Chapter 13

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This is a weird chapter but the next one will be interesting... :)

And it's a bit poorly written but that's fine... I'll change if I hate it...

Please vote if you like it! :D



Chapter 13

Callie’s POV

I groaned and rolled over as my alarm beeped.

“Callie?” Someone whispered beside me and I opened my eyes slowly.

“Go away.” I muttered. “I want to sleep.” The person beside me sighed and I focused on Cameron’s face, complete pain written all over it.

“You want me to go?”

“No just let me sleep.” I saw him smile and I tried to smile back before settling back into the pillows. Before I could close my eyes the lights went on and a doctor bustled in.

“Good to see you awake Miss Marshall.” I grimaced in reply as he swished over and threw the towel he was drying his hands with in the bin. “How’s the shoulder?” I looked at my shoulder and saw it all up bandaged.

“It aches but it’s not bad.” I replied honestly and I saw Cameron straighten and I glared at him.

“That’s good. You’re free to go home if you want but no sport until the sling comes off in three weeks time.” He checked the bandages and I sighed. “Pain?”

“No soccer.” I moaned and he laughed.

“Three weeks and you’ll be fine. You’re not a keeper are you?”


“Then it’s fine.” I smiled back at him as he let me sit down.

“Mr Ridgeway has signed for you this week since he was the one who admitted you so he needs to sign you to go and then you can go home but take it easy. We had to reinsert your shoulder and there is a small fracture that needed a bit of time to heal.” The doctor instructed as he handed some forms to Cameron.

“Thanks Doctor.” Cameron smiled at him before he left and I leant back with a sigh.

“Three weeks.” I moaned.

“I’ll keep you occupied.” He winked at me and I blushed and then remembered our argument from before the accident.

“Not until you tell me.” My voice stayed even and he stared at me.

“You’re in luck. You’ve been out three days so it’s only three until Steve’s birthday and I’ll tell you then.” I growled softly before jumping away from him.

“You’ve got me growling too.” He grinned at me before standing up.

“I’ve got to call your Mum for the Medical Insurance number.” He smiled and ran a hand down my face before walking out the room. I pouted after him before settling back into the bed and waiting for him to finish the call. He came back in five minutes later, smiling widely, and I rolled my eyes. How could anyone be happy when in hospital?

“Done now?” He nodded and hurried to my side as I climbed off the bed. I stumbled a little on my unused legs but he held me up. I clutched onto the side as he grabbed a bag and opened it on the bed. I grabbed a strapless top which wouldn’t need to go over my shoulder and a pair of leggings and a baggy cardigan to pull on top. “Help me?” I whispered when I started struggling. Cameron helped the hospital gown off me and bit his lip gently as he looked me over.

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