Black Hat vs Goku Black (Remastered)

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In a city where it's villains were gathered around with heroes they are against are in chains, in  the center of the crowd, the big villain of them all, Black Hat, was on a stage giving a speech to the villains saying, "I am honored to be in your city with the assistance to take care of your heroes, and I will be honored to-" The speech was interrupted when Black Hat and the Villains heard a sound with a flash and they looked where it came from and saw a green cyclone materializing in the street and saw a figure in the tornado which looked like a Saiyan, and when the tornado cleared up, the villains saw the figure clearly and they looked in fear of the sight, believing it to be the hero saiyan known as Goku, not realizing it was something more dangerous and evil, Zamasu, or the alias he's taken, Goku Black. Goku Black looked at the crowd with an evil smirk and said, "What a pleasant surprise. So many mortals, and they are all gathered around. Makes this an easy hunt." Goku Black then charged Ki in his right hand and fired at the defenseless crowd as he laughed while the crowd were screaming in fear as they were being killed by something they thought was a hero, and after one more villain was killed while the prisoned heroes were getting killed as well, Black Hat decided to take action as he fired a beam to Goku Black from his eyes, which didn't hit him but did manage to get his attention, and he looked at Black Hat as the demon smiled and said, "Well, looks like you can be alerted by whatever happens around you. Hahaha." "You dare to define me, creature?" Goku Black asked in anger, and he then flew into the air and said, "Then I shall grant you your wish."

