Remake Centre/Parade

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Ashlyn Pope's POV:

As usual the District 4 costumes for the parade have to do with fishing and my outfit is the exact image of this. My dark hair is done up in a simple bun with small strands hanging down, framing my face. The dress itself is an aquamarine blue with a high neckline and no sleeves. It cuts short around my knees, to highlight the sequined shoes I wear, made to look similar to fish scales (not as bad as it sounds).

I don't understand why the Capitol wants to dress us up like dolls only to send us into an arena to die four days later. I walk out of the room and meet up with my stylist outside where the chariots are. My district partner, Caspian, already stands beside ours, dressed in a deep blue suit and holding a shimmering trident. Our overall chariot is decorated with different shades of blue and things like fish, waves and tridents. At least it's not as bad as some of the others.

We're told to wait for all the other tributes to come for the parade to start. The tributes slowly start to file in and people admire all the different costumes. Most of the Districts dress similarly each year. District One has diamonds, Seven has trees and Eight is draped in colourful fabrics, representing textiles. I'm not surprised I've ended up in a blue dress with fish shoes and trident props. Typical District 4.

I can't help thinking of Olivia. She would hate this. The costumes and stylists, fussing over how you look. She never did enjoy things like this. I'm glad I volunteered for her. She wouldn't have lasted long here. I wonder if she's watching this today. I wonder if she's thinking that she'd rather take my place.

Once all the tributes arrive we load up into the chariots and finish the final touches.

Third Person POV:

District 1 is the first chariot to emerge to the crowd and the Capitol citizens cheer and scream. Cody waves confidently with a broad smile but Erika just stands, staring ahead with a blank expression. Both them and their chariot are, as always, decorated with diamonds and other luxuries that District 1 provides.

District 2 is next to come in to view. This chariot is made of a solemn black metal and is decorated very simply. The tributes, Sparkle and Casimir, stand together with a proud expression,excited to be in this year's Games.

Lark and Clennan stand nervously in the next chariot, decorated with bright lights and swirling wires, representing District 3, the district of technology.

The next chariot, District 4, comes out, an electric shade of blue. Caspian proudly holds a trident and Ashlyn smiles brightly, waving to the crowd. The horses pulling the chariot are pure white with shells and seaweed braided extravagantly into their manes and tails.

The chariots continue to ride out, District 5 in glowing lights, District 6 with trains and hovercrafts. Each representing their importance to the Capitol.

Juliet and Zane both come out standing in a chariot decorated with trees and bushes, staring straight ahead where the President stands at a podium. The District 7 reaping didn't exactly go very well and I think they both know that the President will target them in the arena.

District 8 was interesting because there were three tributes instead of two. The siblings, Kailan and Altair, stood proudly at the front of the chariot with their linked hands held up. Corie stands behind them staring ahead at the President, looking half happy and half sad. Probably because she's stuck on a chariot instead of in the arena. Extravagant fabrics are draped over the chariot and each tributes wears an outfit of mismatched materials.

Next is District 9, wearing the usual plain golden yellow costume, representing grain. District 10 comes out dressed as cowboys and sheep. And District 11 appears wearing plain white outfits covered in different foods their District supplies. The next District to arrive is one that everyone awaits excitedly. Its almost become a tradition that the parade end with District 12 in a costume that far outshines the others. Even the other stylists look forward to seeing what District 12 has come up with.

Chloe and Hanson stand together in the middle of their completely black chariot. They too are covered in complete black and the only fire that burns is at the top of the chariot. A sconce-like bowl sits atop a staff in the middle of the chariot, between the two tributes, and holds a large burning fire. Tiny invisible lights have been strung from the staff, creating the illusion of sparks above them. Chloe's already red hair looks bright next to the burning flames but instead of waving to the crowd she scowls at the President and Hanson does the same. Neither of them look very happy to be here. The Capitol crowd cheers and shouts, deciding which tributes to root for in the Games.

Ashlyn Pope's POV:

I wave one last time to the crowd before our chariot disappears from view. After changing out of our costumes and thanking our stylists, Caspian and I both head up to our District floor. It's still pretty early in the day but neither of us feel like going anywhere, especially with training tomorrow. Even though we aren't in an alliance together we still talk about strategies and we go through different scenarios that could take place in the arena. The whole time I try and put on a brave face and accept the fact that I'm going to be in the arena in a matter of days. I'm happy to figure out ways to better survive in the Games but it's just a heavy reminder that there's a large chance I won't be coming back out. 

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