Chapter 15

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very short i'm afraid but please vote... I have nearly 1500 reads but 25 votes ;(

Hope you like it :D



Chapter 15

Callie’s POV

I woke up and snuggled into Cameron who wrapped his arm around me more.

“Morning.” He smiled, I grinned. “How’s my wolf girl this morning.” I froze as I remembered the events of yesterday. “You didn’t remember.” He froze and started to pull away. I hugged him closer.

“Don’t call me wolf girl.” I pouted back to him. He visibly relaxed.

“I thought you’d kick me out.”

“Never.” I replied and he grinned and kissed me softly. I kissed him back harder and he pulled me so I was straddling him. I felt him pressing into my core and I smirked softly as he continued to kiss me, his hands travelling up under my top. “Stop.” I whispered as I felt my stomach tighten.

“Sorry.” He whispered back to me and I frowned.

“I need a shower.” I jumped off the bed and ran into the room before running the water and hopping into the shower. I quickly shaved as fast as possible and washed my hair. Having been in hospital and not had a shower in that time my personal hygiene was awful at that moment. I hopped out the shower and I heard Cameron talking away on the phone. I wrapped a towel around myself and opened the door.

“We’ll be over...” He trailed off as he caught sight of me. I smiled apologetically and went to grab some jeans from my cupboard. “Yeah I’m here. We’ll be over in an hour. Yes an hour.” I turned around and he was standing there staring.

“I forgot clothes.”

“It was mean to leave me there.” He replied softly as he came and stepped closer to me.

“I hadn’t showered in a few days and I needed looking after.” I replied and he raised his eyebrows.

“It was still mean. And then you walk back out looking like this.” He grinned at me. I blushed and pulled the towel tighter around myself. He grabbed my arms and pulled me into him and pressed his lips to mine. I moaned and wrapped my arms around him completely forgetting my towel which pooled around my feet. “I win.” He whispered and I blushed.

“Shut up. Now close your eyes so I can get my towel.”

“Nope.” He took a step back and I blushed and ducked for my towel. “Damn.” He muttered and I felt the towel slide out from my hands.

“Give me it.” I reached for the towel and Cameron pulled me down onto the bed and kissed me again. I moaned softly as his hand caressed my breasts and his other hand ran up my thigh. I ran my hand down his abs and rested it on the top of his boxers, my hand running lightly under the band.

“Callie...” He groaned softly as I moved my hips against his arousal. I giggled but stopped as I felt his fingers press into me. His finger moved in and out of me and I arced my body against his.

“Callie!” I heard my mother call.

“Shit.” I muttered and Cameron pulled the covers over us and I snuggled into his chest, the covers hiding my nakedness.

“Sorry did I wake you?” Mum asked as she poked her head around the door. “Delilah’s here to see you. Shall I send her up?”

“Yes please.” I smiled and Mum ducked out of the door frame. I jumped out of bed and pulled on some pyjamas before jumping back into bed.

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