Training Scores

170 10 1

Mayor Anderson's POV (District 12):

A Peacekeeper comes storming into the room holding a young child. The kid is having an utter tantrum, adding to his already bedraggled looking state.

"This boy was left alone in the streets after tribute Chloe Bloom was taken to the Captiol. We need your consent to take him to an orphanage." He explains. I smirk. Having just learned of the President's plans this is a perfect opportunity.

"No that won't be necessary. Leave him with me." I say, motioning for the child. "That will be all, your dismissed." The Peacekeeper leaves and I turn to the little boy.

"You might just get to go on a trip to the Capitol and the President will be waiting there so you can meet her." I say, ruffling his light brown hair. He just glares at me, tears staining his cheeks.

"Now...whats your name?" I ask. The little boy doesn't move, his bright blue eyes glimmering.

"You took my sister." He states. I falter. What am I supposed to say?

"Well, no. She just went for a visit to the Capitol too. You might get to see her while you're there." His expression doesn't change.

"My name is Airyn." He says quietly.

"Airyn why don't you sit right beside me and watch the training scores. I was about to watch them before you arrived.We can see what your sister got."

As if on cue, the television screen comes to life. The Capitol seal appears briefly before switching to a view of Joy Flowershine, the new interviewer. She was promoted from escort just last week. Her cheerful voice plays through the speakers as she begins her report. Tributes start popping up on the screen, numbers beneath their faces.

Erika comes on first. Her long black hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Her expression is ruthless, determined. She scores an 11. Cody follows with a matching score. So far District 1 is as to be expected.

Next is Sparkle, her smiling face shining above a 9. Her District partner, Casimir gets a 10.

The girl caught in District 3, Lark scores a 6 and Clennan with the same.

District four is next. Ashlyn ends up with a 6, Caspian a 7. I frown, those are surprisingly low scores for a Career district.

District 5 isn't any better. Poppy scoring a 5 and Keith with a 7.

From District 6, Mayella gets a 7 and surprisingly Red receives an...11. Who new he was so good? I'll make sure I watch him more carefully in the Games.

District 7 isn't as promising though, Juliet scoring a 4 and Zane with a 7.

District 8, the district with 3 tributes comes up next. The siblings, Kailan and Altair both receive 8s and Corrie gets a 10.

The mayor's son from 9 has managed to score an 8 but his friend, Inuk, only gets a 5.

The Career from 10, Deston, gets an 11 and Gracelynn, an 8.

The young tributes from 11, Axel and Felicity both receive 6s and next to come up is District 12. Hanson shows up first, a 7 beneath his picture and Chloe is last. A large 10 lights up beneath her face. Her metallic blue eyes seem to stare right through the screen, watching her younger brother beside me. She has her reddish-blond hair parted over her shoulders and Airyn bursts into fresh tears as soon as he sees her picture. I roll my eyes. I hope I can get him to the Capitol sooner rather than later.

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