Black Hot vs Broly (DBZ)

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In a field in the desert, a towering man stood there as he appeared to be meditating, and this man is shown to be the Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly, in his base form, and he appeared to in a peace and quiet state, until he felt the presents of someone approaching, and he turned and saw a tall muscular black creature carrying a barbell on his shoulder like it's a bindle with a blanket at the end of the pole with a muscular man, a muscular woman, and a cactus next to him, and this creature was the muscular clone of Black Hat made from the evil ray gun while being used by Demencia, Sexy Black Hat or the alias he gave himself, Black Hot. Black Hot looks at the saiyan in front of him with a glare as he said, "Who are you, shirtless man? I prefer that you step aside if you're not in anyway to challenge me in a flexing contest or even a match." Broly wasn't phased by the creature as he said, "I suggest you not do anything reckless, strange creature. It'll be best if you leave now and keep going your way." Black Hot ignored Broly's advice and he removed his bindle from his barbell and threw the barbell at Broly, who acted quick and knocked the exercise tool away, and saw Black Hot rush to him and managed to land a blow to his stomach and threw a few punches to his face and threw a strong left to Broly, which launched him away into a mountain, and Black Hot looked at his minions with a look of pride as he said, "And let that be a lesson, they may appear strong, but they are not as strong as they lo-" The muscular villain was interrupted as he heard an explosion and he and his minions looked at the mountain Broly was launched to and say a beam of light erupt and screaming was heard.

Broly is shown to be flying and he appeared different now as he was more muscular and his hair was a yellowish green in a spiky state and his eyes were all clear as he transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form and he flew back to the area and kicked Black Hot away from his minions as the demon bodybuilder then landed on the ground as he looks at the Saiyan and said, "You changed." Broly then pointed at Black Hot with a smirk as he said, "You, creature with the attitude to define me, will be feeling the wrath of the Warrior of Legend." "So, you want to fight then?" Black Hot asked as he smirked as he punched his own hand and said, "Then show me what you are capable of being called a "Warrior of Legend"." Broly then flew to Black Hot and kneed him in the gut, which made him go into the air and he kicked him into the distance and he flew after him, and Black Hot's minions could only watch as their master was in a fight. In an abandoned city, Black Hot crushed into a building and Broly came towards the muscular demon and threw a punch to him, but Black Hot managed to dodge the blow and he landed on the ground and Broly hovered down to the ground and said, "Prepare to meet your moment of death, creature." "I think that moment will be yours." Black Hot said as he cracked his knuckles. Broly then dashed towards his oppenton and threw a hard left punch to him, which striked Black Hot and Broly then proceed to punch him again, only for the demon to grab his fist and throw a punch of his own to his oppenton, which hit him in the face and he flew back, and Broly aimed his hand at Black Hot and said, "Let's see if you can handle this." Broly then fired green ki orbs at Black Hot, who dodged some of the shots until he was hit by one and went flying into a building, causing it to fall apart. Broly flew to the building's remains and pulled out Black Hot and threw him into the sky and flew towards him and threw a few punches to him and slammed him down to the ground, which caused a crater in the street and Broly teleported to Black Hot and kicked him away into another building. Black Hot then jumped out from the other side of the building and he lifted the building up and said, "Let's see if you can handle this." Black Hot threw the building to Broly, who crush through it and was right in Black Hot's face, and slammed him into the air and he appeared above Black Hot and slammed him into the ground and landed on the ground as he said, "You believe a building is enough to beat me? You're a fool." Broly then elbowed Black Hot into a building, who then saw the inside had weights and workout equipment. "Let's see if you are ready to surrender, so your death wouldn't be so painful for you." Broly said as he flew into the building, and saw Black Hot lifting two dumbbells in his hands, and Broly looked confused and said, "What are you doing?" Black Hot now had a barbell over his shoulders and said, "Want to make me stronger then I was during the fight." "You think that body works are going to help you against me? You must really have a death wish." Broly said as he charged ki in his right hand, and Black Hot threw a dumbbell at Broly and he jumped out of the building with the barbell over his shoulder and said, "I say the only one who has a death wish here is you." Black Hot then jumped and swung the barbell into the ground, but Broly managed to get up and dodge the blow, but was then hit in the chest by the barbell and Black Hot started hitting the Legendary Super Saiyan with that weight, and he then threw the barbell at Broly which made him crash into a way, and he flexed in a pose as he said, "Still working on staying in shape while dealing with a fool who's nothing compared to my creator." Broly grabbed the barbell and threw it away and proceeded to kick the demon, only for him to grab him by the foot and slammed him in the ground a few times and threw him into another building and flexed again as he said, "Looks like I'm figuring out how you fight." Broly destroyed the building as he looks at Black Hot with an angry look as Black Hot said, "Well I don't know why I'm saying this, but I will be able to destroy a monster like you." "Monster? I am no Monster." Broly said as he dashed to his oppenton as he shouted, "I AM THE DEVIL." Broly threw both his fists at Black Hot, who grabbed them, and Broly then somersault kicked Black Hot and he dashed to him and delivered a combo of attacks and did a dash attack on him as he was surrounded by Ki and he slammed Black Hot into the ground, making another crater, and Broly pulled him out of the crate and kicked him into the street and Broly said, "Now, time you feel what true strength is." Broly then dashed to Black Hot as he proceeded to attack, and Black Hot took this time to flex once again, with veins appearing all over him, and his right arm was getting veins as well and when Broly got closed to the bodybuilding demon, said demon threw a hard right to Broly, which launched him into several buildings, and Black Hot looked proud of being victorious, until he saw a giant green sphere flying into the air and saw Broly use his Buster Meteor attack that destroyed most of the city and one of the shots hits Black Hot and Broly charged another Ki and threw it at Black Hot, which exploded most of the city and made it into a crater and Broly landed on the ground as he laughed at what he saw, Black Hot's body was destroyed, leaving only his head and left arm and left part of the chest left as Black Hot made an open mouth and his eyes were shut, and Broly smirked as he said, "What a disappointment." Broly then walked away, and Black Hot's minions enter the crater and saw their leader was dead.

