Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I took a deep breath as I stepped back from the ball and looked at the goal. The keeper was focussed, trying to figure out where I would kick the ball. It was in the last minute of the game and I’d been fouled and now had a penalty. We would go through to the finals if we won this game. The crowd on the stand was hushed, the players frozen in position. I took another breath and ran. My boot hit the ball and I knew in that moment it was a goal, top right hand corner. The goalie even dived left.

“WE WON!” Was the general cheer coming from the crowd and players. I laughed and ran back to be pulled into a team hug.

“And the captain does it again.” Michelle grinned as she ran onto the field. I smiled and hugged my best friend as the wind whipped through her hair, blowing it into my face.

“Please tie your hair up. I don’t like tasting it.” She grinned and turned away to hug the others. Michelle was meant to be playing but a recent wrist injury meant she couldn’t be our keeper for another few weeks.

“Well done.” Someone said from behind me and I turned to meet the opposite captain.

“Thanks, was a close game though.” I smiled. It was a close game, mainly because we played some of less experienced players and we’d lost Michelle. I shook hands with her and the ref before heading back to the team.

“Pizza?” The girls asked and I nodded and followed them into the dressing rooms. I jumped in the shower and quickly got changed, shoving a little make-up on before tying my wet red hair into a ponytail.

“Hurry up slow poke” Michelle teased and I rolled my eyes and followed her out where the teams’ friends and boyfriends were waiting. I smiled as I saw my boyfriend come over. Henry was a British transfer student and hot. His blond hair was blown in the wind as he bent down to kiss me on the lips.

“Well done gorgeous.” He murmured against my mouth. I grinned back and slipped my hand into his and followed him towards his car. I spent the rest of the evening with my friends, celebrating our win. By the time Henry dropped me home it was close to my curfew so after another quick kiss I jumped out the car and ran inside.

“In here Callie.” My Dad called and I rolled my eyes looking at my phone. 21:59. I had one minute.

“Yes?” I asked as I entered the room. There was a broken vase on the floor and my Mum and Dad were sitting on the sofa there eyes hard. It was one of those moment when you know it’s bad news. It can’t be anything but bad news.

“We have some bad news.” Told you. “Your mother and I are getting divorced.” My eyes widened in shock.

“What?” I stuttered. I’d never thought my parents would get divorced, ever, they seemed so in love.

“We’re sorry honey.” My Mum said as her bottom lip wobbled. I looked to Dad and he looked down.

“I had an affair.” He muttered. “I want to be with her.” I stood up in anger.

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