District 10 Reaping

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Third person POV:

"You promise you will?" Gracelynn whispered, her hand outstretched. Triss reached out with her pinky finger and sealed the vow.

"I solemnly promise to volunteer for you if the occasion arrises in which you are reaped." Triss states.

Little did Gracelynn know that Triss kept her other hand behind her back, her fingers crossed in a lie. Triss had already made another promise with another friend and she wasn't going to go about sealing her death with everyone in the District.


Gracelynn walked hand in hand with her two best friends, Triss and Misti, towards the ominous reaping. A large crowd had gather in the centre of the District and the people standing around seemed tense. District 10 always had a more cheerful feel to it. Animals roaming in wide pastures and picturesque farms dotting the hills. To Gracelynn, it was home. And as she walked to her fourth reaping she took it for granted, knowing she'd be there for her entire life.

She kept Triss's promise present in her mind and she was confident as she marched along the aisle to her section.

"Welcome. W-welcome." The escort stuttered quietly. He'd always been a kind of anxious, introverted guy and Gracelynn wondered how he ever got this job to begin with. The escort, who wore a hideously bright yellow suit, cut his speech and started right away with the tributes.

"Deston Conway."

Someone begins to make his way up to the front of the stage and everyone waits for a volunteer, though they know there isn't going to be one. It doesn't matter though, as this Deston Conway seems as though nothing could ever stand in his way. He's fairly tall, with sandy blonde hair and a confident step and overall, well, the physique of a career. Deston marched to the front of the crowd announced his name.

"Deston Conway, 17." He states before standing off to the side to let the escort through.

He takes a seat in one of the two chairs set up on the stage and the escort plucks the slip of paper containing the name of the unfortunate girl and reads it out.

"Gracelynn Woods."

She feels as if a bucket of water had just been thrown on her. Gracelynn turned her head, and looked at Triss pleadingly. 'Please, please keep your promise' she silently pleads, but Triss just adverts her eyes as Gracelynn is dragged up onto the stage.

When shes asked to say her name, as she can rasp out is
"You promised."

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