Demencia vs Kankei Ken

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In an alleyway, Demencia was finishing up eating a person on the ground as she said, "Man this guy has a weird taste, but it'll do until dinner tonight." Demencia heard some footsteps in the alleyway, and she wiped the blood off her face as she looked at where the footstep sounds were coming from and saw a young man with white hair with a black mask walking to her, and this young man was the human ghoul hybrid Kankei Ken, and he saw the carnage of the dead person on the ground with Demencia finishing her meal and he said, "You're human, but you're eating your own kind like it's no problem." "What about it man? I eat people most of the time and they taste great." Demencia said to Kankei. "They may be meals to ghouls like me, but a human to eat someone is very wrong, I can't abide that." Kankei said. Demencia then got a little mad and said, "Oh really? Well right now I want to know what you taste like." Demencia then ran up to Kankei and threw a punch at him, only for him to dodge the blow and kick her in the back, making her bump into a wall and she looked at Kankei and said, "Okay tough guy, looks like I'm gonna have to beat ya if I want your skin." Kankei cracked his knuckle and said, "Well I must warn you if you win, I might not like my flesh." Demencia then threw a few punches and kicks at Kankei, but the boy dodged every blow and he punched Demencia in the face, which made her a little upset and said, "Hey, you actually hit a girl?" "I kicked you before I even punched you, and you didn't complain about that." Kankei said. "Well that was in the face, I don't like getting hit in the face." Demencia complained. "Well sorry if I did that, but what if I did this?" Kankei said as he scratched Demencia in the face, leaving a not to big or small cut on her face, which shocked her and she saw Kankei eat the piece of her face and said, "You taste a little tender, but it'll do when I finish you off." "NO ONE EATS MY SKIN LIKE THAT." Demencia shouted as she ran to Kankei to punch him again, only for him to grab her fist and she grabbed his wrist and managed to bend his arm the wrong way, and she smiled and said, "Does it hurt?" "Does this?" Kankei said as he punched Demencia in the face with his free hand, and she was mad from another punch in the face, but was shocked when she saw Kankei's arm fixed itself like it was nothing and he wasn't in pain. 'How did that guy handle that? I broke his arm and he fixed it with no problem and he doesn't feel any pain?' Demencia thought. "Want another punch?" Kankei asked. Demencia then jumped and grabbed Kankei by the leg and said, "Let's see if you feel your legs not moving." Demencia then managed to flip Kankei over as she bent his leg the wrong way and he slammed to the ground and she twisted his other leg. "How does that feel?" Demencia asked with a smirk. Kankei managed to kick Demencia right in the face and made her fly to a wall, and she looked pretty ticked off, but was shocked again when Kankei got back up with his legs fixed to their original state, and Kankei said, "Try as you might, but breaking my limbs is not gonna phase me." "Agh, that's it." Demencia then picked up bricks and started throwing bricks at Kankei, who was dodging the bricks as he said, "Really?" Demencia managed to hit Kankei in the head which caused his mask to fall off, with a cheere until she saw Kankei was still standing and his wound on his head healed up and he said, "If you are gonna try to damage me like that, then I guess I'll show you something you what we Ghouls carry." Four dark red tentacles then sprouted out from Kankei's back and they pointed at Demencia and he look at her and said, "Let's see you handle this." Kankei then jumped to Demencia to attack, and she jumped away before Kankei could hit her, and he looked at her and said, "You're fast, but let's see if you can last long enough." Kankei then threw his kagune at Demencia, but she dodged it as she jumped on the wall and she jumped to Kankei and managed to claw his face and ate what she got and said, "Ymm, you taste really good." "Well, let's see if you can get more of that when you beat me." Kankei said as he continued to have more of his attacks on the Black Hat Organization's experiment, as she dodged every blow and she was crawling on the wall and she said, "Just give up and let me eat you." "Sorry, not gonna happen." Kankei said. Kankei then threw more attacks at Demencia, and saw a pattern as she was dodging again, and he attacked again with her dodging and he jumped to her and managed to catch her, and he then grabbed her with his kagune and slam her into the ground and throw her against a wall, and she dazed from the impact and Kankei said, "Looks like your time has ran out." Kankei then stabbed Demencia in the side, causing her to feel pain and he threw her down on the ground, making a crater in the ground, and he then approached her as he looked at her and said as he cracked his knuckles, "How about we test your intelligence?" Kankei's kagune then pin Demencia to the ground as it then implied her in the shoulder, and then in her arms, and Kankei then approached her and said, "What's 1000 minus 7?" Demencia then was sobbing in pain as she said, "I think it's 993, Dr Flug told me that." "You're right about that." Kankei said as he was standing over her and he said, "Now that you have lost." Kankei then started getting closer to his opponent as she was now scared as Kankei said, "You eat helpless people who couldn't even get away and you savor the taste of their skin and blood as you consume them. So you're gonna feel the pain they felt while you ripped their flesh and bit off their marrow." Kankei then was getting closer to Demencia, who watched in fear and helpless as Kankei said, "While I eat you, in which you were gonna do to me, so you don't mind it, do you?" Kankei then opened his mouth and everything went black, with the only thing being the sound of Kankei eating Demencia and him swallowing, taking the victory.

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