Train to the Capitol/Alliances

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Erika Riker's POV:

I stand in the white-washed room in my old clothes with my hair done up in a ponytail waiting for the President to come back. My mind races with thoughts. I'm not the girl I used to be. After hearing of the President's plans I see what a ruthless, pointless event the Games are. I've still been told to join the Careers but I'm no longer one of them. I'm not going to go after tributes mercilessly for the fun of it. Driving fear into them. I understand fear now, and it is definitely not fun.

The clear glass door opens behind me and the President walks in. She wears a grey suit the colour of iron and her reddish blonde hair is combed up into a tight ponytail.

"Ah, Erika. I really am going to miss you darling. You've become such a... vital part in my plan." She whispers, breathing down my neck." Now, if you were to say... speak of this to another tribute you may find that treason comes with very serious consequences. I do hope you understand. Without you this could crumble and then I believe our deal would be withdrawn because you would not have fulfilled your part." She walks in front of me, inches from my face and takes both my hands in hers, as if we're old friends.

"I understand, President Jean. The completion of your plan will be my top priority." I say, though every word I speak is a lie. My top priority will be to end her plan as soon as I see that she's started it. I also plan to warn all the other tributes about it.

President Jean places her manicured hand on my shoulder and I resist the urge to pull away. Her flawless face stares back at me but all the deception and conceit behind her layers of makeup is clearly visible to me. Her piercing blue eyes stare at me, as though she's watching for even just the slightest falter of loyalty. After a few moments, President Jean takes a deep breath, stands up, straightening her suit, and turns towards the glass doors.

"I wish you the best of luck." She says, giving me a false smile. She turns to leave but faces me one last time. "Oh and Erika dear...I do hope to see you soon." And with that she leaves, leaving behind nothing but empty promises and the acrid smell of her tropical perfume.


I'm told to wait on train platform to board along with the other tributes. I'm worried about all the questions.

Where were you?
Why were you missing?
Are you cheating the Games?
Are you working with the President?

If any of these questions come up I'm simply supposed to say that I tried to escape as soon as I was reaped. Which doesn't really make sense because I'm a Career and I want to be in the Games. The interviewer has been told not to ask questions about it in my interview and my escort is sworn to secrecy as well.

I wait nervously as the sleek white train pulls up and the doors slide open. My escort peeks her head out the door and motions for me to board as discreetly as possible.

The interior is well designed and decorated in a sophisticated way, like the building I've been staying at for the past week. The President never actually met me once in the Capitol. She always came to where I was staying, which, to be honest, is an unnamed place which I never bothered to find out the exact location. I guess I always figured I was being held in the Capitol when I've been held elsewhere.

The escort ushers me quickly down the narrow hallways of the train and leaves me alone in an equally decorated room. What now? I can play exactly in to the President's hand or I can avoid all of this but doom myself to an almost certain death.

I sit alone in the small room before wandering out to the common train car where the other tributes are. As soon as I walk in everyone tenses up. They pretend not to notice me but I can see everyone sneaking curious glances at my sudden reappearance. I sit casually down at a table with the other Careers and listen to the strategy they're talking about, as if nothing happened. That doesn't last long however as everyone wants to know where I was.

"Erika?" Cody asks, surprised.

"Where have you been? We thought you'd been taken to the Capitol." Sparkle said, worried that I'd been with the President. Which...I had.

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.

"Um-." I start. They still think that I'm a ruthless Career. I need to play the part. How am I going to be able to keep up this charade for the entire time that I'm in the arena?



Erika Riker
Cody Willow
Sparkle Jackson
Casimir Gagne
Deston Conway

Corrie Perry

Lark Bliss
Ashlyn Pope
Chloe Bloom
Poppy Winters

Clennan Breeze
Caspian Ferris
Keith Kidd
Red Dawn

Hanson Fox
Zane Belle

Mayella Darwin
Juliet Winston 
Gracelynn Woods

Altair Rikke
Kailan Rikke

Inuk Winters
Killian Seabelle
Axel Button
Felicity Ginger

A/N: Sorry for the long chapter! Going to be starting the Games soon.

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