Chapter 2

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT... it means alot to know that people are reading and liking my story... I know it's going to a bit slow but I need to 'set the scene' and I know its type is werewolf and its not anything to do with werewolves yet but it will do! :)




Chapter 2

“Callie honey, time to wake up.” I groaned and sat up. I’d fallen asleep in the car as my drove to our new town. It was dark outside and there were a few street lights here and there but not much could be seen.

“Are we here?” Mum nodded and we pulled into a house set back from the road with huge trees around it. I smiled as I climbed out the car and looked up at the house. It was an older house but in good condition with a sloping roof and windows set into the roof. We followed Mum into the house and she switched on the lights.

“The old family only moved out this morning” She told us softly. The house was clean and there were a few bits of furniture here and there. “I’ll show you your rooms.” I nodded and followed her up the stairs. “Your room is there Steve, mine is here and Callie you’re up those stairs.” I smiled and headed up another flight of stairs into the roof. The ceiling was still high even though it sloped in and there was a door behind me which when I opened it led to a bathroom. At the far end of the room there was a huge window which allowed me a look across a stretch of trees. Well I assumed it did. I couldn’t really see past the first few trees because it was dark. Along the walls under the sloping windows there were low cupboards and shelves for my things and there was a double bed against the wall by the bathroom door.

“Wow.” I whispered to myself as I looked around the room.

“I guess you like it?” Mum asked me from the top of the stairs. I nodded and smiled at her.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. The vans will be here tomorrow and we can unpack. And then it’s school the day after. She handed me some sheets for the bed before kissing me softly on the head. I opened my suitcase and started getting out what I needed for bed. I put the sheets on the bed and got changed and climbed into bed with a sigh, the bed was soft. I pulled the covers up and fell asleep, my thoughts back in California with Michelle and Henry. Tears started to run down my cheeks as I finally let the breakup get to me. I knew it would have to end and we’d been drifting apart for a while. I wasn’t the suspicious type but I thought he’d been cheating on me for a while; I just couldn’t bring myself to ask him. I fell asleep at some point during my confusing thoughts because when I next woke up there was light streaming in through the windows. I rolled out of bed with a groan. I wasn’t a morning person.

“Callie. Van’s here.” Mum yelled loudly and I hurried down the stairs to the hallway where a couple of men were standing waiting with some boxes. “Those marked with Callie go up two flights of stairs. Steve or India go up one flight and anything else down here please.” The two men nodded and headed outside.

“Morning sleepyhead.” Steve said as he gave me a hug. “If you get changed quickly you can come with me to the store?”

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