Tetsuo vs Demencia

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In Japan, Demencia, who is in here her future uniform, is standing proud as she looked at a bunch of destruction in the Great Tokyo Empire and said, "Even in Japan, there's a bunch of cool villains, and this is a great show." From about a yard away from Demencia, a kid who is the Esper Minister of the Empire, Tetsuo Shima, stands on the ledge of a building to see the trespasser. "Wrong country, Grandma. You're in Akira turf now." Tetsuo then teleported to the building Demencia was standing on, and she looked in shock from seeing a kid appear out of nowhere and he said, "I suggest for you to leave or I'll make you regret stepping in our territory." Demencia laughed at the threat and said, "Sorry kiddo, I'm not gonna take from a little boy, and plus," Demencia then got in Tetsuo's face with a smirk and said, "You're not the boss of me." Tetsuo then got mad and aimed his right hand at Demencia, which was glowing red and she looked in confusion which then turned to a shock look as she figured out he was attacking and she said, "Oh crud." Tetsuo blasted Demencia away and he flew towards her as she was flying into a building, and after she crashed into it, Tetsuo used his telekinesis to pull off signs on buildings around him as he shouted, "You dug up your own grave." Tetsuo started throwing the signs at Demencia, who managed to dodge them and she climbed up the building and she managed to reach the top and she said, "You missed, little kid." Tetsuo flew into the air and he looked mad as he shouted, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A LITTLE KID? I MAKE THE RULES AROUND HERE!" Tetsuo then levitated rocks, cars, traffic lights, and more signs around him and he threw them at the Black Hat Organization's genetic experimented girl, but she managed to dodge them again and she grabbed a rock and threw it at Tetsuo, who used his telekinesis and threw it back at Demencia, which managed to hit her this time and she went into the street and Tetsuo landed and said, "Maybe you'll learn to respect the rules around here." Demencia recovered from the attack and she jumped towards Tetsuo, who was taken by surprise from the villain girl and she knocked him to the ground and she punched him in the face and before she threw a fourth punch, Tetsuo levitated her off of him and said, "Show some respect to children, old lady." Demencia then managed to kick Tetsuo in the face which made him release her and she grabbed his right arm and said, "I hope you don't need this anymore, because I'm a little hungry." Demencia then sank her teeth into Tetuso's arm, making him scream in pain and tried to push her off of him, and he managed to do so with him losing his arm, an he held his socket in pain as Demencia was eating his arm. Tetsuo then levitated another car and threw it at Demencia, who jumped out of the way and Tetsuo made himself a new arm out of scraps of metal nearby and it moved his old arm and he looked angry and said, "I'll kill you. I WILL KILL YOU." Demencia was frozen in place as she felt a strange feeling in her body and Tetsuo dashed towards as he shouted, "YOU'RE HISTORY, OLD HAG." Tetsuo then started punching Demencia and he threw her into the air and he dashed towards her in the air and before he could hit again, she grabbed Tetsuo and threw towards a nearby building but before he could impact into it, Tetsuo headbutted the building, which destroyed the whole building and he teleported to Demencia and started delivering several blows to the psycho lady and Tetsuo punched her to the ground, and he then landed next to her and he grabbed her by the neck and he raised her into the air and squashed as he glared at her, which made her feel weird as her head was getting puffy, and she managed to break free by kicking Tetsuo in the face, and she pinned him to the ground as he head went back to normal, and she looked at Tetsuo with a mad look and said, "I was gonna tell you I liked you, but I think you won't get to hear the complement, which is going to hurt me more then it'll hurt you kid. So sorry about what I'm going to do." Demencia proceeded to punch the teenager, only for him to levitate her off of him and throw her and he screamed as the ground started to shake as Tetsuo caused an Earthquake and Demencia managed to jump before the quake could get her and Tetsuo teleported behind her and he punched her in the back, which made her fall on the ground and he made the ground shake with his telekinesis, which Demencia saw most of the ground was getting destroyed and before she could jump again, Tetsuo placed his foot on her back and he said, "Not this time lady." After a couple of struggles, Demencia managed to break free and she grabbed Tetsuo as she jumped and she said, "You know kid, you really should learn to treat grown women like me with some respect." Demencia then rails her hand back as a fist and she says, "So looks like I should do the honors in teaching you how to respect women." Demencia then punched Tetsuo in the face and threw another punch to Tetsuo and then she threw him into a building, which he crashed into it and Tetsuo managed to recover and he stood up and saw the logo of Demencia's tattoo and managed to read her mind as he said, "I guess you really like to do stuff to impress somebody you work for, huh?" Demencia looked at Tetsuo as he said, "I bet he goes out with a bunch of women and he doesn't think about you at all." Demencia then got enraged and she proceeded to jumped towards the former biker gangster and before she could attack, Tetsuo then armed his right arm to Demencia as he sprouted mass of flesh and matter at the psycho girl which, managed to grab her and he slammed her on the ground side by side of him and he threw her into the arm and flew towards her as he slammed her down to the ground with another punch and he flew towards her and she pounced on him and she pinned him to the ground and she smiled as she raised a fist as she said in a sadistic tone, "After I'm done beating you to a pulp for hurting a hot lady like me, I'm gonna eat ya and I'm going to enjoy you for my meal." Before Demencia could punch the Esper, he sprouted his mass to her again and he held her as he got up and said, "If you really have a thing for eating people, then maybe they want out of your gut." Tetsuo then glared at Demencia as he released Demencia and she stood where she was as she held her stomach and grunted in pain as her stomach rumbled as she said, "What's wrong with my tummy?" "It seems that it's getting way too full of juke that you might pop like a balloon." Demencia's stomach started to grow as she held her stomach while moaning in pain as she said, "No no no. Please stop." "Hope your last meal was good, because you're gonna have a very bad s*&% from it." Tetsuo said as he kept making Demencia's stomach grow with his telekinesis. Demencia was screaming in pain as her stomach was growing still and it finally exploded into blood as she cried in pain and she had a dead like face as she fell on the ground dead with her organs and blood falling down around her. Tetsuo held his arm as he tired from the battle and said, "What a pain that lady was." Tetsuo then flew up as he said, "Kaneda and that Kei girl are gonna get it when I find them. Which I'm gonna go look for them right now." Tetsuo then flew off to find his former best friend, leaving The Black Hat Organization's experimented human's corpse lying on the ground as the ground from Tetsuo's Earthquake attack from earlier collapse as she fell with her inmoblie body just fell with her not being able to escape the fell due to her death.

