District 3 and 4 Reaping

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Lark Bliss's POV:

"Lark! Please...Come back!"

I run through the blackened streets and haphazard street lights, away from the insistent calls. My shoes become muddy with the polluted roads and I keep running across District 3 until I'm too tired to keep going. I walk up the small hill towards the edge of the District and sit in the damp grass. You'd think I'd be looking out upon small houses and picturesque fields like 10 or pretty oceans like in District 4 but instead all there is is tall, dull factories and electrical wires. I hate it. I hate living in District 3. I hate living with my stepmother who doesn't care about me. I hate that the Peacekeepers had to take my dad. I hate it all.

Before I know it, I'm crying into the brisk air and trudging continuously towards the edge of the District. When I reach the fence I sit down in front of it and scream about how much the Capitol and the Peacekeepers have no right to do this to us until I feel something cold against the back of my neck.

"Get on your feet." A rough voice says before grabbing my arm and dragging me up anyways. Two Peacekeepers fall into step beside me while the other one stands behind me. They march me back down the hill and down the streets that I had walked earlier. I'm taken right up into town square and made to sit in a chair with my hands tied behind me.

"Wait here." One of them says and I'm left sitting behind some curtains for nearly an hour. I'm beginning to debate wether or not I should attempt an escape when they come back and drag me out onto a makeshift platform. In front of me is the entire population of the district along with an escort from the Capitol. The reapings are today.

They quickly untie my hands and lead me to the escort. One of the peacekeepers takes the microphone and begins to explain.

"This girl was found near the fence of District 3 trying to escape and join the rebels against the Capitol."

What lies.

"She will now be put into this year's Games to show her how much power we still have and how someone like her isn't going to take that away from us." I'm pushed in front of the escort to say my name and age. Everyone's watching me with a look of disgust but I know that most are just trying to hide the fact that they are actually sympathetic and proud of me. I stand stiffly in front of the mic and lock eyes with my stepmother at the back of the crowd. She doesn't look proud. She just watches me with a smug look probably thinking about how great it is that I'm out of her life.

"Lark Bliss, 13." I whisper.

I'm walked across the stage and made to stand and watch the male tribute reaped.

"Clennan Breeze." The escort calls out sweetly. A boy walks out proudly from the 14 year old section and strides up to the stage. He tries to look tough but I can tell he's just faking his confidence. I remember him from school. He's a year up that me but is sandy blonde hair and grey eyes are hard to forget. He used to be friends with my cousin. I'm shoved back towards the middle of the stage and made to shake Clennan's hand. He looks at me with an accusing expression and at this moment it seems like everyone in the world hates me.


Caspian Ferris's POV (District 4):

I hold my little sister's hand has we walk through the crowded streets of District 4. It's quite windy today and it blankets the entire district with the smell of the ocean. Larissa walks in between my grandmother and I giggling and skipping along the cobblestone streets. I hope she never has to know what the reapings are really for. At least she's not yet old enough to be in the Games. When we arrive at the reapings the escort is already making his speech. I hug my sister tightly and promise her I'll come meet her after the reapings are over. She continues to hold my hand and refuses to let go.

"Larissa, go wait with Gran, I'll see you soon, I promise."

I jog towards my section and stand with the other 16 year olds.

"Olivia Knapp."

A girl near the front of the crowd begins to walk towards the stage. She doesn't even manage to exit her section before her friend comes running up to her. They both whisper something to each other and the second girl hugs her friend before volunteering for her. Olivia, the girl who was picked stands in her section in shock as what looks to be her best friend volunteers to take her place.

"Ashlyn Pope, 13."

The escort looks quite pleased to have a volunteer and ushers Ashlyn to her seat. Another name gets picked.

"Caspian Ferris."

I don't even acknowledge my name being called. I stare blankly in front of me and forget about the world around me. The only thing that brings me back to reality is Larissa's cries. I silently will my grandmother to stay strong for her. I promised her I'd come back.

A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating much. Reapings can get very repetitive and boring to write. I'll try and update more often.

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