Mark eventually got mad and hit harder and managed to hit Tighten and he knocked him into the air and Invincible flew towards him and when he was at his face, the young Viltuimte hero looked at him with an angry look and said, "I'm still a hero, so no thinks." Mark then upper cutted the dimwitted villain into the air farther and he flew to him and Hal managed to recover and proceeded to punch the teenager again, but he vanished and reappeared behind Tighten after he made his move and him kicked him in the head and Mark said, "Still haven't fought someone that can beat you in a fight? You must really suck." "Oh yeah. Let's make fun of the really cool guy here." Tighten said in anger as he flew to Invincible to punch him, but Invincible beat him to it as he punched him in the nose, making the hero abandoned villain to hold his face and was in shocked at his bloody nose as he was hit, and Mark crossed his arms and looked proud as he said, "More like the loser guy, you're losing here." Mark then punched Tighten in his face again and proceeded to dive him down to the ground head first, and Tighten was even more enrage and heat visioned Mark in the face, which managed to hurt him, and Tighten grabbed him by the hair and said, "I gave you a choice, remember that kid. You choose to be a loser, so deal with what you choose." Tighten then drove Invincible to the ground, which caused a crater and the redhead walks out of the crater and he was upset as he was being beaten by a kid and he was hyperventilating as he was getting more angrier as he was looking at his hands and Invincible called out as he said, "What's the matter? Are you upset? You're gonna cry, big baby?" Invincible flew towards Tighten, who was in more rage and he fired his heat vision at him again and he grabbed him by the head and said, "Since you want to be a loser so bad, let me show you what I think should happen to losers." Tighten then heat visioned Invincible in the face as he went into a threatening rant as he said, "AFTER I'M DONE WITH YOU, I'M GONNA FLASH-FRY THAT PATHETIC LAME LOSER MOM OF YOURS, YOUR PINK COLOR WEARING LOSER GIRLFRIEND, AND EVERY SINGLE GODD@&$ PERSON YOU KNOW!" During his rant, Mark managed to punched Hal in the face, which broke his jaw, and the anger and rage he had was replaced with fear and pain as he had his hands to his faces and muffled in fear and pain and Mark kicked him to the ground and he was enrage himself and said, "You want to be a villain for fun that bad? Fine. Let me show you the consequences of turning evil just because you like it." Invincible then started punching Tighten in the face which blooded his face in every blow, and he was screaming in pain, fear, and agony with the blows getting harder, and his head was smashed to pieces, killing the dimwitted villain who abandoned his hero gig and destiny. The citizens in Metro City looked in shock at the display and Invincible was tired out from the fight as his mask was burned from the heat vision and he looked away from his opponent's corpse and said, "Hope you enjoyed your life as a villain." Invincible looked at the civilians and said, "I'm sorry I did that, I had to do it. But it's okay, you're all safe now." Invincible then flew away as his battle was over and left Tighten's body behind.

Battle End

Invincible arrived home and was met with Cecil about the mission.

In Metro City, Megamind arrived to see Tighten's corpse and was shocked to see he was dead and had no way to fight him now since Tighten challenged him from the news.

Nick: Wow, I did say I wanted to see what was coming to Tighten for the s&@$ he did, but I didn't think he would go down like that.

Alex: Despite Tighten's full dominance in Metro City, he was still a small fish in a large pound. Figure of speaking, Tighten could move faster then sound but Invincible can move faster then light, and Tighten could destroy a building while Invincible can fight planet busters.

Nick: To be fair, Tighten did have a few powers that Invincible didn't like his heat vision.

Alex: And while Viltrumite healing factors failed under multiple exposure to the heat of stars, it still took a little bit of time, and there's no reason to think Tighten's heat vision was anywhere near that hot, and Mark has taken hits from hot beams before.

Nick: Yeah, and while Metro Man, the hero that Tighten got his powers from because of his DNA, he moved at high super speed that everything around him slowed down or even everything looked frozen, which might catch Mark off guard, but Tighten is not experience enough to pull it off.

Alex: Even if Tighten's heat vision is hot enough, Invincible's superior speed would cut him off before he could do any lasting damage, and Tighten only uses his powers in a way to attack with anger and no strategy, while Mark had better battle experience and uses strategy in the battle while Tighten just dives in for the blow.

Nick: And while Tighten did knew what he was doing as a villain and only wanting the girl and decided to be a villain for his amusement, he was not entirely smart as he lacked the knowledge to know how to spell his own hero name, believe he had a space step mom, be fooled by Megamind, and even not think about the hero gig or know what he did to drive him apart from Roxanne, and so it made it to the point where he wasn't gonna try to figure out Mark's battle style or even try to counter him, he took actual hero training and fought some many strong foes in his time. Tighten on the other hand had lossy training and he came from h being a normal guy who seemed to be selfish to start with and became determined to use his powers for selfish gain when he was accidentally given Metro Man's powers and became Tighten.

Alex: And that's the big difference between them, one is a hero fan who became a hero and knew what the ways and responsibility of being a hero was, and the other is a dimwitted bully who never showed interest in being a hero or even learning what he's done and has very big of an ego. Tighten wasn't gonna give up easily or want to surrender to a kid, but Mark's experience, power, and devotion earned him the win.

Nick: When it comes to people getting their powers and getting into the hero business, TIghten wasn't "Invincible" enough to win on top from the start.

Alex: The winner is Invincible.

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