Chapter 22

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Author's Note:

I think we're nearing the end of this story - 2/3 more chapters to go... :(

BUT NEVER FEAR! I have another story nearly written :):):) WOOOOOOOO :D at least 7 chapters ready to post :) SO that will come after this story has finished!!! :)

I also need covers so can anyone suggest someone to make one for me please?



Chapter 22

Callie’s POV


Without taking my eyes off the leering man in front of me, I leaned forward and took the stale bread off the plate. I bit into it slowly and winced as it stayed solid in my mouth, it was the only food I’d been given in days; I needed to eat. Without a second though I shoved it into my mouth and chewed, ignoring the tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Water?” I croaked and the man nodded. He was just a slave wolf from what I could tell. He never offered opinions, he only did small jobs. I took the water he offered and gulped it down and felt the pain from eating the bread lessen.

“Callie, Callie, Callie.” Someone spoke softly and I stiffened and tried to scurry back to my corner but there was a yank on my chains and I stayed where I was. “Your little boyfriends has been sending out hunting parties to try and find you.” He knows, that must mean we’re close. “Don’t get hopeful. We’ve been very careful about our positioning. He raised a hand and the room fell silent except for a few voices in the background. It almost seemed as if they were coming from above our room, well cave. “We’re underground, and that opening that there’s light from is so close to your house that they’re not bothering to check it. Look listen to your dog.” He sneered the word and I heard Cameron’s voice from upstairs. I couldn’t help myself.

“HELP!” I screamed at the top of my voice, “Help me!!!” I yelled with all my might but I was cut off when a hand flew out of nowhere and I landed on the floor.

“That was a big mistake.” The man spat on my face and wondered towards the cave entrance. I looked above me in panic, they were there, but how was I to get away?

Cameron’s POV

“Any luck?” I asked, knowing the answer. The shake of the head, my nod and the man left. It had been two, three days and there had been no sign of her.

“We’ll find her Cameron.” India patted my shoulder and I just nodded.

“How did they get her though?” I whispered, this question had been bugging me for days.

“What do you mean?”

“Callie was here, with us eating, how did they know Steve and I were fighting and Callie was going to be unprotected for a few minutes?”

“They’ve bugged the house?” I shook my head.

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