Eda the Owl Lady vs Ragna the Bloodedge

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In a town in the Blazblue's world, walking through the streets was Eda the Owl Lady who entered the world from her portal to the human world which took her to this world instead and she looked around as she said, "Kind like the human world but is mixed with the Boiling Isles with no demons in a way." Eda then saw a wanted poster on the wall she was next to and saw the face that was the man the bounty was on, which looked like a weirdo as she said, "Well this guy looks like a complete joke to be wanted." Eda saw the price on the poster and said, "And they want that much for this guy? It's less then me, but what makes him worth that much money? I have to have it." Eda then saw in the distance a young man walking into a Tavern, and he looked similar to the one on the poster but the face was normal looking, and when the young man was about to sit down, Eda ran into the Tavern and shouted, "I found you, one they call Bloodedge." "Great, another bounty hunter for me to deal with." The young man said as he turned and his face was revealed to be the Grim Reaper, Ragna the Bloodedge. Ragna looks at Eda and looked confused and said, "Ah, who the hell are you?" "I am Eda the Owl Lady." Eda said in praise as everyone looked at her with confused looks and Ragna looked away and said, "Yeah, just some random old hang posing as a bounty hunter. What news I got." Eda was offended from Ragna's sarcasm and she made a bright circle in the air, which fired a beam of light from it towards Ragna and it knocked him through the wall of the Tavern and he fell onto the ground in the alleyway behind the Tavern and Eda walks through the hole and said, "Maybe that'll tell you those news got you someone to deal with." Ragna got up and glared at the witch and he jumped towards her and kicked her through the Tavern and out of the window and she landed next to a light pole and Ragna jumped out of the window and landed in front of her and she said, "You kick an old lady?!" "Well an old lady shouldn't attack a young man she meets." Ragna said back, and Eda smirked as she said, "Well I thought you would be an old man kinda like me since you have the hair too." Ragna got flustered and he pulled out Aramasa as he said, "You just made a mistake, hag." Ragna swung at Eda, who made her staff appear and block the blow with it, and Ragna smirked as he said, "Why not? A witch is nothing without her magic staff." Eda pushed Ragna off of her and she spun her staff in a circle and fired another beam at Ragna, who dodged this time and he put Aramasa away and readied his fist as he shouted, "Hell's Fang." Ragna delivered a punch to Eda's face with a black flame in his punch and he uppercutted her with the attacks following attack and she went flying into the air and he dashed to where she was gonna land and she managed to ride onto her staff as she flew towards Ragna, who jumped into the air to dodge her and he said, "Fighting a witch is kinda what I do." Eda flew towards Ragna again, and he grabbed his Aramasa and he swung it as he "Dead Spike." One of the Black Beast's heads grabbed Eda with it's mouth and he said, "Looks like you're the one captured now." Eda then summoned a fireball in her hand and threw it at Ragna, who blocked the attack and she broke free from the beast's bite and she made another circle and Ragna proceeded to punch Eda before she could make another spell, but his fist went into the portal, and the Grim Reaper looked confused from this spell, and Eda formed another circle behind him and his fist punched him in the back of the head and Ragna looked at Eda as he turned around and threw another punch to Eda, but he missed as the witch ducked and the punch hit Ragna in the back of his head again, and he managed to grab Eda and shove her head into one of the two portals and punched her in the face a couple of times, and he swipe kicked Eda's legs and she fell to the ground and Ragna proceeded to striker her with his sword, but she managed to summon a bright flash which blinded Ragna as he held his eyes and Eda managed to kick him in the back and she proceeded to punch him, but he managed to dodge the punch and said, "Cheating old b&*%$." Ragna then punched Eda in the stomach, which caused big harm to her and Ragna then kicked Eda in the face which launched her to a wall and he recovered from the light spell and opened his eyes and said, "Blinding me is a cheap trick lady." Eda smirked as she brought out her staff and jumped off the wall and before Ragna could attack her, she spun her staff as she said, "Body Swap." The spells effects took over as the staff spun into the air and fired a beam to the ground that engulfed before her and Ragna, in which Ragna fell to the ground and Eda looked around as her right eye was red and her left eye is green and said with a familiar male's voice, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Turns out, Ragna was in Eda's body, and Eda was in Ragna's body as she said in Ragna's body, "Well, looks like we should continue with each other's moves, I guess." Ragna in Eda's body looked mad as he ran to Eda in his body to punch her, but he tripped and round towards Eda, who kicked him into the air and she jumped to kick him away, but she ended up spinning around and just fell to the ground and landed on her stomach, and Ragna managed to landed on his feet and mocking said, "Ha, not so tough with my body now, huh?" Eda growled and she got back up and threw a punch to Ragna, who managed to dodge and he kicked her away and he laughed, and Eda proceeded to use Aramasa but then Ragna made a circle and it blasted a laser toward Eda which launched himself back and the beam hit Eda and Eda managed to recover and ran towards Ragan, who grabbed Eda's staff and spun it around as he managed to say, "Body Swap." The magic circle the engulf the two as Eda threw a punch to Ragna, and they switched back and Eda was punched as she was back in her own body and Ragna was back in his and she landed on the ground as she held her face as Ragna said, "Cheap trick switching our bodies to try a win, you cowardly woman. Cut the act and give up the attempt for my head already. You're nothing like I've never faced before." Eda recovered and she sway her staff to Ragna, who countered as he sliced the staff and the part that Owbert fell to the side of the road which had a pit, and Eda looked shocked as Ragna smirked as he said, "Yeah, not so tough now, are ya?" Eda was enraged that she lost Owbert and she glared at Ragna as she said, "You're gonna get it, jerk." Eda proceeded to punch Ragna, who kicked in in the face and swung his sword as he shouted, "Inferno Divider." Ragna then swung Eda into a building and he landed as he said, "Still want more?" A bright light appeared where Eda was at and she emerged as she transformed into her Harpe form and she glared at Ragna, who was surprised to see what he was seeing and the Owl Lady said, "Time to teach you humility." Eda dashed to Ragna and knocked him into buildings and she punched him in the face and knocked him into the ground and he stood up as Eda hovered above the ground and he said, "Flying is not gonna help you lady." "Well let's see if you can endure more of this, buddy." Eda said as she dashed to Ragna again and threw a punch to him, in which he blocked and he threw her aside and he swung his sword as he said, "Dead Spike." The Dead Spike head grabbed Eda once again and Ragna held his right hand in front of his right eye as he said, "Restriction 666 released, Dimensional Interruption Imaginary Number Formed!" Black Flame formed around Ragna as he said, "Blazblue, Active!" Ragna activated his Azure Grimore and he charged towards Eda, who broke free from the Dead Spike and he strike her and delivered a combo onto the witch and he knocked her into another wall, and she was able to recover as she got up and she grabbed Ragna by the neck and she slammed him into a building and punched him a few times and Ragna screamed as his Azure Grimore became out of control and his became the miniature Black Beast and started to attack Eda more harder then the last blows he dealt her before. During the beat down, Eda managed to get away from Ragna and he tried to jump to her, but he stopped as he was changing back, and Eda took her chance to strike the Grim Reaper as he was struggling with his power, until he grabbed her by the neck and drained her soul as she screamed as he said, "Devoured by Darkness." After a soul sucking progress, Ragna threw Eda forward as he only drained the Owl Beast's soul that was in her, and Ragna turned back to normal as he said, "I have to look out for that when it happens." Eda got back up as she was free from her curse, but she still had to get Ragna, and she ran to him and proceeded to cast another spell onto him but he managed to kick her in the face and she said as she looked at him in anger, "I'm gonna make you regret hurting Owlbert and taking away my harpe form." Ragna proceeded to punch Eda again, but she managed to make another portal and made another one to his face and he got punched instead and she summoned Lighting which striked Ragna at his feet and launched him into the air and she fired a fire magic spell at him which launched him back and she proceeded to run towards again but Ragna managed to recover and he grabbed Aramasa and swung with an uppercut, which striked Eda and he said, "Sorry about your owl, and sorry that I'm gonna do this, so don't take this personally." Aramasa transformed into it's scythe form and Ragna slashed Eda a few times and he drained her soul as she was still in one piece and he took his time as he said, "Again, forgive me for doing this, you might understand." Ragna then stabbed Eda which caused her to disintegrate as she screams, and her body disappears into dust as Ragna stood victorious and said, "Well, she put up a tough fight." Ragna turned to walk away, until he looked back at where Eda was and he said, "I feel bad she died, and I hope she finds peace." Ragna then walked away as he felt a little exhausted from the battle.

