Black hat vs Goku Black

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In The Black Hat Organization's home, the villain organization's founder went into Dr. Flug's lab and when he called out to his head scientist, who came to him, he said, "Dr. Flug, where is that recreation of the Flower of Pure Fouless?" "It's in the capsule I had it in for a day now, sir." Dr. Flug said. "Alright, go get it so I can add it to my villain zoo of deadly creatures." Black Hat said with a smile. "Right away si-." Flug was interrupted as he and Black Hat heard a loud sound and they along with the others in the organization went to the nearest window and saw something strange, a green cyclone materializes in the road of Hatsvill, and a black portal opens up in the vortex and flying out was something that looked like a saiyan in dark clothing while holding a teacup. A crowd in the city's villains were in fear of the sight, believing it to be the hero saiyan known as Goku, not realizing it was something more dangerous and evil, Zamasu, or the alias he's taken, Goku Black. Goku Black took a sip of his tea and he looked at the crowd with an evil smirk and said, "Mortals. Sinners. Prepare for your divine justice." Goku Black charged Ki in his free hand and fired at the defense crowd while laughing as the citizens were more afraid as they were all getting killed by who they thought was supposed to be a hero, and Goku Black took another slip of his tea. Black Hat looked with a mad look and said, "No one comes to this city and slaughters these people for no reason. I'll show him." Black vanished and reappeared in the city on a building and he fired a beam from his eyes to Goku Black, which didn't hit the mad god but the teacup in his hand, which shattered from the hit and Black Hat mocking smiled as he said, "Whoops, were you still drinking from that?" Goku Black was now mad from how this creature dared to define him and he fired a few shots at Black Hat, who vanished into smoke and reappear on another building, and Goku Black flew to strike him, only for Black Hat to vanish again and appear on another building, and Goku Black looked in anger and saw a remaining citizen and flew to hum, who looked in fear of the mad god and said, "Please Goku, please spare me." Goku Black grab the citizen by the neck and flew up in the air and the citizen choked as he said, "No please, I'm begging you, don't kill me." Goku Black threw the citizen at Black Hat, who vaparished them with his eye beam, and Goku Black flew to Black Hat and managed to strike him and he grabbed the demon by the neck as Black Hat said, "I know I'm evil, but I just don't understand. Why are you killing? You never do that from what I heard about you." "Oh I'm sorry, but I think you got me confused for the real being this body belonged to. But unlike him, I don't hold back." Goku Black said with a smile and he kicked Black Hat to the streets and he used his magic to get away, and Goku Black flew in the air as he fired several shots at Black Hat but missed and he said, "Stand still and face judgement, fool." Black Hat then stood there and smiled as he said, "Alright." Goku Black then flew to punch the evil demon, only for the latter to become a cloud and he went through and Black Hat laughed at his opponent, who was angry and summoned his energy blade and launches a barrage of pink crystals at Black Hat, who dodged them as he jumped to the side and he laughed at Goku Black, shorty before the crystals exploded and launched him to Goku Black, who delivered a series of punches and kicks to the demon in the business suit and knocked him into a building in the distance, and shortly after, a black tentacle came out of the hole in the building and reached to grab Goku Black, only for the Genocidal God to grab the tentacle and pull Black Hat towards him and grabbed him by the neck and he activates his Super Saiyan Rose and he smiled as he held his oppenton and said, "What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?" "You look disgusting is what I think of it." Black Hat said with a disgusted look, which angered Goku Black as he then threw Black Hat to the ground and he went through the entire Earth and now went into space and went through the moon, and Goku Black teleported behind Black Hat and slammed him back to Hatsvill and Black Hat was in pain from the attack but rubbed it off and Goku Black appeared behind him and said, "Time for your end, demon." Black Hat pulled out a sword, which was the Black Hat Magisword, and he said, "Maybe the end is for you." Goku Black summoned his energy blade again and the two fought, but Goku Black overwhelmed Black Hat and knocked him back, and Goku Black formed his energy blade into his Sickle of Sorrow, which surprised Black Hat as Goku Black said, "Now, let's finish this." Goku Black flew to Black Hat, only to get punched in the face and sent back, and he looked and saw an army of Black Hat clones, including the messed up clones from the evil ray's video and even Black Hot, who was