Round 1


Goku Black then fired a Ki shot at Black Hat, who jumped off the stage as it got hit by the shot and was destroyed, and Goku Black then started firing more shots at the demon, who managed to get out of the way and he became a cloud and vanished on top of a building, and Goku Black fired at him on the building, but he teleported before he was hit and was on the street. Goku Black looked fruisted and he saw one of the villains on the sidewalk and teleported to him and grabbed him as he begged to be spared and he said, "You are a mortal, let alone a sinner. You will be facing judgment this instant." Goku Black threw the villain at Black Hat, who shot him with his eye laser and Goku Black appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the collar and said, "I caught you now." Goku Black then threw a punch to Black Hat and he kicked him away and fired another few Ki shots at Black Hat, who was hit by the first three hits but managed to dodge the other shots and Goku Black chased Black Hat as the demon ran off and Goku Black got in front of Black Hat and said, "You have nowhere to run, creature. So stand still and don't attack, and face your judgment." "Alright." Black Hat said with a smirk as he stood there, and Goku Black flewed towards him to strike, but Black Hat turned to smoke for Goku Black pass through and he became physical again and grabbed Goku Black with his grown hand and slammed him into the ground and slammed him to the ground behind him and threw him into the air and fired another eye laser at Goku Black, but the genocidal god disappeared before the laser could hit him, and he appeared behind Black Hat and kicked him in the back and he fired another Ki shot at Black Hat, who blocked it with a shield from his hand and he saw Goku Black appear in front of him after he blocked the fireball and Goku Black said with a smirk, "So gullible, you miserable excuse for a being." Goku Black then kicked Black Hat to the ground and he summoned his energy blade and flew towards Black Hat, only for the demon to turn into a cloud and he pulled out his foul flower from his suit and he shoved it onto Goku Black after he turned to face him and kicked him back as the flower attached itself to Goku Black and Black Hat smiled to see what Goku Black's dark emotions will be and said, "Let's see how you like my beautiful flower." But the genocidal god grabbed the flower and removed it from his body and he held it out from his side and said, "This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen." Goku Black destroyed the flower in his hand with Ki and he glared at the demon businessman and said, "And you dare call it beautiful?" Goku Black then screamed as energy formed around him and a pink aura formed around him and Goku Black activied Super Saiyan Rose, and he smirked as he said, "Now this is true beauty." "You look disgusting actually, so your word against yours." Goku Black was angry from the insult and he grabbed Black Hat by the neck and he flew up and he threw Black Hat into the air and slammed him into the ground which caused him to go through the Earth and he flew into space as he was screaming as if he was falling and he went through the Moon and he ended up in an asteroid field and Goku Black appears behind him and he uppercutted him into an asteroid and kicked him into another and he continued to knock Blac Hat into asteroid after another and he eventually slammed Black Hat through the moon and he was heading back to Earth, and he was back in the city he was in as he went through the ground and Goku Black appeared in front of him and he fired a Ki shot and Black Hat, only for the demon to turn into a cloud and he went behind the Sayian possessed Kai, and Goku Black got mad as he teleported above the city and said, "Escape this." Goku Black then charged up a Black Kamehameha Wave as he said, "KAMEHAMEHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA." The beam went straight towards the city which destroyed most of it and Black Hat managed to teleport away from the city and into his own city, Hatville and he smirked as he said, "Looks like that hero fraud villain will not find me now." "I beg to differ." Said a voice, and Black Hat turned and saw Goku Black behind him and he looked mad as he said, "And how dare you refer to me as a sinner?" Goku Black then grabbed Black Hat by the neck and said, "I will make you face judgment with the rest of the mortals." Goku Black then threw Black Hat into a building and fired a Ki shot at it, which destroyed the building but the business suit wearing demon survived and Goku Black teleported on the street and said, "This city is what you rule, right creature?" "Yes, this island is my domain and I am indeed the owner." Black Hat said. "And it'll be your grave." Goku Black said as he charged Ki, until he was pushed to the ground and pinned to it, and saw he was pinned by Demencia in her wrestler's suit. "What is this nonsense?" Goku Black asked in anger. "Demencia, show this villain who's playing hero what you are capable of." Black Hat said as he made a chair appear and sat down to enjoy the show. "With pleasure my love." Demencia said as she picked up Goku Black and slammed him into the ground and raised him up and slammed him behind her and then she lifted him up and kneed him in the gut and she then uppercutted him into the air and she jumped into the air and slammed him back into the ground and she landed on top of him and started punching him in the face, and with every blow, Goku  Black was getting angrier and he eventually grabbed Demencia's right fist before she could punch him again and he got up and threw Demencia to the ground and he raised her up and grabbed her by the hair and started kicking her until he then grabbed her left arm and pulled it off of her body, making her scream in pain and he dissolved her with Ki and threw her served arm to the ground and looked at Black Hat, who was shocked to see his company's experimented human was destroyed but still didn't care about her love or her entirely, and Goku Black said, "Only cowards lets other do their fighting for them." Goku Black then flew to Black Hat and punched him in the chest and he grabbed him and threw him into another building, and he fired a Ki shot at him, but he disappeared once again, and Goku Black looked around and he turned and threw a punch as Black Hat appeared behind him and Goku Black smiled as he said, "Fooled me once, fool." Goku Black kicked Black Hat away and he summoned his energy blade and he then formed it into his Sickle of Sorrow, and he held it up as he said, "Let's see if you can deal with this." Goku Black swung his scythe horizontally, which unleashed a shockwave and Black Hat managed to dodge it as he smirked that his foe missed, but the shockwave opened a portal and several Goku Black clones, which shocked Black Hat and Goku Black kicked the demon to a clone which uppercutted him and the real one uppercutted him and the other Goku Black clones delivered blow after blow which managed to cause high damage to the demon and one more clone knocked him to the ground and the real one swung his scythe vertically, but Black Hat turned to smoke and he avoided the attack and landed on the ground and he was grunting as he felt the pain from the blows as he said, "He's skilled. I shouldn't have thought of that." Black Hat then teleported away, and he ended up in Penumbra lab as he looked at his female client and said, "Forgive my interrupts, my dear." Before Penumbra could respond, Sunblast was thrown into the lab with his lower half cutted off from his body, which shocked Penumbra as she said, "No, Sunblast." Penumbra was then sliced in half as Goku Black came out of nowhere and looked at Black Hat and said, "I will give you credit for leading me to some mortals that I craved." Goku Black then glared as he looked mad as he said, "But you tried to run away from judgment. So stay where you are and face your judgment." Black Hat smirked as he stood there and said, "Okay." Goku Black smirked and said, "I knew if I said the demand again that you would get overconfident." Black Hat looked confused until he was striked in the back and Goku Black kicked him through the wall, and he went flying over the dead bodies of the people who were cursed by Penumbra's condition and was back on his island as the flight went across the world, and Black Hat got back up and looked at Goku Black who appeared before him and he said, "Your clones doing the fighting makes you cheat, and it makes you a hypocrite to what you said earlier." "Oh, I invited someone to help me fight you." Goku Black said, and a Ki blast was shot near Black Hat and he looked behind himself and saw a green figure who was Zamsau himself and he teleported next to Goku Black and he said, "I suggest we show this abomination the meaning of justice." "Your words were what I was thinking." Goku Black said as he and Zamasu teleported away and they striked Black Hat in multiple directions and they slammed him to the ground and they formed a Holy Light Grenade, and they threw it at Black Hat, who managed to teleport away and he appeared in a none destroyed part of the city and he said, "Let's see if you two can handle this." Black Hat then formed into a giant monstrous creature as his teeth spreaded across his face as his mouth grew across his face, his arms became enlarged as they slammed to the ground, and tentacles sprouted around his body and he roared a monstrous roar. Goku Black and Zamasu looked in horror as Zamasu said, "That creature just changed into an abomination. I can't see what beauty he sees in himself." Goku Black smirked as he said, "But we can't surrender, we must not give up our dream for our utopia." Goku Black and Zamasu then dashed to their transformed foe and they struck him in multiply directions and they fired serval ki shots at the demon and Goku Black eventual fired a Black Kamehameha as he faced upward at the monster and he was still standing, and Goku Black and Zamasu proceeded to channel another spirit bomb, but they were stopped as a tentalce was knocked into a building and they were unfazed, until they were struck multiple times by the tentacles and they stopped as Black Hat unleashed another roar. Goku Black and Zamasu were in pain from the attacks of the tentacles and Goku Black said, "I say it's time to show him our full power." "Agree." Zamasu said as they placed the earrings they borrowed from each other on their free ears, and a white tornado has appeared where they were and Black Hat proceeded to struck them again, but then a white flash appeared where the tornado was and a figure appeared and this figure looked like Zamasu in a darker robe and his hair was in Goku Black's style, he was the fusion of both Zamasu and Goku Black, Fused Zamasu. Black Hat looked in shock at Fused Zamasu's appearance as the fusion deity said, "The moment of justice has finally come. And you will be the first victim to it's goal." Black Hat has formed back into his original form and he looked at the deity with a glare.

