Chapter 32: Not In This Universe

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Kara’s POV

Why can’t I tell her that it was her? I may be a super with incredible strength who fights extremely terrifying creatures but I am scared little pony when it comes to Lena Luthor. I thought I have become braver when I finally spill it out to the world that I am Supergirl but finding the balls to tell Lena the truth has been never my strong suit. It’s been two weeks since that frustrated confession I have with her. Lena was having a set back as well, it was obvious with her actions that she was somehow giving some sort distance and this was because of my stupid half-hearted confession. I made myself consumed more alien alcohol on my system that I usually take that night build up some courage to share Lena all the feelings I was keeping all these years but to my dismay ended up telling her tell tale of half-truths. I left one most important detail. That I am madly in love with her all this time. Rao why am I being much of a coward? The regrets creep inside me day after day after that confession, not knowing how to take it back or come up to another plan to let it all out eventually.
The confession was too far for being simple. She has already confessed to me that she was in love with someone for a long time now and breaking out the truth to her would be very much complicated for her and to our friendship that made me step on the brakes immediately. I could ruin everything. What was I’m thinking? Seeing how things turned out being said with half-truths Lena already run away. How much more when I break it to her gently? Oh Rao, if it is going to be that gentle. This was getting more complicated as time pass by, slowly burning me with guilt for feeling that way to my best friend.
I came back to the present when Alex has alarmed me there was a robbing incident on nearby supermarket. I did not ask further as screaming was already picked up by my super hearing.
“Haven’t you’ve been taught that stealing is a crime? Leave that now and come with me in the station!” I have been telling some robbers to stop what they’re doing when I flew down to the scene but they failed to follow what I just said. Instead they came out running on the opposite side of the store but I caught two men who were on haste to get out. “Supergirl please, my kids are hungry and this store won’t let us buy them. They said it was all sold out. I was not stealing these. I left my money on the counter but they refuse to take it.” The stricken man replied and the other nodded as if he has the same explanation. “Then why not try on the other stores? If you have money to buy those, why not buy them on the other store if this one’s sold out?” I asked them not getting the point of their actions. The two men looked at me with frustration. “Don’t you know Supergirl?” The other man said looking me with disbelief. ”These past days there have been a shortage of food. Supermarkets won’t let us buy bulk even how much we offer. Miserably just this morning, they totally refused us to sell this food so we just took them by leaving some big money on them. I’m sorry we have to do this, please let me take this first to our children. I’ll follow your orders then.” The news caught me off guard how can something like this alarming get past on me. I simply work on a media and do not know this particularly important issue. “Go on. First leave your names so I can get tabs on you. I’ll talk to the authorities.” The two agreed and trusted me with their ID’s after that they’ve gone out in seconds. I flew immediately to Alex to tell her what happened.
“It won’t surprise me Supergirl, since these food companies wanted the situation controlled and hushed down but it was already broke off. Who they think they’re kidding, these problems could not be hushed down. These are human basic needs no wonder chaos was breaking in. When someone is hungry he will surely find somewhere to look for a source.” Alex scanned other reported robbery this morning through the DEO monitors and proven of the breaking chaos in National City. Everyone was alerted and for no further question the approach of another horseman was being felt.
“Famine the third horseman, there is no doubt that it is their doing.” I paced back in forth out of habit. “Is there a way the government can help the City produce or manufacture more food supplies? How about stocks and reserve, I am pretty sure that those food industry where keeping the supply limited, I know there some hoarding being done and that is illegal.”
“I’ll be coordinating this issue to the secretary of states, we don’t want to intrude again on the state seeing no extra-normal doing may be used as a proof as of the moment. You know the rules Supergirl, we should always seek authority before jumping the gun in our field of work.” J’onn spoke telling me not to rush speaking to these owners of multimillionaires food industry one by one. “I understand J’onn but it won’t stop me for reporting this, after all I’m a bad ass reporter.” I told J’onn planning to head off to Catco. “No doubt about that chief.” J’onn responded as he ringed Secretary Brown of the Head of States and I flew out immediately.
“Glad you could join us my editor in chief.” Ms. Grant responded as I came to her to hand in the speedy report I made about the hoarding and chaos breaking-in in National City. Her eyes were fixed on her laptop typing furiously and never bothered to give even a glance.
“Print it out right away.” Ms. Grant responded not actually looking yet the papers I have given her. “But you haven’t read it yet.” I told her a matter of fact. “I don’t need to, you’re the EIC so print it out immediately. You’re not the only source on the Superfriends Kara, I already spoke to Lena about that. You know the third horseman so I am currently working on to help the State cook us some food so shoo. Print that out.” Ms. Grant shoo me away as she continually tap on her laptop and dial someone of her phone through her Bluetooth earphone. I guess this is one way for help as of the moment Kara Danvers the Editor in Chief, while Supergirl will do the other works when she has the queue. Ms. Grant was a hero herself and everyone knows she is the kind who does not need a cape.