the one who punched him. "How can you have this many copies?" Goku Black said in anger and confusion as he pointed at his smirking oppeneton, with his only response from Black Hat being, "Simple, I had time." Goku Black got enraged and launched an arching projectile towards Black Hat and his clones, which went over them all and Black Hat said, "You missed." "I wasn't aiming for you fool." Goku Black said, and the wave formulated a portal behind the Black Hat clone army to their confusion and shock which summoned a group of Goku Black clones, and Goku Black and Black Hat pointed at each other's clones and said, "Get them all." The Black Hat clones then fought the Goku Black clones, but they were destroyed by the Saiyan fused God's copies as they were weak compared to the real Black Hat, as the real Black Hat and the real Goku Black were fighting again. Black Hot threw a few Goku Black clones around, but he was then overpowered by two Goku Black clones as they held his arms and another Goku Black clone came in front of him and incinerated him before he could break free. The real Goku Black and Black Hat were still fighting until Goku Black knockes Black Hat into the distance, and he crashed through a building, and he found himself in Penumbra's laboratory, where she and Sunblast are helping a child with Penumbra's virus as other people with the same issue were in there. "Excuse my invasion of your work Ms. Penumbra." Goku Black broke into the building, and Black Hat was about to warn one of his clients until Goku Black said, "Make way, Mortals." Goku Black then swung his Sickle of Sorrow against most of the dark virus infected people, and Black Hat then jumped out of the building and Goku Black proceeded to give chase, but he then looked at Penumbra, Sunblast, and the remaining people and said, "I'll let you mortals live for now since I have unfinished business with your employer." Goku Black then flew away and chased Black Hat as he started firing at him, in which he was messing once again, and they arrived back in Hatvill where Black Hat's minions were helping the remaining citizens in the city to get to safety, and the two fighters returned at the top of Black Hat's mansion with the mad demon villain holding his Black Hat Magisword and he looked at his foe with his Sickle of Sorrow in hand and said, "Enough of this nonsense, time to finish this battle." "Verywell." Goku Black said as he held his scythe in a state to attack while his oppenton readyed his weapon too. Moments later, the two dashed towards each other and they were standing far apart from each other with their backs facing each other, and Black Hat looks over his shoulder with his trademark smirk as he said, "Looks like you have lost, fool." After Black Hat chuckled, he heard Goku Black laughed, in which confused him and saw Goku Black look over his shoulder and say, "Is that so? Take a better look." Black Hat then felt something was missing and he looked at his right arm, which was cut off from him and the Black Hat Magisword was in the ground as it was out of it's wielder's grasp, and he held his shoulder in pain as he screamed in agony. Goku Black then grabbed Black Hat by the neck and flew up into the air and he smirked at Black Hat as he said, "Looks like your the fool, and your joke turned against yourself. You were nothing compared to me, or anything I fought before, you're just a joke. You have failed." Goku Black then threw a few blows to Black Hat and he slammed him down to Black Hat's mansion as the slam destroyed his lower half and he crashed through the mansion until he crashed to the bottom of the mansion as the entire building shook like an Earthquake, and Goku Black hovered over the mansion as he charged up his Black Kamehameha Wave as he said, "KAMEHAMEHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA." The beam went straight down to the mansion and it destroyed the whole building as it was going to Black Hat, as he lied there as he was horribly damaged as he watched his coming death in anger as he said his last words, "I.............. HATE.... YYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU..." The beam then erupted into an explosion that was starting to envelop the city, and Flug, 5.0.5, and Demencia looked in shock and fear and Dr. Flug opened a portal and Black Hat's minions ran into it before the explosion enveloped the entire city, which was now destroyed and Goku Black hovered over the mansion's remains and only found Black Hat's hat on the ground as he was nowhere to be found, proving the evil cartoon villain was indeed dead. "What a joke." Goku Black said as he smirked as he felt victorious.

Battle End

Lose: Black Hat's minions were in another city as Demencia was crying over Black Hat's death, Dr. Flug was worried as now he had no job and was homeless while 5.0.5 was comforting him.

Win: Goku Black held Black Hat's hat before he destroyed it with Ki and teleported away from the remains of Hatvill.

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