Chapter 12: Beating Heart

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Lena's POV

I woke up from a luminous surrounding, I adjusted my light eyes to the scene then it got clear I saw that it came from a lamp above me. Where am I now this time? I asked myself recollecting how many times I woke up from a different location every time I got my consciousness back. I tried to pull my hand to my face but it was restrained by something. When I looked unto it, it was attached to the hand of the blonde beauty I admired so much. Is this real? Am I home? Maybe I am, wherever she is for me its home. I take in her exquisiteness and the sweetness she radiates just by simply holding my hand. Unintentionally I squeezed her hand and her eyes started to flutter open then there it is ocean eyes looked back at me.

"Lena! You're awake!" Kara screamed and I can't help but smile. She looks so real yet it still felt like a dream.

"Am I? I felt like I'm still dreaming. I squeeze your hand to feel something it's still a little surreal" I said still trying so much to figure out the fact that I am safe in Kara's presence. "By any chance Lena, touch me. I am real." Kara answered and smiled. Her eyes were full of tenderness as it always been when she looks at me. Touch me. Her intrepid words got my attention. I know she only meant to touch in a platonic way, still this got me aroused? No just excited, taking everything to be finally real. "Can I?" I asked and she moved closer to me with no hesitance. She sat on the bed and I felt her soft movements not to accidentally squeeze my body and leaned a little closer in front to me. I raised my hand and she bent down a little bit. I cupped her face. Her smooth face was only inches from me and I can feel her heavy breathes.

"Kara?" I softly spoke. "Hmmm...?" she just hummed feeling it vibrate on my hand. "Can you touch me too?" I requested and she did without hesitation. We were like that for a minute just staring at each other's eyes waiting for words to fill in silence. "Lena, I-" Kara wanted to say something but Alex came in eventually.

I'm glad everything was ok now and I wanted to talk about what happened to me. But I still feel heavy and I felt like I'm going to pass out in few minutes again. I told myself I'll go back to sleep when I get to my own bed.

I remembered Kara was supposed to say something before Alex went in. "Oh...I- I was just to going to say that I am so glad that J'onn and I finally found you there. We- I, I am tremendously relieved now you are safe. Lena I cannot take it if something bad happens to any of you under my watch, especially you. I will never forgive myself. I'm, I just...I can't lose you." Kara said and tears came tagging on her cheeks after she said that. My poor Kara, she was worried sick, it pained me to see her cry. I'll be like this too if something terrible happens to her. "Kara it's okay, please don't cry or I might cry too." I'm trying to fight my tears and this was hard seeing her in pain. I know she was best friend and it would pained her to She held my hand and we stayed like that for a little while waiting for Alex to come back so I can go home immediately.

When Alex came back preparing for my discharge she told me again the set up for my escorts that will be stationed on my penthouse. "Alright Lena I'll go with you to help you to get you comfortable so can rest properly." Alex said when Kara interrupted. "No Al, I'll go with Lena. You go home now, Kelly and Esme must be worried with Lena too. Will you go home for me and tell them that she was safe now? You've been here for over 36 hours now Alex, with no sleep. Please let me take care of Lena." Kara said and it occurred to me again how my abduction has left every one worried and troubled. "I'm sorry for making you all worried." I told them but they quickly dismissed it. "Don't be sorry Lena it was not your fault you have been kidnapped. We will talk about what happened after you rest properly. You're safety was more important. OK Kara if you insist, just please be careful. And please call me if something happened. I love you both." Alex hugged me and Kara though she made just a small one to me seeing my recovering body.

"Kara?" I called Kara.She immediately turned to me. "Yes Lena? Are you ready to go?" I nodded buttold her. "Will you fly me home?" I just wanted to hug her desperately her warmbody was all I wanted for this moment. "Of course princess." Her pet name forme made my heart swell and it made me silently smile. She hurried and took mein her arms. Supergirl held me tight but gentle at the same time as we soar notthat high going out of the DEO to the direction of my penthouse. The wind was alittle cold since the dawn was just ending but the warmth of this Kryptoniangave me more than enough heat to fight the cold breeze. The morning sky wasalready creeping in by the distance. So, it was already morning but I am stillsleepy. Kara's beating heart was noticeable since I my head was resting on herchest. It thuds like a lullaby gently pulls me to slumber. Before I can closemy eyes I looked at Kara's face, to her exposed jaw going to her full lipsimagining and wandering how does it tastes. It might be as soft as her smoothcheeks and would taste like heaven. When Kara seems just inches from me I can'talways help imagining these things. How her hugs just melt away the pain I feeland made me feel safe and sound. I gradually begin to close my eyes when I feltthat Kara already landed. In a few seconds I tried to open my eyes again sawKara already changed to her normal clothes and I was already tucked in my bed.My eyes were already heavy probably from all what Alex gave me before I wasdischarged. "Kara?" I called her again. Hoping she was not yet annoyed with me."Yes Lee?" She answered immediately. So I did not hesitate to request one morething before I fully close my eyes. "Can you come here? Please?" I told herwanting her to climb on my huge bed, fighting the heaviness of my eyelids. Iknow she understands what I meant. "OK." She just answered willingly and I'mglad she did. I can feel Kara moved beside me and I immediately searched forher hand. I held her hand, glad Kara just let me. "Kara, I'm sorry I made youall worry. I'll fix this I promise, so it won't happen again." I told Karatrying to speak more through almost crossed eyes. "We'll talk more about whathappened just rest for now." Kara replied and I just nodded as I surrendered tothe itching sleepiness on my eyes but before that I heard Kara's whisper."Sleep now Lee, I will be here when you wake up."

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