Games~Day 3~Part 2

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Update: There are 15 tributes remaining.

Ashlyn Pope's POV:

I dump the content's of Poppy's pack on the soft moss covered ground. Pine needles create a serene landscape across the forest floor and Chloe watches me from a perch high up in a tree.

The scratchy green sweater is the first thing I notice, followed by the flashlight and the tent. One thing I haven't seen before is the small slip of paper folded inside the sweater pocket. As I pull it out and unfold it I find an old worn photograph. The edges are frayed and the creases defined with faded wear. The picture itself is clear.

Poppy stands behind her mother, her arms around her shoulders, with a smile that lights up her eyes.  Her mother sits in a wooden chair, pale and weary but kind looking all the same. She is flanked by two young children, twins, who stand excitedly on either side of her. They both have Poppy's dark hair and the resemblance between the two is striking. They look happy. Hopeful.

I turn over the picture and read the back. Written in the corner in elegant cursive it says: Evyn, Ann, Clara and Poppy. District 5.

Beside that is the date and the age of everyone. I can't help but study Evyn and Clara. Poppy told me about her two siblings who were in the Games two years ago. I shake my head, wondering how such a thing could happen that could simply tear apart a family. In the corner of the photo the Capitol seal is stamped in gold, showing that it's been approved as a token. Poppy's token.

"What's that?" Chloe asks, hopping down to a lower branch to take a closer look. I offer her the picture, reaching up to place it in her outstretched hand.

"It's Poppy's. It's her token." I say blankly, watching Chloe look over the picture. She tosses it back down nonchalantly and I dive to catch it, glaring at her. She pulls a rusted necklace from under her jacket and dangles it in front of me.

"Lark's." Is all she says, her eyes sharp and accusing as she holds up the other token. I stare at her wide eyed, she must have kept that ever since the bloodbath. I shove Poppy's photo in my jacket pocket and put the supplies back in the pack. I grab a branch and swing myself up, climbing to where Chloe sits.

"Look, I know we aren't all that close and that I'm probably the last person you want to have left as an ally but this is it. We need to stop having this divide between us because Poppy and Lark aren't here. We're in the Games and either way, we're in this together."

She watches me skeptically, her expression guarded and I feel sorry for her. The lost girl who just wanted to take care of her brother. Who just wanted a chance, an ally, and in the end a friend.

Inuk Winters' POV: (I just realized my mistake but no, Poppy and Inuk are not related though they have the same last name)

I sit with my legs stretched out in my sleeping bag, a loaf of bread in hand. I tear small chunks of it apart, dividing them in two piles. I slice an apple with my dagger and poured two small bowls of water. I smile, the Capitol is trying to make us miserable and yet here I am, making lunch just like I used to for the mayor.

When I was a servant, I think to myself.

But things are quite different now and I must remember that either everything is going to end for me or I'll be returning to my District richer than that mayor could ever imagine.

But Killian.

If I went back without him his father would surely finds ways to punish me for the rest of my life. And besides, Killian is going to win. I'm going to make sure of that.

Erika Riker's POV:

The forest fires are still going, as President Jean told me they would. My allies were furious when we first saw the massive flames this morning and I went along with it, pretending to be just as frustrated. President Jean's plan is going as scheduled so far.

Hopefully not for long.

I'm currently waiting just beyond the tree line near the cornucopia, waiting for Marlyn's signal. My allies think I'm hunting when really I'm rebelling against the President who threatened me and brought me into her undercover plan and offered to spare me my life. Sounds totally plausible.

Suddenly a tiny flash goes off in the force field high above me. It's small enough that just any tribute won't think much of it but to me it is like a tiny spark of hope. I smile, knowing Acel and Marlyn must have gotten through. I turn towards the large trees beside me and face the side of the force field, invisible with a brief glance but obvious if you really look. I set down my pack and reach out to it. I laugh when my hand passes right through the barrier, the electricity having been drained from it.

Marlyn told me to start small at first, not putting more than my arms through until they figure out how to completely shut it down. Otherwise the Gamemakers might detect a disturbance in the force field and they'll figure everything out. Which, as Acel and Marlyn so nicely drilled into my mind, would not be a good thing.

Axel Button's POV:

I walk through the rock field, having been driven out of the forest by the fires, and scan the cliffs for any tributes. I can see Kailan far off along the edge near the end of the rocks but I know that if I don't approach her, she won't approach me.

My pack is a lot lighter now that I don't have all of Felicity's stuff with me but my spear feels heavy in my hand. It's a lot different to be here without an ally. It's just me wandering around, waiting for something, anything, to happen that might end either in something good or bad. I wish I still had someone here to keep me company. A friend. Someone I could trust.

I continue on until I reach the beach, sitting in the dry sand with my pack beside me. It's peaceful out there, no other tributes along the shoreline to bother me. I suddenly remember what I came here to do and I immediately feel anxious. I pull out the bunch of apples that Felicity had brought to our camp this morning and lay them in the sand. There are five in all and I throw the first four into the rough waves in front of me. There are too many for me anyways and I don't want another tribute getting to them. I pick up the final apple and hold it in the palm of my hand. The surface is and taunting. I flip it a few times and set it back down in front of me.

Suddenly Hanson comes running out of the bushes, followed by Corrie. Hanson spots me and sprints towards where I'm sitting, trying to lure Corrie to me. I grab my spear from the ground and stand up; the sudden movement making me unbalanced. Hanson approaches me quickly but doesn't stop, running right past. It's Corrie who reacts to me first. She holds a throwing knife in her hand, ready to throw at any moment. Hanson stops a few feet away and watches Corrie circle me, taunting me. I think of all the possible ways this scenario will most probably end and realize either way I'm not getting out. Corrie jumps forward abruptly but instead of striking me she whips the throwing knife at Hanson, immediately taking out the unsuspecting tribute.


The cannon really sets me off and I back away slowly. The apple hits my ankle and I crouch down, putting my hands up as if I'm surrendering. However, before Corrie can get another knife and aim I've reached down, picked up the apple, and taken a bite. Of course almost immediately I can feel the poison taking affect and I fall, the one fragment of closure that I manage to hold onto is that I'm dying the exact same way Felicity did. As I close my eyes I see Corrie staring at me in shock, my actions unexpected.


A/N: Sorry that chapter was kind of boring. I tried to make it longer but ended up making it drag on. Really wanted to get an update out. Also, I'll be changing my username soon so don't be alarmed if my account looks different. Anyways, as always, thank you so much to those who are reading. It means a lot to me! :)

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