Games~Day 5~Part 1

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Mayella Darwin's POV:

The world slowly comes into focus, sleep still fogging my mind. It's a sunny day today, a relief from the earlier downpour.

I look beside me, expecting to see Kailan eating some bread or practicing with throwing knives but instead she's no where to be seen. I scan the rest of the supplies and find that she's taken all of her things with her. My pack is stacked neatly with a container of food and a note is laid on top, written with a pen and a handkerchief from her supplies. I reach for the red fabric, noticing how it's torn around the edges. Her printing is messy and I wonder why she was in such a rush.

*Earlier that morning*

Kailan Rikke's POV:

I crouch by the base of a tree, watching the rabbit just a few feet away. I hold up my throwing knife, watching it chew the leaves off a bush. Before I can get any closer the familiar voice of the President resonates around the arena.

"Good morning, tributes! I've decided that we need some more excitement in this arena. The Capitol citizens have voted and it's clear a feast is in order. All of you must attend, in the clearing, because the rest of the arena will be flooded. Only 8 of you can make it out alive. Best of luck and may the odds be ever in you're favour."

Her words echo in my mind, fear and adrenaline spreading through my veins.

Only 8 of you can make it out alive.

There are 12 of us. Four of who aren't going to see the end of the day. My thoughts race, thinking of Mayella, my ally laying peacefully beside me. Guilt floods me as I think of betraying my friend of just a day.

I have to.

I pull a useless handkerchief from my pack and scrawl down a note. I know she will never forgive me for this but I have to remember, only 8 make it out alive. This is for Altair.

I sling my pack over my shoulder and lay the note beside her, dashing off into the trees with tears threatening to fall.

*Present Time*

Mayella Darwin's POV:

I scramble for my things, anger already taking over.

Why would she leave me?

All she told me was that something came up and I should go to the cornucopia as quickly as possible. Why would she leave with out me? At least she was giving me a chance. A warning.

I take only what's necessary, ditching the rest in the rocks near our little cove. I'll come back to get it later.

I rush off in the direction of the cornucopia, hoping I'm not too late to make it to whatever it is that's happening.

My footsteps are light as I rush through the trees, my pack not there to weigh me down. I'm still at least five minutes away from the cornucopia when I hear the daunting sound of rushing water and breaking branches. I freeze as soon as the first shallow river of it flows to my feet, covering only an inch of my boots. I try to look between the dense trees, wondering if the water from the beach was flooding for some reason. I continue on, slower this time, as the water was continuing to rise, climbing up my pants and soaking my legs. I was so close. So close to the cornucopia.

I keep going until the dark water reach above my knees, still coming in at a steady rate, it prevented much movement at all. Not two minutes later I'm swimming, my feet not touching the ground. It keeps getting harder and harder to stay at the surface, as if the water is too heavy to move in. As if it's was only there to kill you.

I understand what Kailan was warning me about. I don't understand why she left me to die like this.

Kailan Rikke's POV:

When I reach the cornucopia, other tributes are already hiding along the tree line and the Careers are, of course, tucked safely inside the metal structure. We all heard the water as soon as it started, filling up the arena surrounding us. It's the Games of the elements. First the fires and now the floods.

My mind goes back to Mayella. Maybe I made the wrong choice. We could have done this together. As soon as the indecision fills my thoughts I lose focus, my emotions coming over me. Altair. Mayella. Me...

Too many people to get hurt in these Games.

As soon as the water reaches the clearing we are all forced to step past the trees, facing each other in this planned out bloodbath.


I jump at the sound of the cannons, so frighteningly close. What's worse is that I know one of those was Mayella's. A small part of me had been hoping my warning would have been enough and she would've made it in time. I don't know who the other cannon was for but it's easy to figure it out when I see Inuk on the other side of the clearing. She's barely standing up, her knees buckling, and her face is red with hot tears. The other cannon was for Killian, her only friend. I glance around at all the other tributes. Sparkle, Cody, Erika and Deston are standing in the mouth of the cornucopia. Ashlyn and Chloe are to my right, Corie beside them. Red stands near Inuk on the other side, looking half amused and half bored. He probably just wishes he could be with the Careers right now. There are ten of us here, only eight of us can stay. It's the beginning of the end of these awful Games.

A/N: Sorry this took so long. Exciting things are coming.

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