Ms. Grant spoke to Lena and I haven’t even had one serious conversation with her with the past few weeks. We talked casually but I know when Lena has her walls, and these past weeks it was staying up between us and I feel like I a starting to feel that one day she will be completely out of my reach. I decided to get to her after I print out my article on the food shortage in National City. We know they are coming, the other horsemen, but there are no such things as over prepared.
I called Lena but she was not picking up. I immediately asked Alex if she was in the DEO but I was told the she’s in LCorp at this moment. I thanked her for the info and rushed to the Lena’s, fifty-stories building and landed on her office’s balcony. When I landed I heard a conversation I wish I have not caught up to when I landed. Lena was talking to someone and as I get a clearer view it was a man.
“I’m sure you’re beyond thrilled Edward but I can’t promise anything.” Lena told the brown haired man and his soft brown eyes never left Lena’s. A surge of jealousy crept on me as I saw Edward took Lena’s hand and kissed it like a knight giving his princess delightful acknowledgement. How dare he touch my Lena with that kind of gesture! “I never thought of you warlocks act like knights of some sorts.” I broke off my cool getting inside from the corridor uninvited totally losing my cool seeing Edward’s lips has given himself with free pass to touch any part of the woman I am in love with. How dare he?
“My thoughts as well, I never thought Supers can act like a creep of some sorts.” Edward retorted as he gently put down Lena’s hand. Tension can be felt inside Lena’s office.
“Now, now, play nice children. God you two. Edward I thought you were just suggesting a hand shake. Kissing someone’s knuckle may be a charmer at some point in time but it was tremendously awkward on these era don’t you think?” Lena spoke giving a warning as Edward just raise her brows to acknowledge but did not apologize. Can’t he get the idea that its harassment as he was not given any consent of what he just done. This man boils my Kryptonian blood to that point for just merely standing there. “And Supergirl, being in someone’s balcony unsolicited can be considered creepy to some peoples view. I’m sure you agree.” Lena spoke the obvious but this does not make me mad since I have done this plenty of time only this time Edward was here to witness it.
“I’m sorry if my entrance came out wrong since I have been doing this for the past five years and only been called out when a certain stranger came by to visit you. My apologies Lena.” Lena did not further take more comment on the entrance and just changed the question on her mind most probably. “Doesn’t matter. Mr. Hunt I’ll see you on our discussed time. Good bye.” Lena was quick on dismissing Edward and the man just nodded his goodbye and walk out the door of Lena’s office. “I know the two of you will not get along after that incident.” Lena said sitting down on her office chair. “Not get along? I’m mad with him of course Lena! He basically kidnapped you before remember? How can I just get along with that Edward Hunt? Huh?” I replied fuming with Lena’s choice of words. “That’s in the past Kara I know and I still don’t trust that man either but he’s in a coven I am responsible of so his presence is beneficial to do some work for me. Please calm down and tell me why you have flown here to my office and starts getting angry to a man you know fully well I don’t trust either.” I was ashamed on how I get angry and Lena sure does know how to call people out for their improperness. “I’m sorry, I just got a little edgy seeing him here and witnessing him touches you with that sly mouth of his. How dare he?  Come here let me put some sanitizer over your knuckles. That slick warlock was sure hitting on you!” I got some sanitizer from her table and dubbed on her hand. Lena giggled on my actions. “So you’re just jealous then. That’s why you lash out.” Lena continued to grin as I wipe her hand. “I am not, I just wanted to give you a hint that he was hitting on you.” I responded trying to deny the obvious. “And how can you think I did not know that. If I’m an old woman from the 50’s probably I’ll take his gestures to be charming.” Lena spoke again and I gasped. “I am so glad you are not an old woman Lena what he did was extremely non-charming. You should bring some of these sanitizers the next time you meet him for any coven related meetings. That man can sure do the same slick trick on you!” I pointed and Lena just laughed on the comment. “Sure thing I will Kara, now what’s the update?” Lena spoke and mu mind flew back to our current situation with the Third Horseman. “I was already informed of the situation on the third horseman’s plot, its Famine this time. No doubt about that.” Lena’s tone changed, as the mention of the horseman. “J’onn was already speaking to the State ambassadors since we still have no direct evidence it is the horseman’s dealings no matter how many times we have already warned the states of its approach.” I explained to Lena and she just thought of the situation. “We have to understand them too Kara, as we know they just have a different view of protection for the people. The image was always important to give truths, no matter how terrifying the truths are.” Lena sighed to the current dilemma. “Yeah you’re right. I just came from Catco to publish the article on the chaos breaking on the hoarding that is most likely happening. It’s just we need to stop this as soon as possible. You know, we know, what was coming but at the same it always giving us a hard time to fully deal with them still. If it’s not for your help, I don’t know if we can manage all this.” I told Lena telling her some of my frustrations but completely leaving out the actual frustration I was feeling on the previous confession I made. This clouded up my mind and Lena might have picked up the frowning I was making and back out.
