Shadowy Venomous vs Darth Vader

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In Death Star, Darth Vader looked at the monitors in the control room, and a message bot came to him and a hologram of one of the soldiers came on and he said, "Lord Vader, we are in searching for the rebel ship in which we might believe Skywalker would be in." "Good. And remember to bring him to me, I want him alive." Darth Vader said. "Well, I think I have a better idea." Said a voice as Vader turned and saw someone coming into the control room while the message bot left, and this someone was Shadowy Venomous with a smile. "Who are you?" Vader asked. "Oh, just someone who wants to help you with whatever you are having trouble with." Shadowy Venomous said. "What trouble could I be having that you want to help me with?" Vader asked. "Oh, you're looking for a certain someone, and I think I can help with that." Shadowy Venomous said with a smile, and his responses from the Sith lord was, "I know what you're up to." "What?" Shadowy Venomous asked. "You're planning to manipulate me into working for you, and even if I find Luke Skywalker, you're going to have me kill him without a second thought, calming he would be an imposter to my son." Vader said. "Wait, how can you know that?" Venomous asked in shock that Vader knew about his plan. "I can sense your thoughts." Vader said before he used his force choke on Venomous, strangling him as he said, "And that is an unwise decision to make." Shadowy Venomous raised his hand as he was struggling to break free from the force choke and threw a fireball at Darth Vader, who threw it aside with his force and said, "You dare to challenge me?" Darth Vader released Shadowy Venomous, who coughed as he was gasping for air, and Vader said, "Then I shall grant you your wish." Vader pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it, and Shadowy Venomous ignited his hands in purple flames. Shadowy Venomous threw five fireballs at Darth Vader and dashed towards him, and Vader slashed the fireballs before they can hit him easily and he grabbed Shadowy Venomous with the force and threw him across the room, and he flew up and dashed to Darth Vader again and he managed to pin him through the floor and into the hanger bay and threw him against a cart of guns and he threw a few punches at Vader and fired a fireball at him which made go flying back, and he recovered quickly as he said, "You cannot escape your fate." Vader then unleashed a force blast, knocking Shadowy Venomous back and he said, "You are a fool to defeat me." Shadowy then flew back into a purple fireball and dashed towards Vader, who was walking forward and said, "It is pointless to use that trick against me." Vader jumped up and thrusted his Lightsaber down, and managed to hit Shadowy Venomous, who cried in pain from the hit and luckily didn't lose a limb, and Vader grabbed him by the force and threw him all over the place, making him hit the walls and floor hard that inflicted bad damage to him, and he was thrown on the floor and Vader lifted one of the TIEs and hovered it over Shadowy as he said, "This is the power of the Force." Vader slammed the TIE on Shadowy, making a storm of smoke appear and when it cleared up, it showed the ship was now in pieces, and Vader said, "That was all too easy." "Was it?" Said Shadowy Venomous' voice as Darth Vader turned and saw his opponent was still alive and he said, "You still haven't won this fight yet, space fool." "Enough." Vader said as he use his force to pick up the remains of the destroyed TIE and threw them at Shadowy, who dodged many of them and fired a purple fireball at Vader, who countered it with a slash, and Shadowy threw three electric fireballs at him, and Vader used Kinetite, conducting several balls of electricity, and threw them at Shadowy Venomous, who dodged the attack in time before it hits him and he dashed towards Vader and grabbed him and threw him into a TIE and he grabbed it and flew out of the ship and towards Earth, and it managed to not burn in the atmosphere and Vader survived the fire and so did Shadowy, and they crashed into POINT's base and they crashed into the hanger bay and Vader threw Shadowy off of him and he said, "You are strong, and I am actually impressed. Let's see if you can last longer." Shadowy Venomous threw a few fireballs at Vader, who used the Force to block the attacks and he threw his lightsaber towards Shadowy, who managed to catch it and said, "Well, let's see how you feel being hurt by your own weapon." Shadowy dashed to use Vader's lightsaber against him, only for the lightsaber to be pulled out of his hand and into Vader's hand as Vader said, "You have a way of using something that isn't yours." Darth Vader and Shadowy Venomous were hitting each other with Vader's Lightsaber and Shadowy Venomous' flaming fists, and they parry every blow from each other, and when Vader was knocked back by Shadowy, he looked at his opponent and said, "You are holding your own very well. Better than I thought you would. Very impressive." Vader then raised his left hand out to the side and one of the big POINT ships was lifted by Darth Vader's Force, which shocked Shadowy Venomous at seeing the full strength of the Force, and Vader threw the ship at Shadowy, who dodged the throw and the ship damaged most of the hanger bay and Shadowy looked at the ship and said, "He managed to lift a POINT ship that was bogged then that one ship he tried to crush me with. His power of levitation is leagues far greater than that alien who works for Gar." Shadowy said, and Vader went to him and said, "You made your decision to fight, so fight me, or you will die." Shadowy Venomous balled his hands into fists as they flamed up and he said, "I am not dying until I have fulfilled my plan to conquer this planet." Darth Vader grabbed Shadowy by the neck and raised him up as he said, "Then fight me and survive if you can. You sealed your fate when you chose to fight me, and it's now in my hands." Vader threw Shadowy across the room and he proceeded to slash him, only for Shadowy to grab him and he flew him and himself out of POINT's base, and the POINT soldiers went to see what's going on but saw the people who attacked were not around. With the two combatants, they were flying towards a forest and Shadowy held Vader up as he said, "Now let's see how you taste as beast food." A big dinosaur like beast arrived and Shadowy threw Vader at the beast, but Vader spun himself around in the air and sliced the beast's head in half, and Shadowy dashed into him again and they went towards a volcano in the forest and Vader landed perfectly and he said, "Impressive." Vader threw a few swings at Shadowy, who dodged every swing, and Vader threw his Lightsaber and Shadowy dodged this one as well, and Vader reached out as he said, "Enough of this foolishness." Shadowy was once again caught in Vader's Force Choke as Vader held him in the air as he choked in the Force and Vader said, "Like I told you, it's pointless to resist my power." Shadowy fired up his right hand as he was still choking and he threw a fireball at Vader, hitting him and Shadowy was free from the Force Choke and he went to Vader and electricted his suit, damaging it as Vader breathed hard, and Shadowy threw Vader into the lava canyon as he looked with a smile and said, "You failed, and I am the victor." Shadowy laughed, not knowing Vader's Lightsaber was coming towards him and he was hit in the back and he fell down with Vader, who used the Force to throw a giant boulder into the lava and he landed on the rock and Vader's suit was fine again and he said, "You still haven't won yet." Vader then grabbed his Lightsaber from Shadowy with the Force and grabbed it in his hand and Shadowy managed to fly over the lava, despite the pain and injury in his back and Shadowy said, "Let's finish this, Grim Reaper wannabe." Shadowy threw a bunch of fireballs at Vader, who used the force to throw many rocks from the Canyon's walls against them and he jumped off his boulder and onto a safe part of the canyon and said, "You will never win." "I will now." Shadowy said as he dashed towards Vader to attack him, only for Vader to counter as he slashed off his left arm and legs, making the oldest Turbonic being scream in agony, and he fell on the ground and Vader lifted him off the ground and said, "You were indeed impressive, you managed to hang in this fight to this moment. Now it's time to die." Shadowy aimed his only remaining hand to fire another fireball, only for the Force to hit him in the back and he was thrown into the lava, and he dies as his screams in agony were heard in the canyon and Vader looked at where he threw his oppenton and said, "You were a strong foe, but not strong enough to destroy me. Now goodbye." Vader saw an empire ship come and he leaves for it as he has won the battle.

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