Black Hat vs Apocalypse

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In Hatville, the island along with the city were being attacked by an army of robot and the Hat bots were fighting them and some of the attacker bots and Hat bots where getting destroyed and one of them was thrown aside and the one who did that was the city's landlord and ruler, who happened to be the evilest villain in the universe, Black Hat. Black Hat then grabbed another robot and held it to his face and angrily said, "Where is your leader in this attack, you bucket of bolts?" A drill was fired at him but he managed to dodge and pulled the wire from the drill and the one who fired it was dragged to him, which was an Apocalypse duplicate and he held him to his face as he said, "Where is your leader? Who ordered this attack, interloper?" The duplicate just laughed as he ran out of power and a voice was heard laughing as Black Hat saw the real Apocalypse himself hovering in the skies as he said, "Fool! You and these pathetic creatures and humans are interloping in our new Mutant Sanctuary." Black Hat threw the duplicate aside and glared at the real Apocalypse and summoned a tentacle from his back to grab him, only for him to dodge and grab the tentacle and pulled Black Hat towards him and he punched him in the face, which knocked him to the ground and Apocalypse landed in front of him and formed his right hand into a sword and swung at Black Hat, who turned into smoke and Apocalypse missed him and Black Hat pulled out his Black Hat Magisword and swung it at Apocalypse, who parried with his sword and they hit each other's blades and Black Hat managed to strike Apocalypse in the chest, which only pierced the armor and he proceeded to slice the mutant, only for En Sabah Nur to grab the Black Hat Magisword and he crushed the blade in his hand, and Black Hat threw the broken sword to the side and Apocalypse shot a drill at him and he was launched to a building and he went through it and while he went flying into the air as the drill was pentrading him, he grabbed the wire and pulled it, pulling Apocalypse to him and he proceeded to punch him, but the blue suited mutant managed to grab the villain by the neck and he flew to the ground and slammed him to the ground and lifted him up and held him in the air, and Black Hat looked at Apocalypse with a glare, in which he was doing his mind control ability, but Apocalypse smirked as he knew what he was doing as he heard Black Hat's thoughts and said, "Your mind tricks will aid you no longer, Aldo Maldonado." Apocalypse then formed a cannon in his free arm and fired at Black Hat, which launched him away and Black Hat fired a beam from his eye to Apocalypse, in which he dodged and Black Hat fired two more beams at him, in which he blocked with his hands and the absorbed them instead of being vaporized as they hit his hands. Black Hat then formed into a cloud again and as Apocalypse looked around, Black Hat appeared behind him and pierced through his chest and had the Death Seed in his hand and he smirked as he said, "I believe this would be a great tool for my new inventions for Flug to build." Apocalypse then grabbed Black Hat's hand that held the Death Seed and grabbed the wrist and threw his arm out of him and he fired another beam at Black Hat as he turned around and he put the Death Seed back inside his wound and it healed up as if he wasn't wounded, and Black Hat then proceeded to dash to Apocalypse, only for Apocalypse's robots and Hat bots that are under Apocalypse's control dogpiled on Black Hat, and Apocalypse watched with a smirk as he said, "Pitiful creature. You're nothing more than a fool to challenge me. Your people will learn to fear me, soon enough." "No En Sabah Nur." Black Hat said before his eyes turned red as he said, "You will learn to fear ME!!!!" A blast erupted in his place and the robots that dogpiled him were destroyed and Black Hat had tentacles around him and he launched them at Apocalypse, who dodged the tentacles and sliced them with his sword, until he was grabbed by tentacles, and Black Hat grew into a monstrous form as he roared at Apocalypse, and he swung him around into buildings and after him to the street, he extended tentacles at Apocalypse, who managed to grabbed the tentacles and in his act of retaliation, most of The Hat Bots and Apocalypse's own robots were broken to pieces as they were being sucked into him, and in the Black Hat Manor, Dr. Flug was freaking out about the invasion on the island, and before he could call Black Hat on what to do about it, most of the machines in the lab were being sucked out of the building as a giant wall formed in the wall and he, along with Demencia and 505 looked out the wall, and Apocalypse absorb The Hat bots, his own robots, and the machines from Black Hat's mansion and he growing to the size of a kaiju as he crushed the tentacles, and he grabbed Black Hat with his kaiju size hand and he slammed him to the ground and fired a beam from his eyes at the monster, who was badly hurt by the attack and turned back to normal, and he was enraged as he jump as he said, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CITY, AND GET THE HELL OFF OF MY ISLAND!!!" Black Hat proceed to punch the giant Apocalypse, only for Apocalypse to grab him and Black Hat then felt a strange feeling as Apocalypse's hand that held him had electric bursting out of his hand and Apocalypse slammed Black Hat to the ground again, and after Apocalypse removed his hand and Black Hat laid on the ground in pain as he was even madder as he said, "I refuse to be defeated by a cyborg that got technology from wannabe gods and thinks he should be ruler of the world." Black Hat then pulled out his phone and said, "Flug, fire that cannon." "Sir, it might be dangerous, we could-" "Do it." Black Hat said, and in space, a satellite cannon powered up a laser which fired towards Apocalypse, in which managed to destroy him with a big portion of the island, and in the crate where Black Hat is, lies Apocalypse's remains, but Black Hat never got the chance to destroy the Death Seed as it flew up and Apocalypse's laugh was heard as the pieces of him wear put back together and he was back in one piece as he said, "Your helplessness and proud has failed you, Aldo Maldonado." Apocalypse approached the downed villain who tried to retail by glaring at him as he tried to fire another eye laser or even transform, but he realized his powers were all gone and he looked in shock as he said, "No. No." Apocalypse rose his foot above Black Hat's face and stomped on his face, which broke it as his face was blooded from the foot, and Apocalypse stomped on his face repeatedly as he laughed a sadistic laugh and Black Hat grunted in pain from every stomp, and Apocalypse grabbed Black Hat by the head as his broken and blooded face was shown as he moaned in pain as he said, "I've never offer you a choice." Apocalypse then looked at the site of Hatville while showing Black Hat's city in flames as explosions occurred and his mansion was in ruins as Apocalypse said, "Now, everything you've built, everything you represent, and everything you've brought fear to..." Apocalypse then hardened his grasp on Black Hat's head with energy from Black Hat's eye beam he absorbed earlier vaporizing his nerves and insides as he said, "Will FALL!" Black Hat screamed in pain and agony as his insides and nerves were being vaporized from the inside of himself and his blooded face became more blooded as he was now lifeless and dead as his cries of pain echoed in the air, and Apocalypse threw the Cartoon Network's dark demonic villain's corpse to the ground below, and Apocalypse watched the city in flames below with a smile and he laughed an evil laugh as he reigned victorious as Hatvill falls into despair.