“That’s one of the reason I talked to Ed Hunt, I was hoping I can get more intel on the horseman from the coven. I told him I will be back asking for a brief meet up with them today.” Lena spoke. She knows how much I dislike of her communicating with the coven but these are necessary. It’s not that I dislike it but it was still hard for me to entrust Lena with them. The information of the coming of the horseman came from them so we know it was only a matter time that we will seek more information from them how to deal with them again sooner or later. “Yeah, no matter how I am still uncomfortable you getting in touch with your coven we have no other choice. Be careful Lee.” I told Lena. She just nodded. “Moreover the coven wanted me to join them eventually for a little occasion so if I think it will be best to go now to meet with them just once. I still feel unwelcomed over there no matter how much they say that I am their Supreme. They still of direct influence of my aunt, Calixta not that I care much but still it was hard to feel at home when people just consider you an appointed leader by destiny and not of their democracy. They respect me but they do not fully act on my command on their own. Well they just simply don’t look up to me like they do with Calixta. Power does always make influence and influence gives respect.” Lena said and my complaint on the dislike I have for coven seems small on how Lena was actually witnessing and feeling over there. “I was hoping they will not give you more of a hard time.” I said but I was curious of the occasion they would be celebrating there. “Have Edward told you what occasion are you to be attending?” so I asked. “I was only told of a proposal.  Then you came so I was not able to ask further not that I am fully interested on some proposal celebration in the midst of this upcoming horseman we need to deal with.” Lena responded, hearing annoyance to her words and I can fully understand since the coven seemed unbothered to the details of the horseman. “Yeah what a bummer.” I just replied.
Not having long conversations with Lena seemed so long ago. I know we don’t have things to talk about more as of the moment, since we are still figuring out some things for the third horseman so a silence took over us. Lena looked me in the eyes and so did I. The stare seemed like the ones we always have and I can help but hear Lena’s marching heart. Why is she getting nervous? I know she might be getting feeling awkward since the last time we have some serious conversation I made that stupid half-truth confession. I talked to myself wanting to bring it up again but panic starts to kick on me and when I panic I always stutter.
“Lena…I-I just wanted to umm…I- I was wondering if ummm…I-”
“Kara do this woman you’re in love with is it…is she someone we are friends with?” Lena asked and her heart was still on race. I myself surprised by her question. Her eyes still fixed on mine probably dreading who I am referring to the other time. It was you actually Lena. I wanted to say but my tongue was tied to the sudden tension. “Sort of, this woman…um she…uhmmm…she’s a great friend of mine.” I managed to answer.
“Was it Sam?” Lena asked bravely and my eyes widen. I never thought she would refer to her out of nowhere. “What!? No…no Sam I could never think of her that way although she’s a fantastic woman.” Hearing her say Sam’s name, one of our closest friend who were now resides at Metropolis, made me panic even more.
“So it was Lucy Lane?” Lena made another candidate. “Lena! No! Lucy’s still in love with James that can’t be no…no.” I feel suddenly helpless being interrogated by Lena Luthor as she pointed our Lucy, James’ ex and one of our close friends too, to be someone I was madly in love with.
“I see so it must have been Emily then? I know you too was getting a long ever since she’s become you’re little apprentice.” Lena pointed out like an attentive detective. Emily and I sure did made a great relationship but it was a mentor-apprentice relationship. None other. Sure we used to have dinner once or twice but I never ever and sure did she thought it as a date of some kind.
“Lena! No!…umm..I’m…I think I’m not ready. I should have not given you that half-made confession in the first place.” My mind started to cloud up again but I don’t want her to shut down. “I’m sorry Kara, I should not have charge in like that.” Regretting what she just did. Lena spoke breaking the eye contact. “No, no don’t be sorry, I should be the one to apologize. Maybe one day one of us can fully share it all with it comes to our love affairs or something like that, to one another. Before it was all kind of easy but this time it was kind of different seeing well, we both kind of fell in love with a woman. Bummer right?” I laughed but not the real ones. Just an awkward laugh you can always give from this kind of conversation. Lena’s heartbeat became normal and I was hoping this will not give her distance again.
“Lee can I ask you something though?” I asked as she went around to her office table. It gave me the impression our conversation will be cut off any moment and we will be back again to being awkward. “Yes what is it Kara?” she replied but her sigh was telling me she was resentful of the earlier banter.
“Can I ask you not to distance yourself from me?” Lena was caught up to her trance with the honesty. “I wasn’t.” Lena replied but sure is guilty. “Lee, I’m so sorry if things got a little awkward talking about this love stuff with you but I will never get used of you being away. So please can I ask you to not distance yourself because of stupid awkwardness I promise I’ll be better next time with confession stuffs.” I said clearly not making a lot of sense explaining what I was really asking. “Alright, I’m sorry Kara. Come here.” Lena called as she stand up and open her arms asking for a hug. Everyone knows I’m a big fan of those so I superspeed and lift Lena for a gentle and long hug. Feeling her embrace I feel like I was in cloud nine. Lena’s heartbeat made a race once more but little did she know so am I. Tell me Lena will you ever be mine? I have this question inside my mind that I do not know if I can ever speak of to her maybe not in this universe.

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