Battle End.

Dolencia and Dr. Flex moaned over Black Hot's death as 6.0.6 just stood there with them.

Broly walks into the desert as the sun sets.


Nick: Well, looks like a day at the Gym wouldn't be so bad if you can be as strong as Broly.

Alex: This is a bit of a funny fight to think about. Considering the difference between these two in strength.

Nick: Black Hot certain did hold on a while in this fight with his durability and his muscle mass apparently, and he was certainly tough enough to even hurt Broly.

Alex: However, Broly had him beaten in everything else, let's describe the results of this.

Nick: Black Hot is shown to be pretty strong in the episode, "BH's Bizarre Badventure", as he worked out and even like destroyed a whole bodybuilding contest by flexing and even throwing a whole Gym into the sun, and even beating many muscular heroes and making a purple hulk scared enough to hide in the corner to sick his thump, but Broly's strength is far too much for him.

Alex: Broly's strength more then enough surpassed Black Hot, as he has fought Goku and Gohan and even blow up a whole planet, with a small Ki ball.

Nick: Yeah, and that is way more impressive then Black Hot's strength feat. But yes, we know that Black Hot said he wants to get strong and powerful, in a way to make Black Hat himself proud of him, but being extra generous with excuse, training, and working out and with nerfing Broly, the result here is just to long and hard to assume Black Hot can match Broly's level of power, Dragon Ball's characters are just too powerful.

Alex: And it's important to stress that Black Hot is not Black Hat, only a clone of him. Black Hat himself is said to be a feared villain in Cartoon Network and has high expeditions to being powerful in Cartoon Network. Black Hot was created by a ray gun by Dr. Flug that would make the evil thing on your mind come to life and was used by Demencia to make Black Hot, and his existence is short and not long enough to even match Broly's existence, and though Black Hot is physically stronger then the other Black Hat clones and more of a threat then them, he's still not powerful enough to be at Black Hat's level.

Nick: And plus Broly's flight and Ki were enough to keep Black Hot at a distance and even overwhelm him before Black Hot could get some lucky blows to him. Really had you beaten in everything, Huh Schwarzenegger?

Alex: Black Hot was a strong foe in close range combat, but Broly's experience in battle, area control, and frankly obvious superior strength and destructive power has blown him out of the gym.

Nick: You can say, Black Hot's fight was not a "Broly" one before he lost.

Alex: The winner is Broly (DBZ)

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