Battle end

Black Hat's corpse laid on the ground as Demencia cried over his death, Dr. Flug wass feeling scared as his master was overthrown by someone who might threaten his life if he refuses while 505 comfort him.

Images of Black Hat in the city were replaced with images of Apocalypse as Apocalypse stood proud as he was the city's new ruler.

Nick: Well, Apocalypse is a big meaning for when you are face to face with it, and Black Hat might have learned it well.

Alex: This outcome surprised us, both Black Hat and Apocalypse both shown great devastating powers that brought fear to most of the beings that they reign terror against and their victorus against powerful beings seem pretty close.

Nick: But the difference to that is that Black Hat hasn't shown much of a fight against Anti Pops before he grabbed him by the face as Apocalypse's fights with Thor were shown and Apocalypse was actually proven to survive him as Black Hat's victories were mostly gags in a sort of way.

Alex: And with the power abilities, Black Hat is a bit of a wiz in black magic and demonic powers and his eye laser is pretty deadly as it can vaporize living things he fires at, but Apocalypse survived deadly attacks before.

Nick: Hell, Apocalypse tanked hits Cyclops' Optic Blast before, who can split a whole planet in half, and even if Black Hat did hit Apocalypse, he would absorb it as it's energy.

Alex: And with Apocalypse's Celestial Armor and Death Seed, he definitely held chance at surviving Black Hat's other deadly abilities, and Hell, the Death Seed is in even levels with the Phoenix Force, which is above Anti Pops, and even with Black Hat's mind manipulation tricks, Apocalypse has dealt with Jean Gray, one of the Phoenix Force users, and he survived her mind tricks and read her mind, meaning there was no way Black Hat could bypass that same kind of resistance or have resistance of Apocalypse reading his mind and figuring out Black Hat's plans to attack him or even figuring out the Death Seed and it's purpose and plans to destroy it.

Nick: And as for absorption powers go, Apocalypse absorbed powers from the likes of Thor and other energy sources and turn them right back at them. So there was no reason to think Black Hat wouldn't have a guard against that.

Alex: Right, and as Apocalypse could drain Black Hat's powers, it could weaken him to being powerless and helpless and wouldn't be able to take more blows from Apocalypse's attacks, and even if we were to have included that theory of Black Hat being Aldo Maldonado, then him putting on the hat from that cult ritual is how he became Black Hat in the first place, and while Apocalypse was given the celestial armor from the Techno-Organic Virus, it still enchanted his powers and gave him the godly powers and abilities he possesses.

Nick: And as Black Hat could be frightening for whatever the situation calls for it, Apocalypse has been proven to be a fighter and actually fought against weird creatures and something that is terrifying for over five thousand years, he was raised as a fighter from his adopted father, Baal, and has be proven to live by his lesson he learned from Baal which was only the strong live, Black Hat on the other hand fought before in the past but he retired from fighting and  never really pushed himself as a fighter even today as he was just stronger than most others and he has his minions do the fighting for him, especially against that parasite mask that he was specifically asked to take care of himself as he has Demencia take care of it instead while Apocalypse fights his enemies himself.

Alex: And that's the key difference between them as rulers, one is a trained experienced warrior while the other is like a high tempered lazy bully. Black Hat may have been evil incarnate and he wasn't gonna accept defeat, but Apocalypse's experience in battle, powers from the Death Seed and Techno Organic Virus, and counters to Black Hat's powers allowed him to rise up to the throne of victory.

Nick: You can say that the end of days have "Blacken" the hat and it's meaning.

Alex: The winner is Apocalypse.

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