Shadowy Venomous vs Dio

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In the streets of Egypt, Shadowy Venomous was smirking as he was spreading purple fireballs around the shopping district as he said, "Soon, this town along with the rest of this world will bow to me." Shadowy Venomous threw another fireball at a car, where someone was shown to be sucked dry of blood, and the one who sucked this person dry was the vampire rival of the Jostar family, Dio Brando, and he thrown the dead body aside and he approached Shadowy as his approach caught Shadowy's attention and Dio said, "You interrupted my dinner, fool." "Oh did it? Sorry about that." Shadowy apologized, until he looked back at Dio with a smirk as he said, "But I think your meal would be trash when I take my throne." "Throne?" Dio asked and he walked closer to the villain as he said, "If you want this throne, you're gonna have to go through me. Give me your best shot, and take a bite." Shadowy then threw a punch to Dio, but he dodged and struck back at the villain and kicked him in the face and threw a punch to Shadowy, but Shadowy dodged and fired a purple fireball at Dio, which hit him but he wasn't fallen to the ground and he knocked the next fireball away and he dashed to Shadowy and threw another punch to the villain, who grabbed the fist and said, "The same punch again? You should learn some different-" Shadowy was hit in the face by what he believed to be a punch, and he looked at Dio and said, "What was that?" "Nothing you need to know." Dio said with a smirk. Shadowy then got mad and proceeded to punch Dio, only for the vampire to dodge and throw a punch and a kick to Shadowy in the face and he jumped over him and grabbed him, but Shadowy then cuts off Dio's arms, and he proceeded to slice his head off, but then he was punched by the invisible hand again which made him fly into a way, and the invisible hand, which belong to Dio's stand, The World, which is still invisible to Shadowy Venomous' eyes, picked up Dio's arms and placed them onto Dio's shoulder sockets and they reattacted themselves to his body, much to Shadowy's shock as he said, "How? How did you do that?" Dio then proceeded to dash to Shadowy and throw another punch to the power hungry villain, only for him to dodge and kick Dio away and throw a fireball at him, which made Dio fly a few feet away from him, and Shadowy threw more fireballs at Dio, only for a large flash to happen and Dio disappeared and in an instant he was back where he was with him holding knives in his hands and he threw a few at Shadowy, who was hit by the knives in his arms as he screamed in pain as he stood on the ground and proceeded to throw more fireballs and Dio just laughed as he said, "Checkmate." A flash happened again and Dio throw the rest of his knives at the Turbo villain, who was not moving as he was a statue and the knives stopped in mid air while they were flying towards him and another flash happened again and the knives hit Shadowy in the torso and chest and he stood there in a weak state and Dio approached him with a laugh as he said, "How so pathetic, fool. You thought you triumph, and you thought you were greater, but it was I, Dio." Shadowy Slightly recovered as he pulled the knives from himself but was still in pain as he said, "Dio, huh? The Italian name for God. So you think you're god, huh?" Shadowy recovered from his injuries, much to Dio's shock, but he still had his stab marks as he said, "I am God, and I am the only one who would and should be that." Shadowy then dashed to Dio and he implied the vampire as he then burned him from his turbo flame's heats, and Dio screamed in pain as Shadowy said with a smirk, "How does this pain feel? Not as good as those knives, huh?" Shadowy then slammed Dio to the ground and threw him into the air as Dio screamed in pain and a bit of fear, and Shadowy flew towards the airbound Dio with the intentions to strike him, but a flash happened again and everything round Dio including Shadowy were frozen as time itself was frozen and Dio disappeared and he landed on the ground and recovered from the attacks from Shadowy and he jumped into the air and he threw a few blows to Shadowy and time resumes as Shadowy falls to the ground and felt pain as if he was punched and he said, "How did you do that?" "You gonna keep asking, or you gonna show me what you're capable of?" Shadowy was then enraged and he then dashed to Dio, only for The World to punch him again as it said, "MUDA." Shadowy was sent into another wall and he flew towards Dio and proceeded to punch him, but The World countered as it punched Shadowy in the face two times as it said, "MUDA MUDA." The World then threw a barrage of punches to Shadowy as it said, "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA." The barrage damaged Shadowy but ht managed to recover and he turned into black flames as he was more enraged as he proceeded to attack again, but he was stopped by