Games~Day 2~Part 3

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Ashlyn Pope's POV:

I sit in the soft sand, my knees damp and numb. My mind is blank as I watch Poppy being lifted into the hovercraft. It's like I'm not living in the present, just constantly reliving the unforgettable events.

The arrow.

The scream.

The cannon.

Poppy's long black hair whips in the wind as she disappears in the hovercraft's metallic figure. The droning noise of it fades away as she's taken back to the Capitol.

Chloe walks out slowly from somewhere in the forest and before I know it she's standing silently in front of me.

"Looks like we only have each other now." She shrugs, sitting beside me in the sand, cross-legged. She lost Lark, I lost Poppy. I never thought it would be just us left in our alliance.

"We can manage." I whisper. She laughs at this, taking her pack off and pulling out an apple.

"I don't doubt it."

Corrine Perry's POV:

I sit quietly atop the metal cornucopia, waiting for night to fall. The Careers whisper below me, unaware of my presence. They've started a warm fire, as if trying to prove how unafraid they are of being found and attacked.

The Capitol anthem plays suddenly and I look to the sky. Juliet's face is first to appear, District 7 written under neath. That was to be expected, I knew she wouldn't last long anyways. Clennan comes next, again not a surprise as I was the one to take him out. Poppy's face shows up after that, reflected against the stars. The final tribute to be shown is Caspian. To be honest, I thought he would've lasted longer than he did. I smirk as the artificial light fades away. 17 tributes left.

I grab a throwing knife from my pack and take out the container of poison I have stashed in the bottom. The liquid is a dark purple colour and it looks like it could be fatal if encountered. I cover the throwing knife in it and crawl over to the edge of the cornucopia, leaning over. The five Careers sit inside, huddled in their abundance of sleeping bags.

The darkness of the night makes it impossible to see their faces in the shadows of the cornucopia and I just throw the knife blindly.


A cannon immediately goes off, the effects of the poison acting immediately. Someone yells from inside and Cody comes running out, sword in hand. By now I've shuffled to the back of the cornucopia, out of sight from people standing below.

"Show yourself, you coward!" He shouts.

I stifle a laugh. Cody may be a Career but if he thinks he can get me to fight with just threats then he doesn't know strategy very well. I crouch down, gathering my pack back up and crawling down the back of the cornucopia, out of sight. I turn towards the forest and run as fast I can, praying the dark shadows are enough to hide me from sight. Cody yells after me, having seen me, but I disappear among the trees before he has a chance to come after me.

Deston Conway's POV:

I walk back with Cody, leaving Casimir to get picked up by a hovercraft. My hands shake with rage, how can Corie be such a traitor? I toss my axe down with our other supplies and resume my place on the floor of the cornucopia.

The hovercraft comes quickly after, taking Casimir in its claws and flying away again. Cody stays outside, watching for any other tributes. Sparkle is already asleep across from me and Erika sits silently at the back of the cornucopia horn. Her expression is blank, focused almost, as she watches the forest tree line intently. The moon is already high in the sky, the Games well into their second night.

17 tributes left. 16 more tributes to go before I can go home with more glory and riches than I could ever need.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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