Chapter 7

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I realised being the idiot that I am that I'd missed a section out of Chaper 6 where Callie checks Facebook and sees a picture of Michelle and Henry in liplock... Do I need to re add it in or is it not needed and just words?

Thank you for reading and liking my story :) it means a lot!!!!!





Chapter 7

Cameron’s POV

I watched Callie walk outside and I frowned, still holding her phone.

“Why is this Henry thing bothering her?” I asked Steve and he shrugged. “And where did you come from?”

“I was on my way to the bathroom and thought I’d intervene before she said something she shouldn’t. Red heads don’t have the temper reputation for nothing.” He smiled at me. “And I don’t know. He was her first boyfriend and I know she lost some friends and her social life when she was with him. It was like she couldn’t go anywhere without him but I don’t know if that’s her or him.”

“Should I go after her?” I asked softly, praying he would say yes.

“Do you want to risk the temper?” He asked, measuring me up with his eyes.

“I want her to be okay.”

“Then you’ll go no matter what I say.” I nodded and smiled before heading after her. I sniffed letting my wolf senses take over and I followed her scent into the edge of the trees. A minute later I heard her and I followed the sound. She was sitting at the foot of a tree, her arms wrapped around her knees as she sobbed. I knelt next to her and pulled her into my arms without a second thought and let her cry. Her phone vibrated away in my pocket but I didn’t touch it. I couldn’t trust myself to not break the phone in anger and how upset she was.

“Did he call again?” She choked out and I nodded and passed her the vibrating phone. She looked at it for a second before throwing it on the floor and standing on it. She jumped up and down and the phone stopped. She kept going, jumping up and down till it was all but disappeared into the earth.

“You’re going to have to stay with me until we find your brother, because he’ll worry otherwise.”

“Thank you.” She softly said as she stood there catching her breath.

“Anything for you.” I replied honestly and she nodded, turning so I couldn’t see her face.


“Why what?”

“Why are you being so nice?” She asked and I was surprised by her bluntness.

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