Round 2


Black Hat glared and he jumped to the fusion as he said, "Get off of my island, you fool god wannabe." Fused Zamasu backhanded Black Hat to the side and he said, "I am a god. You're the wannabe here." Fused Zamasu formed an energy blade in his hand and he flew to Black Hat and swung at him, only for Black Hat to counter with the Black Hat Magisword, and the two parried each other's blows and eventually Fused Zamasu managed to knocked Black Hat back and he fired a ki shot at the demon, who teleported away and he reappeared behind him and threw a punch, which Fused Zamasu grabbed the fist and threw him back again and he formed stars around him from above which fired ki shots at Black Hat, in which he managed to dodged but he was hit by another ki shot and Fused Zamasu unleashed a shockwave from his energy blade, which only cut his face, and Fused Zamasu formed multiple stars behind himself as he said, "Embrace your judgment." Fused Zamasu then fired Blades of Judgment at Black Hat, who only dodged some but was scared by the blades and Fused Zamasu formed a Divine Wrath sphere and threw it at Black Hat, and the impact of the attack blew up parts of the city, and Black Hat managed to survive the explosion and he pulled out his Black Hat Magisword and Fused Zamasu formed his energy blade and dashed to Black Hat and swung at him, and the demon blocked the swing and they swung at each other several times until Black Hat kicked him into a building, and he pops out of the building, in which he was starting to disformed and he dashed to him again, only for Black Hat to stab him in the stomach and sliced him vertically, making him into two, and Black Hat smiled as he felt victorious.

(Manga version)
As Black Hat turned around after he sliced Fused Zamasu, he was kicked to the side and he saw Fused Zamasu was in one piece still and he was punched, and he saw another Fused Zamasu and he shot a death beam from his eye to the Fused Zamasu that punched him, and as Fused Zamasu disapited into bits, the bits formed into more Fused Zamasus and they started striking him and he managed to slice the other Fused Zamasu that kicked him from earlier and sliced one of the other Fused Zamasus, but they formed more clones and they sturked into the sky, and they started to attack him in multiple directions while he sliced and death beamed some clones, which made more clones come for everytime they were sliced. The army of Fused Zamasu clones is even bigger then they first appeared and they attacked Black Hat in every corner and one of them kicked him back and more ganged up on him and struck him everywhere and they then slammed him to the ground, and the whole Fused Zamasu army formed Ki in his hand and they all fired beams at Black Hat and his whole island, which then destroyed the who island, leaving it a burnt wasteland and Black Hat was nowhere to be found but his hat, and the Fused Zamasu army laughed as they felt victorious.

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