another time freeze and Dio came back as he was far above Shadowy and he was falling towards him with a steamroller which he is attempting to crush Shadowy with as he shouted, "ROAD ROLLER." Do crushed Shadowy with the steam roller and he proceeded to deliver a series of blow to the vehicle as he shouted, "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA." Dio then threw a final punch as he shouted, "MUDA." The steamroller exploded after Dio jumped off of it and resumed time and he stood proud, until he saw Shadowy come out of the wreckage as he said, "I'm gonna enjoy making you scream for your life while I destroy you." Dio then backed up a bit and summoned The World to punch the villain, who already dashed into the air and formed a sphere of energy and dashed to Dio and he flew him into a bunch of buildings in the city, and threw Dio into the ground, with his jacket is gone now and he he looks at Shadowy as was now covered in black flames and Dio said, "What the hell are you?" "The most powerful being on this planet." Shadowy said with a smirk and Shadowy threw more fires at Dio which made him fly towards a clock tower and Shadowy then proceeded to fly towards the vampire with a smirk, and Dio used The World to kick the ground to jump very high to the top of the tower and Shadowy flew upwards to strike Dio, only for the vampire to hit the villain with one of the clock tower's hands which knocked him away, and Shadowy landed near a building's lobby, and he recovered from the impact with an angry glare and he flew to a pillar in the building's lobby and removed it as the ceiling fell apart from the removal of the pillar and he flew towards Dio with the pillar in his hands and he swung at Dio, only for Dio to parry with the clock hand and Shadowy threw the pillar to Dio, who managed to dodged the pillar run up the edge of the pillar throw the clock arm at Shadowy, who managed to dodge it and Dio jumped towards Shadowy, who managed to grab him and they were falling as Shadowy then held Dio by the collar on his uniform as he held his arm back as he said, "Well, let's take your powers away." Shadowy charged energy into his free hand as he said, "Hope you were done using that invisible friend of yours, because he's gone for good." Dio grabbed Shadowy's arm that was holding him by the collar and he caused it to freeze, much to Shadowy's shock and Dio broke his frozen arm off and shattered it to pieces, making Shadowy scream in pain from the attack and held his shoulder socket and he looked at Dio with an angry look as he said, "You have nerve to want and define me like that, and rip off my arm." "What I want is....." Dio said with a smirk as he felt foment and said, "To rule...." Dio held his arms out to the sides as he shouted as The World appeared above him, "THE WORLD." Time freezed again Dio threw a punch to Shadowy in the stomach, which was enough to make him cough as he wanted to taste Shadowy's blood, and he smiled as he prepared to taste the blood as time resumed and Shadowy was hit by the impact of the punch and he coughed up a black blob with his blood, which landed on Dio and The World grabbed the blob and Shadowy landed inside the clock tower, but he was Professor Venomous once again as he lost Shadowy Figure's blob in his body and he held his left shoulder in pain as he lost his arm, and Dio appeared in the clock tower with the blob in his hand and he crushed it and said, "Looks like you're powerless and weak without that disgusting blob." "I'll make you pay for taking away all my powers I was granted that Shadowy Figure promised me." Venomous said in anger. "Then face me, human. BOW TO YOUR NEW GOD." As Dio said with a smile. "I should've been god, I was gonna be the most powerful being in the world like I dreamt of before I quit my hero life." Venomous said as proceeded to punch Dio, only for the vampire to stop time once again and he smiled as he said, "Useless. What a disappointment." The World appeared again and punched Venomous in the chest where his heart was, which destroyed his heart and he resumed time again and Venomous felt pain in the hole in his chest as he said, "No. It can't be." The World threw another punch to Venomous as it shouted, "MUDA." Dio crossed his arms and said, "For the record, your blood is disgusting." The World started punching Venomous with a barrage of punches with Venomous screaming in pain and agony as he and The World shouted, "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA," Venomous was becoming pieces from the blows and The World threw one final punch as it shouted, "MUDAAAAAAAA." Venomous's remains, which was his head, exploded into blood and Dio flew out of the clock tower in the other side of the room and Venomous' blood flew out of the building as Dio landed in the street as he stood as he felt victorious him roaring, "WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY."

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