Chapter 5: You're Beautiful

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Ms. Grant was currently babbling about how the Daily Planet scored a higher rating in some public choice survey during their staff meeting and I was already being annoyed since this was the third staff meeting she has with us within the day. Ms. Grant was ranting that since that topnotch reporter and Supergirl was already with her she can be more than in everything with Daily Planet. I just shrug it off already feeling pressured for the things Ms. Grants was expecting. I'm trying to silence my ears from Ms. Grant's words by replacing the sound of someone's not so distant heartbeat. In a few yards I can hear one of the most familiar heart beat my ears can pick up. It belongs to a certain woman with raven hair and green eyes. Hearing it somewhere my heart seemed to skip a beat as well. My eyes travelled to the door hearing Lena's heart beat to seize that location in my calculations. There she is walking as beautiful as ever. I always consider Lena as the most stunning woman I ever seen. The porcelain skin from her toes, going up her to her thighs which can be seen in just normal length from her executive skirt was flawless. She does not need to show more skin. She does not have to with the way how mature her body as a woman. Sometimes I feel myself a little light headed. My eyes continue to travel to her bumped chest on which sometimes she show's more on certain events she was with me. It never fails me to be extremely distracted but wanted to act formal and platonic towards Lena. Actually I do not know if I succeeded to those attempts normalcy that when I'm with her. Then my eyes finally went up to her face. It was kind, soft but intrepid. Her signature red lipstick never fails too to bring unexplained feelings in my gut when I stare at it. When Lena finally saw me from where I was sitting her green orbs met mine and I swear to God they smiled too together with her lips.

"Lena!" I know I have been aware of her presence right before she showed on the glass door of our office but I still wanted to let her know that I was surprised. "What's for the visit? How Catco be of help with you Ms. Luthor?" I rushed to Lena hugged her completely ignoring Ms. Grant interrupted whine on the Daily Planet. "Just wanted to break in with you personally that there will be Charity Ball, L-Corp will be holding together with Cobalt Tech so I was wondering if Catco can help us cover the event." Lena explained the reason of her visit. I was hoping she was just wanted to steal me from this unceasing meeting with Cat Grant but I am not disappointed because nevertheless she went to visit me so I am not complaining. "That was just the second thing because primarily I wanted to ask you to have dinner with me after your day." Lena added and boy my smile was beyond the clouds thinking she was actually saving my day. "Sure that would be awesome. That is my answer for the two things, the event and your invitation. I replied not to sound too excited.

"Ms. Grant lovely evening. I'm sorry to barge in with the staff meeting, I thought Kara was already done for the day assuming it was weekend and already 8pm would you mind to wrap up everything? I was hoping to catch up with Kara." Lena tried to be polite in front my boss.

"I believe were almost done now Lena, but don't worry Supergirl is dismissed. Probably next week my Editor in Chief will be more of what I was expecting of her to be. Alright everyone that would be all the rant I was hoping to share with you. Now out! All of you." We, all the staff and reporters went out of the office and Lena just gave me that question look but I just waved it a told her I tell her during dinner. My right hand took her left hand = and we went to my office to retrieve my bag at my office when Lena greeted the man outside my door. "Mr. Hunt good to see you." Lena addressed Ed and the young man got ecstatic to see my Lena and that she has greeted him first. "Hello Ms. Luthor it was lovely to see you again too. Hey Kara I left one my report at your desk for Cobalt Tech I believe Ms. Luthor's name was mentioned there too, not just ones but plenty of times I suppose. Hope you can take a look at tonight but I also emailed it to you.

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