Chapter 18

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Thank you for all the reads but please vote... the thing scrolls down with you :D

And thank you to all those who have fanned me (EXCITEMENT)


I HAVE EXAMS :S So... I may not write as regularly... I'll try around 2 a week but the week of an exam I wont but I'll do one as soon as... :D



Chapter 18

My stomach fell as Cameron’s hand shook. A groan came from the back room and I looked straight at Cameron. We hurried into the other room and Cameron dropped next to his Mum.


“She’s okay. Just knocked out.” Cameron gripped her hand as I knelt next to him.

“Cameron?” I heard his Dad call as he ran into the room. “Oh no.” He dropped to his knees next to us.

“She’s okay.” I whispered.

“We need Daniel’s Dad.” He whispered.

“Here.” The man proclaimed as he hurried into the room. He bent down and began to check her condition, I stood up, not wanting to intrude and stepped out the room.

“How is she?” Justin asked.

“Breathing.” They sighed softly but there was worry written all over their faces.

“What are they looking for?”

“The Lucas’s and failing that me because I’m Cameron’s mate.” My voice broke and Delilah pulled me into a hug.

“It’ll be okay.” I shrugged.

“It would have been easier in California.”

“With that dick head?”

“He’s here too though.” I looked down and a tear rolled down my cheek.

“Callie, it’ll be okay.” I nodded softly but I knew my face was giving everything away.

“It will be, we’re here.” Justin rubbed my shoulder softly but I just shook my head and pushed away from them.

“I need a moment.” I stepped outside the house and sank onto the seats in silence. I saw wolves slinking around the trees but they didn’t come forward so I assumed they were our wolves as protection.


“Is she okay?” I turned to Cameron and he nodded.

“She’s fine.” I sighed with relief as he joined me.


“It’s not safe for you here.”

“I know.”

“Let me mark you, let me keep you safe.” He turned to face me.

“No, because if I’m marked then I’m signalled out as your mate right? Whilst if I’m not I can just be someone.” His face darkened.

“But you’re more at risk without me marking you.”

“And you’re more at risk if you do.” He fell into silence and held my hand.

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