Battle end

Ragna walks through the city as he thought about Eda since he just met her today.

Eda's wanted poster became a missing poster by Lilith as she was worried about her sister's disappearance.

Nick: (Cries) Eda didn't have to go down, and now we lost another hot lady in our Power Battles.

Alex: This was a seemingly fair match up. Both Ragna and Eda were some of the best wanted people in their worlds, and they kept up with each other very close in their own ways.

Nick: Eda's magic kept Ragna on his toes and she gave him a tough time as she could use so many spells that she could've outsmarted him.

Alex: Yes, but even with all that, Ragna could match up with Eda's magic with his combat training, experience with other magic users, and superhuman abilities. And for strength, Eda could punch stone structures but Ragna fought foes who can damage more, making him stronger then her.

Nick: Plus Ragna has dealt with far greater bounty hunters on a regular basis then Eda even does, and has fought more of a variety of foes in battle before, so she wasn't too different from what Ragna dealt with.

Alex: And even when Eda can swap their bodies with each other, they weren't too experienced with each other's skills, but it might end either way if they stayed in each other's bodies, or Ragna or Eda switches each back to their original bodies.

Nick: And with experience, Eda did know some fighting, but Ragna trained in battle since he was a kid after he received the Azure Grimoire, and kept fighting in battle over the years and had more training.

Alex: And plus the Azure Grimoire could drain Eda's soul if he makes contact with her with his right arm, and could do the same to the owl beast in her.

Nick: And that's where it comes in, Eda in her Harpy form made it tough from Ragan as she could keep up with Ragna in that form and even had a chance in avoiding Ragna in flight and can try to attack him in many directions.

Alex: And the Owl Beast itself is dangerous with how it behaves and attacks, but it's not as deadly or dangerous as the Black Beast, which destroyed cities in it's rampages and massacres and with it being powerful, the NOL made weapons that could go against it and even makes fear to Ragna with his Azure Grimoire.

Nick: Yeah, and even Ragna himself faced the Black Beast itself, bada@#, and he even fought Yuuki Terumi, who can affect reality and hax many others. Ragna had counters and can go against whatever Eda could throw at him, even magic.

Alex: Eda was a strong witch and wasn't gonna give up, but Ragna's experience, strength, and soul sucking powers won in the end.

Nick: You can say that the fight was "Edaline" in a way.

Alex: The winner is Ragna the Bloodedge.

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