Chapter 9; Decisions

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The men had been trying to get information from the kid. I had learned that the kid was shooting at them and then tried jumping off a building. Unfortunately he was impaled and the men couldn't leave him there as good for the walkers. It sounds like a waist of time to me. I'm getting tired of Rick's group, to be honest.

On the sorta bright side, Beth has gotten a little bit better. But she is very depressed. She won't eat or come downstairs. Maggie and I had tried to get her spirits up many times but it's no use.

"Hey, Beth," I said as I sat on the end of her bed. "Why don't we horseback ride today?"

She just shrugged. I gave an exasperating sigh. "Beth, you have to come down today."

She just looked away. I was about to yell when Maggie came in.

"Hey, Bethy " Maggie brought a tray of food in and set it on Beth's nightstand. "I brought you some food."

She sat up slightly. Andrea came into the room and said, "Hey, I can talk with her for a while."

Maggie and I eyed her before giving the two some privacy. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. It was just me and Maggie. She leaned over the counter and grabbed my hand.

"Lucy," she said quietly. "I told Glenn that I loved him."

"Really?! That's great, Mags! Did he say it back?" I said with my voice rising a little too high.

Maggie shook her head 'no'. "He just stood there, like he was shocked."

"What? Why not?"

She sighed, "I don't think he likes me like that, Lucy." She said as she looked down.

"No, Maggie," I said as I squeezed her hand. "He likes you. I have proof. Mabey he's just shy?" I try to reason. Surely he likes her. He's always standing by her and always talking about her. Plus I've seen him staring at her like a love struck puppy.

She just shrugged. A few minutes later, Andrea sauntered back down the stairs.

"How is she?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and said, "You should have more faith in her. She needs to make her own decisions."

Maggie and I look at each other as Andrea leaves the house. I walk up the stairs with Maggie following close behind. I open Beth's door to find her gone. I hear crying in her bathroom. Maggie and I rush to the door. Maggie twisted the doornob but it was locked.

"Beth?" She cries.

"Beth, open up." I tried opening the door but it was no use.

We pound on the door but her crying only grows louder. I hear glass breaking.

"Beth?!" I pound on the door and wiggle the nob.

"Beth, come on, honey. Open up." Maggie tries.

"Beth, we're not mad, honey." I tried as Lori ran into the room.

"What's wrong?" She asked quickly.

"She locked the door and I think I heard glass breaking." Maggie answered frantically as she ran a hand threw her short brown hair.

Lori knocks on the bathroom door. "Beth? Beth open up."

Beth just continued to cry. Lori grabbed the knife from her food tray and jabbed it into the door. She pried the door open.

Beth turned around from the mirror with broken shards of glass in her small hands. Her wrists were bleeding as she continued to say, "I'm sorry."

Maggie and I rush to her and we hug her. We put her back into bed and I cleaned and bandaged her wrists. What would make her do this?

The Sheriff (Rick Grimes ff) (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora