TKO and Shadowy Venomous vs Magneto

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In the city of Lakewood that was covered in purple flames, and the Omega level mutant, Magneto, hovers over the city as he observes the destruction. "Even in Lakewood, these creatures fail to recognize us mutants and our superiority." Not far from Magneto, a kid and a man landed on a building, and they are the turbo duo, the evil manipulative darkside of Professor Venomous, Shadowy Figure, in his full form that has access to his true powers, Shadowy Venomous, and his son who is his partner who in reality is his tool for world domination, the darkside of K.O who is misguided by emotions, TKO. TKO smirked as he said, "Wrong town, grandpa. You're in our playground now." TKO then flew to Magneto and threw a Power fist at the Mutant, which launched him back from the kid and he flew after him and Magneto recovered and flew away from the manipulated child as he said, "You're toast." TKO threw a few Power fists at the Omega Level Mutant, who dodged them and blocked on of them with a nearby sign from a building he passed while flying in the chase and threw it at TKO, who knocked it away and Magneto berates the turbo kid on his rudeness and disrespect as he said, "Impudent child." "Who are you calling impudent?!" TKO asked as he then glared as he charged up more flames as he said, "I can do whatever I want. You have no right to tell me how to act." TKO then threw more power fists at Magneto, who levitated a few cars to block the the fire balls and he crumbled the cars together and threw it at TKO, who grabbed it and threw it at Magneto and before he could dodge the car, he was held from the back and he saw it was Shadowy Venomous as he was smirking as he said, "Don't run, feel it." The cars crashed into Magneto and he went to the ground and TKO laughed as Shadowy appeared next to him with a smirk, and Magneto flew back into the air with his magnetic force field around him as he wasn't harmed from the cars as he said, "You two are wasting my time." Magneto levitated several metal objects around him from the rubble from the ground below him and threw them all at TKO and Shadowy Venomous, in which dodged most of them, but Shadowy Venomous was hit by the car and TKO was knocked to the ground but a large rock and landed with him grunting in pain as Magneto floating down til he was hovering above the ground and said, "Weaklings like you are pale in comparison to the Master of Magnetism." T.K.O stood up and glared at the leader of the Brotherhood as he fired up. Magneto, believing his enemy is up to something, lifted a behind next to him with his magnetokinesis and he threw it at TKO but the building was smashed to pieces by the boy as he was flying and he angrily said, "I'm gonna kill you old man. I. WILL. KILL. YOOOOOOOOOU." TKO dashed towards Magneto as he was in rage and the Omega Level Mutant was about to lift another building, but he was punched in the stomach by Shadowy Venomous and he wrapped his arm around him and said, "Stand still and take your hit from my son like a man." Magneto then used his power to make Shadowy Venomous' body move on his command and he moved him in front of him and TKO hit him instead of Magneto and the Mutant punch the kid and man as he then levitated nearby vehicles and attempted to throw them at the duo, who destroyed them and dashed towards Magneto and they attacked him in both sides, which eventually knocked his helmet off and TKO smashed it with his foot as he didn't like how it looked, and they eventually grabbed him by the neck and they attempted to struggle him to death, until Magneto used his magnetic powers on a steel pole that wrapped around TKO's neck and choked him and Venomous' blood were being controlled by Magneto again and his right arm grabbed his own neck and they were levitated in the air as Magneto angrily said, "I believe I've had enough tantrums to last a lifetime." Shadowy Venomous struggled in his grip as he pulled out a device and said while choking, "W-Well, I think I've h-had enough g-god complex fools like y-y-you to last a lifetime myself." Shadowy Venomous pressed the button on the device and a green beam fired from the sky at TKO, in which he was absorbing the energy from the Glorb Tree, in which Magneto released the duo as he looked in shock and TKO unleashed a shockwave that knocked Magneto away into a building far from the spot he was at and when Magneto looked at the turbo child as he was powered up with the power of the Glorb Tree and he was laughing as he felt his power increased to a high level, and he looked at Magneto with a smirk as he shouted, "Well old man, I guess I should give you the