Accelerator vs Demencia

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In Academy city, a portal opened in an alleyway, and falling out from it was the Black Hat organization's genetic experiment, Demencia, who landed face first in the ground, and she got up on all fours as she rubbed her face and said, "Ow, I should work one landing on my butt next time." Demencia then pulled out a photo and said, "Now, where can he be?" Outside the alleyway, a hand puppet that looked like Black Hat was on the ground, and someone was walking and stopped and picked it up, and that someone was Academy City's powerful Level 5 Esper, The Accelerator. Accelerator looked at the hand puppet and said, "What a dumb looking puppet." Demencia looks outside the alleyway and saw Accelerator and thought, 'Well that boy looks like he's not enjoying a day in town.' Demencia then saw the puppet in Accelerator's hand, and realized it fell out of her hair when she arrived into the world, and what shocked her very much was when she saw Accelerator throw the puppet away when a garbage truck come and took the can and emptied it, taking the puppet into it. Demencia was very enraged and she then ran out of the alleyway towards Accelerator, who continued walking, and he heard the running and saw a girl he never seen before throw a right hook to him, but he dodged the blow and she looked at him in anger and said, "I can not believe you threw him away." "Oh sorry, was that ugly looking puppet yours? I had no idea." Accelerator said with no regret, and Demencia growled and said, "Nobody insults Black Hat like that, not even a little brat like you." "I don't know who you're talking about, lady, but I don't have time to waste with you, so I should be leaving." Demencia took out the picture and saw Accelerator's face on it and looked at Accelerator in front of her and said, "You're just the guy I'm looking for." Accelerator sighed in frustration and said, "Just what I needed, another person after me." Demencia smirked as she said, "So, if you can surrender yourself now, I would spare you the humantion of being beaten up by a girl." Accelerator then smirked as he said, "Well, I don't have a problem with fighting women, especially crazy looking ones who think they can take me one." Accelerator then turned his head as he said, "So, I suggest you go p@#$ off right now while I'm feeling generous, unless you want to push up daisies and maybe meet dead guys while you go to hell while your body turns into worm food and rots into dust." Demencia laughed it off and said, "Yeah right, I face a bunch of tough guys before, and I can handle you easily." Accelerator laughed and smiled at Demencia's determine state and said, "So you insist on staying and wanting to fight, huh? Alright then, I'll let you entertain me for a while, and I'll try and make it entertaining for you as well, so please don't try and disappoint." Accelerator then switched his electrode to Espar mode.


