District 12 Reaping

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Chloe Bloom's POV:

"Shhhh. Shhh it's gonna be okay. Just stay quiet." I whisper, putting my hand against Airyn's mouth and pressing my back closer to the brick wall. My little brother slowly nods his head and closes his eyes.

I can't see much from the opening in the alleyway and I can't tell where the Peacekeepers are.

"We know you're here! Show yourselves! What you've been chosen for is honour and you should be grateful!" A rough voice calls, closer to us than I expected. Heavy footsteps can be heard just beyond the entrance to the alleyway. I silently plead for Airyn to stay silent but all I see reflected in his eyes is terror.

What have I done? If only my name hadn't been drawn for the Games. If only I hadn't decided to run. If only my name hadn't been in the bowl so many times. I run over all the different scenarios that could have ended up better in my head but it's too late. A crisp white uniform blocks the sunlight coming in from the alleyway and heavy boots and a large helmet identify them as a Peacekeeper.

He signals the others of my location and storms the alley. There's no where to run. No where to hide. Airyn starts to cry beside me and I squeeze his hand. Another Peacekeepers follows behind the first and they grab both my wrists, tearing me away from my sobbing brother. They roughly drag me away.

"Stop! No wait, I have to say goodbye to my brother! He's all by himself, he has no one to take care of him!" I struggle against their grasps but Airyn just stands there helplessly lost. I stare at his tear stained face as I'm pulled away. He starts to cry again and he falls onto the dirty ground. The sight of him breaks my heart. I can't leave here. It's only me and him. If I leave he has to live by himself in the streets. He's only five.

"Find Mrs. Brent. Okay Airyn? She'll take care of you. Just tell her what happened! I'll be fine, I love you." I shout, trailing off quietly at the last part.

There is still a crowd gathered at the reapings and they all stare at me when I'm dragged in, in awe. The girl who ran from the reapings when her name was picked.

I see they've wasted no time in picking a male tribute and one already stands at the front of the stage. I have no idea what his name is but he looks at me like he's impressed that I managed to run as far as I did.

I'm hauled up in front of everyone and the escort wears a scornful expression.

"Such rude manners you have." She chides. "Didn't your parents ever teach you that the Hunger Games is an honour to be a part of?" The escort says sweetly.

"My parents died because of the Capitol." I spit. "You have no right to take me too." The escort's gaze turns cold.

"Oh but darling, we do."

A/N: Yay the reapings are finally done. I'll probably start updating more often now.

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