honor, to Welcome you to.....DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Magneto looked flustered until he heard the voice of a child's cry for help in the form of a telekinetic message saying, 'Please sir, stop them. Even if you have to kill them, I'll accept it.' Magneto felt confused from the cry until Shadowy Venomous teleported in front of him and delivered a punch to his face, and TKO appeared in front of Magneto and he proceeded to punch him, but the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants managed to catch TKO but his blood in his hand and make him punch himself in the face, which caused him to blood from his nose and mouth and Magneto sent TKO away via levitation and Shadow Venomous grabbed Erik Lehnsherr by the neck and he flew through the air with him as he planned to ram him into a building, but the X-Man acted fast as he held his hand out and used his Magnetokinesis to pull out iron from TKO's blood that he spit out and the iron formed into a saw blade and Magneto had the blade sliced Shadowy Venomous' arm off, which allowed him to release Magneto and he held his arm in pain as he screamed and TKO fired a disempower beam at Magneto, who used his forcefield to block it and Shadowy Venomous landed on his feet as he held his socket in pain and he looked at TKO as he said, "Drain him. Drain him of all of his powers." TKO then slammed his fists into the ground as he formed his disempower dome and he engulfed the area around him, and Magneto felt the energy affect him, and before the dome could get any bigger, the energy of the dome was absorbed away from TKO as he lost control of it and he saw Magneto was flying in the air and he absorbed the disempower dome's energy into a sphere in his hands and he realized the voice that cry for help from earlier was from TKO's mind in the voice of KO as the kid he was fighting was his darkside who was manipulated and he realizes TKO was misunderstood and misguided as he expresses his sorrow towards the edge lord as he said, "Poor child." Magneto then releases the energy in the form of a laser and fired it at TKO, who was launched away and he was implied by a steel pole from a broken part of a building and Shadowy Venomous looked at Magneto in rage and fired up in purple flames with his eyes glowing purple as he shouted, "You killed my tool. You are going to pay for that, old man." Shadowy Venomous then formed into black flames and dashed towards Magneto in the attempt to kill the mutant, Magneto dodged him and he formed a purple sphere around himself and dashed to Magneto, who threw a levitated a car at him to block the attack, only for the manipulative darkside of KO's father to destroy it in his dash, and Magneto punched Shadowy Venomous into the opposite direction and he formed back into his black flames and he said in anger, "You ruined my plan by killing my tool, now you're going to suffer for it, and I will see to it that the rest of your kind suffers my wrath and the pain I will inflict on them." Shadowy Venomous then flew towards Magneto, who absorbed power from the sun and before Shadowy Venomous could strike a fatal blow to his enemy, Magneto punched him in the chest as his fist went right through his chest and Venomous coughed up blood and Magneto looked at Shadowy Venomous with a disappointed look as he said, "You shouldn't have threaten Mutant kind, human. And that boy was your son, and you only treated him like a pond. You are not fit to have a child, and you are not fit to have power." Magneto then used his magnetokinesis to target the blood in Shadowy Venomous' body, which then was redirected to his heart and the iron in the blood formed into sharp spikes and when a lot of the blood in his body was in the heart, the spikes implied through parts of his heart, and Shadowy Coughed up more blood and he said as he was losing life, "N-N-No, this can't, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Ugggghhhh." Venomous then became lifeless and Magneto throw him to the ground, and TKO looked at the mutant as he smiled as he too was losing life as he said his final words, "Thank you." TKO then closed his eyes in peace and Magneto sighed as he was exhausted from the battle and looked at TKO and said, "You're welcome." Magneto then flew away from the city as the battle has ended.

Battle end

K.O's friends and family were crying from their little friend's death as well as Venomous' death with Boxman and his robots and Fink.

Magneto flew through the sky as he thought of the kid he killed to end his misguided nature and destruction as he felt sorrow for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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