Demencia then jumped towards Accelerator and proceeded to punch him, but Accelerator aimed his left hand at her and fired an air shockwave at her, and it launched her into the air and she fell to the ground, and she landed on her feet and said, "Better landing, but I wanted it to be my butt." "Well let's see how your a#$ feels when I bury you." Accelerator then unleashed a shockwave in the ground that went towards Demencia, who managed to jump away and she landed on a building and crawled up it and Accelerator watched as he said, "Looks like some Esper that can climb walls, huh?" Accelerator saw a police officer walking by and he took his gun and aimed at Demencia and fired a few shots, but he missed them and he used his Accelerator ability to launch himself to the building with tornados launching out from his back and Demencia jumped to another building that was close by and she went to the roof, and Accelerator landed on the rooftop and said, "You said you wanted to fight me, so don't think about running away." "I wasn't running away, I was getting to a high building to see if you are scared of highs." Demencia said with a smirk. "I just flew up here, what should that tell you?" Accelerator said as he aimed his gun at her and fired at the crazy woman again, but she managed to dodge again, and she smiled as she said, "You missed." "Well you're fast." Accelerator said and he pointed his gun against his own head and said, "Let's see if you can dodge this." "Wait, you're gonna kill yourself?" Demencia asked in confusion and a bit of shock, and Accelerator then smirked as he chuckled and pulled the trigger, and Demencia was hit by a bullet in the arm and Accelerator then fired Air Shockwaves again at Demencia, and she managed to dodge the attack, despite her injury. "So you're still in shape for fighting after a shot in the arm." Demencia then proceed to throw a kick to Accelerator in the face, only for the white hair boy to dodge and punch her in the face, which made her feel clumsy as she backed away and Accelerator laughed as he said, "I guessed you didn't see that coming, did you?" Demencia was getting frustrated and she ran on all fours towards Accelerator and managed to dodge another Air Shockwave and she ran up and threw a punch to him in the face, which made him go falling off the building and she looked over the edge and said, "Teach you to mess with a girl then you, kid." Demencia wince in pain as she held her arm as she said, "Ow, my arm." Accelerator was falling, but he recovered in time and he landed on his feet as wind erupted around him and he wasn't injured. Demencia saw the display and said, "NOT FAIR, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GO SPLIT." Demencia then ran on all fours down the building as she goes towards the espar, and she landed on the ground and she proceeded to attack, only for Accelerator to unleash a shockwave around himself which launched Demencia into an alleyway, and he dashed into the alleyway and didn't find her anywhere, until a left hand grabbed by the neck while he was against a building wall and he grabbed the arm and threw the person on the ground, which was Demencia, and she jumped onto another wall and hide in the shadows, and Accelerator smirked as he said, "Only cowards can hide, and you're delaying the inevitable." Accelerator place his hand on the wall, which cause it to completely fall apart and Demencia jumped off of it, and Accelerator used his ability to cause the ground he's standing on to erupt and Demencia landed only to jump off the ground into a vent and Accelerator blasted a hole into the wall to chase her. In the building, Accelerator looked around the hallway, until he heard sounds in the vents, and he smirked and said, "Still hiding huh? What a disappointment." Accelerator then used a shockwave around him to make the hallway collapse, which caused Demencia to jump out of the ventilation system and landed in front of Accelerator as he said, "Like I already told you, only cowards can hide." Demencia then took her time to rush to Accelerator, and she dodged his air shockwave again, and she pressed a button on his electro and Accelerator felt his powers gone, and Demencia took her time to punch the powerless esper and she kicked him through a wall, and Accelerator managed to press his button but only got to normal mode, and she ran towards the white hair boy and uppercutted him in the face. Accelerator landed out into the alleyway and he picked up another handgun and prepared to shoot Demencia, who jumped over him and proceeded to run towards him in the back, but was shot in the leg by Accelerator who aimed the gun from his side. "Shouldn't underestimate me like that lady." Accelerator said as he threw the gun again and switched his electro to Esper mode once again, and said, "Now let's get back to business as what I was doing." "You might be having those powers, but you're still going to pay for hurting him." Demencia said. "Just out of curiosity, how much did you beg, bother, and annoy Santa Claus to give you such a disgusting little toy?" Accelerator asked with a smirk, which made Demencia mad again and she ran to punch Accelerator again, but he used a forcefield to make her launch away from him. Demencia ended up in a dumpster part of the alley, and she sniffed and she smelled something as she said, "You stink of blood, kid." Accelerator jumped to Demencia, who then picked up a stick to hit him, but he blocked with his crutch and he said, "You know, you're clearly a villain." "Yeah, so?" Demencia asked with a glare, and Accelerator smirked as he said, "For a villain, you seem to enjoy it very much, it's almost funny to think about you wanting to be evil. Hahaha." Demencia then growled and proceed to punch Accelerator in the face, but he dodged in time and he busted a hole into a wall, and he saw a backpack of that redhead girl that went to the hospital he was in for him that one time, and Demencia came into the building and saw the back bag and said, "Let's see if you like whatever this thing can do." Demencia grabbed one of the cannons of the backpack and turned it on, making a blue blade come out and she proceeded to slice Accelerator with it, only for the white hair boy to use his crutch which blocked the attack and the blade disagreed and Accelerator smiled and said, "Thanks for the wavelength." Accelerator then generated a wavelength blade just like the one that he blocked in his crutch and he sliced the backpack and he tried to slice Demencia, only for her to jump away and she said, "I can do this all day, and I am going to win." Accelerator then formed tornadoes in his back and he flew up and said, "I say a little game of cat and mouse will be fun." Demencia then started running on all fours as Accelerator gave chase all over the city. Accelerator was above Demencia as she kept running and Accelerator fired more of his air shockwaves at her, but she dodged again, and he smiled as he said, "You really are screwed up for wanting to fight me, and not wanting to leave when I gave you the chance makes you super screwed up. You're a psychic screw up who thinks she's above people like me, even when you don't have esper powers. HAHAHAHAHAHA." Suddenly, Accelerator then saw his vision blur and he felt pain in his head and he fell to the ground and crashed the road as he slid across it, and blood was leaking from his forehead. "D@#$ it, not again." Accelerator looked to his right and saw the hospital he was staying at and sighed as he said, "Looks like that lady went to the place I would need to go for my condition." Demencia then came to the parking lot with a mace in hand and she looked mad and said, "I was ordered to either capture you or kill you, and since you insulted my love for Black Hat and even got my favorite puppet destroyed, I'm going with option B." The hospital staff ran out of the building and saw Accelerator in the parking lot and Demencia came running to him with her mace in hand, and Accelerator generated energy from the wavelength with what's left left of it, and he managed to slice the mace when Demencia proceeded to smash it into his face, and he got up and grabbed Demencia by the neck as he generated his powers.

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