In the Capitol

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*Reading the extra one shot I wrote in my other book in the very last chapter would be good before you read this, it will make more sense*

Meanwhile during the last chapter...
Acel Rennet's POV:

I jog through the narrow hallways, passing no one along the way. Marlyn should be here, where is she? I think to myself as I try every door along the corridor. Every single one is locked and the ones that aren't lead to empty rooms. I'm running out of time and I can't wait around much longer.

The page in my hand is crumpled now from my frantic running and I desperately hope Marlyn wasn't caught on her way down here. It would be my fault if she was.

We planned to meet up today. Erika will be waiting for another message and we have yet to make much progress since a couple days ago. President Jean isn't going to stall forever, whatever it is she's waiting for. Apparently she's been away from the Capitol for a few days.

A loud bang of metal against metal sounds at the end of the hallway and I quickly glance back, noticing a peacekeeper swinging open a heavy door. I've almost reached the Gamemakers' hall by now but I've already been spotted, leaving me no time to hide.

The peacekeeper shouts, already jolting into action. I run along the rest of the doors, looking in each window for Marlyn. I don't find her but I do find someone I never thought I'd see again. A girl with wild brown hair and a sharp complexion sits at a wooden table in one of the many rooms, her blue-eyed friend pacing in front of her. Merida Gaskarth looks up at me from the window and her face flashes with recognition.

Before I can open the door or even glance at the other girl in the room a shot rings out through the dim hallway. I mumble a few curse words before I'm sprinting again, along the grey walls and stone floors. The Peacekeeper has gained on me a fair bit and I don't know how much farther I can go.

I don't have to think about energy much anymore, because before I know it I've reached a dead end. I can either turn back and fight or climb through a small porthole in the ceiling and most likely end up on solid ground 100 feet above my current position. Turns out the Peacekeeper isn't going to give me much time to think as he reaches me much quicker than I expected.

My wrists are pulled roughly in front of me, secured with wired cuffs. He kicks my legs out from under me before I even have time to react and I'm being dragged back down the hall faster than I thought possible. I frown as we pass the room I had looked in previously, Merida and the other girl gone. I didn't even see them leave. Then again, I was preoccupied.

The Peacekeeper has no interest in being even slightly gentle and practically drags me down the hallway like I'm dead weight.

We reached the large door I had come through in the first place and he went to scan us through. Maybe now someone would hear me. As soon as we stepped through from the soundproof metal hallway I screamed. Louder than I'd ever screamed before. The Peacekeeper turned, punching me in the face without a second thought. I could feel the blood already coming from my nose and a piece of cloth was being placed in my mouth.

I try and to get away from his grasp but suddenly he falls back anyways, unable to keep his hold on me. His helmet is ripped off and a hand is over his mouth as someone pulls him to his knees, tying his wrists like mine are. A knife comes down on my own restraints and I spin around to the determined face of my own cousin.

"Merida?" I whisper, watching as she's already moved on to drag the Peacekeeper back into the hallway, locking the door behind her.

"We need to go." Someone else is suddenly pulling me along. She has hair so blonde it almost looks silver and her face is red from what looks like crying. I look back and Merida nods, gesturing for me to follow the girl. I stumble after them, running through rooms and corridors even I haven't seen before. They seem to know where they're going, as if they've been here before.

"Where are we?" I ask, out of breath as we finally slow down somewhere. From the looks of it, it seems we're on an old tribute floor.

" We're in the old part of the Capitol. No one really comes here anymore so we've been using it as a meeting place for the rebels. But not for long, Marlyn managed to get the forcefield down and notify the tributes. Peacekeepers are gonna lock this place down before we even leave this room if we don't hurry up." She explains, throwing clothes and supplies into a small bag as she does.

I sigh in relief after hearing of Marlyn's success. While I was off being caught by a Peacekeeper, she was executing the plan we've been trying for days.

A walkie-talkie goes off on the kitchen table and Merida scrambles to reach it.

"The president is here in District 2. Visiting on private matters. We have eyes on her."

A scratchy voice comes through the device, causing Merida's eyes to go wide. She throws her bag over her shoulders and clips the wallow-talkie to it.

"Silver! We've got to go." Merida shouts and I suddenly recognize the other girl. It's the other Victor, Silver Hale.

Silver comes jogging from another room with a similar bag to Merida's, nodding at us as she leads us through what seems like endless doors and hallways like before. I begin to get claustrophobic and my palms are slick with sweat. Is Marlyn coming?

"Where are we going?" I half whisper, half shout, down the hallway we currently walk. Merida looks back over her shoulder at me, smirking.

"Next stop, District 2."

A/N: Soooo sorry this took so long. I just kept getting stuck on what to write for these two chapters and I couldn't find the motivation to just write them. I know it might take a while, but I will finish this book. Thanks for reading and for the support, it means the world to me.

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