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Sparkle Jackson's POV:

I walk out into the stage, towards the interviewer. My long silvery-white dress flows out behind me and the Capitol crowd cheers as I come into view. I sit down in the comfortable chair and face Joy. She smiles, introduces herself and starts asking questions.

"What do you hope the arena looks like?"

"Are you happy with your score from training?"

"Why should people sponsor you?"

It's seems that most interviews go about the same sort of way. Being a Career, the Capitol crowd already loves me and they clap and cheer every time I speak. I wonder what my Mom is thinking. My sister died in the Games a few years ago, I need to win this for her. I need sponsors to help me do that. Already it seems like the crowd loves me, being a young Career and all.

Keith Kidd's POV:

"So why did you volunteer?" Joy asks, smiling to the crowd. I shift uncomfortably. Why does everyone ask me that? I volunteered for that little kid in District 5 so that he wouldn't die in the Games. I volunteered because it was the right thing to do.

"Um...well... I volunteered because I've always wanted to be in the Games. To win would be a great honour." I lie, hoping the Capitol citizens think about sponsoring me. Maybe the other tributes will think I'm better too. I mentally cringe, usually you play the weak tribute and come out as strong, not play the strong tribute and people find out your weak.

Lark Bliss's POV:

I notice during my entire interview Joy tends to sit more away from me and avoids the whole topic of me being forced here, thinking I'm some criminal and that she's in danger. Seriously, I was sitting near the fence doing nothing. Okay, maybe I was screaming about how terrible the Capitol is but that doesn't mean that I'm part of some rebel organization.

" are you liking the Capitol so far?" She says, smiling overly sweetly.

"Great." I say, holding back all of the things I'd truly like to say. The President is already watching my every move, I don't need to make it worse for myself. My mind constantly wanders to last year's tribute, Maya Sinders, a girl accused of stealing. The Gamemakers took her out on Day Two. No matter how hard I try, I'm not going to make it out of this alive.

A/N- Sorry this chapter isn't that great. Next chapter the Games start though!

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