Shadowy Venomous vs Professor Zoom

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In a city, someone was sitting at a bench, reading a newspaper, and that someone is Eobard Thawne, Professor Zoom A.K.A The Reverse Flash, and he was reading a newspaper from the past about Boxman being fired and he laughed as he said, "What a complete failure. He thought he was a great villain until he was fired, but I am surprised he was hired again. I could put that fool to-.... Huh?" Professor Zoom was then interrupted when he heard a blast, and he looked to see two figures flying above the city, and those figures are T.K.O and Shadowy Venomous. The Duo of Turbos then started destroying the city, and everyone in it ran for safety as they were scared for life, but Reverse Flash stayed as he then squirts as he was preparing to run, and he dashed to the duo and jumped as he proceed to punch, much to the Turbos' confusion and Reverse Flash stroked T.K.O and used his speed to mess up his body and slam him into the ground, which killed him instantly, which angered Shadowy Venomous as Thawne looked at him with a mocking smirk and said, "Oops sorry. Was that your son?" "You killed my TOOL." Shadowy Venomous said in anger as he then started firing purple fireballs at Thawne, who dodged the blows as he ran to other spots as he looked at his oppenton with a smirk and he dashed to a civilian who was running with the people and said, "Excuse sir, I'm in need of your services." Thawne then ran towards Shadowy Venomous with him holding the civilian as a human shield and Shadowy fired a few fireballs at Thawne while the civilian was taking the hits and getting his body destroyed by them and Thawne threw the remains at Shadowy, who knocked them aside but was then punched by Professor Zoom and went flying back into a few buildings and he flew up and fired more fireballs at Professor Zoom as he ran again and Shadowy shouted, "STAND STILL AND FACE YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR RUINING MY PLANS." Professor Zoom stopped running as he faced his opponent and said with a smirk, "Alright." Shadowy then proceeded to punch Zoom, only for the latter to vibrate, causing Shadowy to phase through him and Zoom mockingly said, "Sorry, was I supposed to not do anything?" Shadowy then formed black flames around him and he proceeded to attack Zoom, only for The Negative Speed force used to run again and start running in a circle, which confused Shadowy as he said, "What does he think he's doing?" After building enough speed, Reverse Flash then fired lightning at Shadowy, who was hurt by the attack and he looked more mad as he said, "ENOUGH." Shadowy then formed a barrier around him and he dashed to Thawne, and managed to hit him and he grabbed him by the throat and said, "Now you will know the pain for ruining everything I've worked for to be powerful." Shadowy landed on the ground and proceeded to punch Zoom in the chest, only for Zoom to phase through the hold and run away as he said, "Looks like you are too fair behind me then." Shadowy then changed into black flames and proceeded to attack Zoom, only for the Negative Speed Force User to tap into the Speed Force and entered a time wrap as he continued to run and said with a smirk, "I'll end his life before this fight even began, Death in Reverse." As Reverse Flash ran, he felt someone grab him and he looked behind himself and saw Shadowy Venomous holding his arm in the time wrap as he said, "Really? I might have an answer to that." Shadowy then punched Thawne in the face as they both fell out of the wrap, and into a futuristic city and Shadowy saw Thawne was still standing and said, "This game is starting to aggravate me." "Oh really? Then show me more of what you can do." Reverse Flash said with a smirk as he was still prepared for more. Shadowy then fired tons of fireballs at Reverse Flash, who dodged them all and he punched him while running in a few ways and he threw a few blows at him which then made Shadowy felt like he was hit by the air, and he fired another shot of electricity at him and said, "Sorry, was that not easy for you." Shadowy then changed into flames again and grabbed onto Professor Zoom and he ran again entered the time wrap again and Shadowy was flying behind him and smiled as he said, "To completely drain the power of all living things on the planet and be the one with powers above them all. That is the true way to be the most powerful being in the World." Shadowy then tried to punch Thawne, who dashed away from the attack, and he then delivered a series of blows to Shadowy as he said, "Empty threats to a Living Paradox." Thawne the punched Shadowy Venomous into the city they were in, which was in the past before he completely took over Venomous and manipulated T.K.O into being his servant and Reverse Flash stood in front of him and said, "If I kill your past self here, then you will be gone and that kid of yours will never have died." "Well, looks like I will have to watch out." Shadowy said as he stood up and proceeded to attack. The two dashed to each other and Shadowy managed to grab Reverse Flash by the neck and he phase through the hand and coughed up blood and Shadowy looked at him with a smirk as he said, "What a complete laughing stock." Shadowy Venomous was laughing evilly until he then noticed something, as he heard his own voice sounded like his normal voice and realized he was back to Professor Venomous. "What? What happened?" Venomous asked in shock and looked at Reverse Flash and gasped in shock on what he saw, the blob form of Shadowy Figure himself on the ground as Reverse Flash's hand on it and he destroyed it in mere seconds, and after Shadowy Figure was dead and gone from that, Reverse Flash turned to Venomous with a mocking smirk as he said, "Sorry. Was that thing important?" A hand that was the Reverse Flash then phased through his chest, and saw the Reverse Flash that was in front of him chuckled as he flipped Venomous off and the Reverse Flash that held him was a time revent and Venomous now was in scared for life as he said, "Uh Oh." "Uh Oh is right. You have been a very very bad daddy to that kid of yours, now it's time for your punishment." Professor Zoom then slammed Professor Venomous on the ground and he ran at high speeds around the world with Venomous being dragged on the ground while screaming in pain, and when Reverse Flash returned to the city, he raised up Venomous, who's entire front was shredded to the bone, and Professor Zoom chuckled as he said, "And I guess that imbecile Boxman wants his precious boyfriend back, let me help with that." Zoom then spun around at hypersonic speed, causing his dead opponent to spray blood everywhere before using his momentum to throw Venomous to Voxmore, who then went flying through all the walls of the building, scaring the staff and inhabits in the build with confusion and fear, until Venomous' corpse impacted into the power generator in the center of the building as the energy of the core was overloading. With Reverse Flash, he looked satisfied as he said, "How fun." The power generator's energy was overloading very fast as the entire building of Voxmore was engulfed in electricity and was getting ready to burst, which shocked Professor Zoom and when the building was exploding he turned and ran back to the time the fight started as the explosion envelops the forest and nearly destroys Lakewood Plaza.

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