Battle End.

Tetsuo flew around Neo Tokyo until he found Kaneda and Kei from a distance and flew towards them.

Demencia's corpse kept falling until she was implied but a stalagmite in the ground.

Nick: Wow, what a way for you to lose your lunch, as it explodes in your face.... Along with your guts. Haha. Yeah, I tried.

Alex: So you are not mad about Demencia losing again?

Nick: Nah, I knew this was gonna happen with Tetsuo and Akira's case of violence, so whatever. So let's go onto the results.

Alex: Right, so Demencia kept a pretty even match with her strength and agility, but Tetsuo had answers to most of her skills then she thought.

Nick: Yeah, like climbing walls and even like still having gravity while gravity is turned off like in a hole in a space station making a vacuum to space and having resistance to a love potion perfume aren't really counters to most of Tetsuo's telekinesis abilities.

Alex: Correct, as Tetsuo levitating objects and even people isn't really like gravity control in some way, but Demencia was still floating around when that anti-gravity sphere was turned on, so it's to hard to think about her handling non gravity environments, and Tetsuo's mind reading doesn't really connect to Miss Heed's perfume has it has nothing to do with making you fall in love with him and she won't be able to catch him off guard with that kind of ability.

Nick: Yeah, and their strengths are clear different too, so let's point down the peak marks of them using their full strength.

Alex: Demencia has been shown to be strong enough to be strong heroes and others, as she demonstrated while under the control of the Luchadores Mask Parasite, which is pretty impressive for battle and survival, but Tetsuo cratered the moon with his bare hands, which not only does it surpass Demencia's battle strength but can also mass up gravity on Earth, which makes it hard for her to last on the ground or even the air if she is on top of buildings.

Nick: Yep, and he can even teleport around her and land some punches and kicks to the babe, even if Demencia might be a little more experienced in combat.

Alex: And even if Demencia has proven to have a bit of weapons to harm Tetsuo, he has proven to destroy them without trouble as he blew up a laser satellite in space that has what would appear to have more power then Demencia's glove, as he survived that laser, he did lose an arm, but still survived it.

Nick: Yeah, and he has a lot more options to putting her down, with his telekinesis, he could crush her or target her inner organs and blow them up, and even if she lasted long enough, Tetsuo could also destroy her with his mutated form and it's powers, such as his explosions, which are compared to that of the big bang, or even could crush her with his body or absorb her. Looks like giving brains mind powers is more then making humans have animal genes, right Bill Nye?

Alex: Demencia was an energetic oppenton, but Tetsuo's Esper abilities, large strength, and Bizarre powers were far too much for the human lizard hybrid.

Nick: You can say that this was defienty no demented finish or day in the park, right?

Alex: Seriously?

Nick: What? Espered me to make a good term? There I go again, haha.

Alex: Ugh. The winner is Tetsuo Shima.

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